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Some more ideas about the effects of binaural beats


Okay, this is something I'd like some feedback from, if anyone is

interested to experiment and comment.

I've been experimenting a couple of times now, running through parts

of the frequency range, recording my observations of myself. The
first time, I was in a more sensitive state. The second time was in
normal awareness (normal for me, that is).

Both times I came across sensations at particular frequencies in

particular parts of my body. It seemed to have a pattern, in that the
higher frequencies seemed to relate to higher parts of my body.
Perhaps this is similar to the way the Chakra colours go from red (low
frequency) at the bottom of the spine, up to blues and violets (high
frequencies) at the top.

I have made a very rough mapping of this, but I stress - THIS IS VERY
ROUGH INDEED. I found large differences between the two runs, of up
to 1 Hz in places. So maybe it is not possible to accurately target
areas of the body with particular frequencies.

Still, I am interested to see if anybody else finds similar results.

It may be possible to design sequences that scan gently over a
frequency range, hoping to stimulate an approximate area of the body,
if it is not possible to pin-point an area.

So here is a very rough frequency-map of the body, with information

from both runs. As you can see, it is very approximate:

8.8 Crown
8.0 Nasal sinuses
7.3 In the centre of the brain
6.0 Neck
5.5 6.4 Throat
5.0 5.6 Heart
4.5 Low heart
5.1 Bottom of breast-bone
4.2 TRUTH centre ? Pleasant sensation.
4.0 On spine, lower back
4.6 Navel level
3.8 Just above sacrum
4.3 Just above pubic bone
3.65 Sex centre on sacrum
3.2 Edge of sleep
0.94 Edge of sleep
0.92 Connected to other self ? Pleasant, active, alert.
0.90 Connected to other self, quite deep

Feeling awake at 0.92Hz was a surprise for me - I had read that all
the Delta frequencies (supposedly everything below 4 Hz) are related
to a state of deep unconscious sleep.

As I say, I would be interested to hear if anybody else finds anything

similar from their own experimentation.

Jim Peters (_)/=\~/_(_) Uaz�
(_) /=\ ~/_ (_)
jim@ (_) /=\ ~/_ (_) www. (_) ____ /=\ ____ ~/_ ____ (_)

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SoulXen ( wrote (10-Nov-2002) to say that he/she has also

found a strong connection with the heart at 5.5Hz. This agrees with
the chart that I have above. This is felt after about 20 minutes

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