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accompanied by the sound of a party noise
07—08 Every goblin within 100 miles gains a
deep understanding of fine wines and high
09—10 The solar and lunar cycles reverse
(sun/moon rises in the west and sets in the
11—12 The caster’s skin becomes covered in
bright polka dots
13—14 The nearest nobility/royalty is convinced
that the party has stolen something of
importance from them.
15—16 The caster and the next party member they
speak to swap minds. Exchange all mental
scores, but keep all physical scores. They
swap back after 1d10 days.
17—18 The nearest town loses the ability to speak
and becomes proficient in interpretive
19—20 The caster’s pockets become filled with
21—22 The caster experiences particularly severe
flatulence for 1d4 days, though the scent is
of fresh-cut spring flowers rather than…
the usual scent of flatulence.
23—24 Storm clouds form in the area and rain
down upon the land. The rain isn’t water
however, instead it is melted butter.
25—26 Natural beasts within 10 miles quadruple
in size instantly. This does not affect
druids that have transformed with Wild
27—28 The caster gains the ability to pass through
walls, but only 50% of the way. They
become stuck if they try to move further
29—30 The next creature to come in physical
d100 Effect contact with the caster becomes instantly
01—02 The caster is sent back in time 1d20 hours. covered in black, sticky tar.
Make sure your DM is okay with this one! 31—32 The nearest cleric develops an insatiable
03—04 The party is plagued by voices in their appetite for dirt.
head. The voice sounds exactly like each 33—34 The caster discovers that their nose has
PC’s mother and criticizes and chastises become detachable.
everything they do for 1d4 weeks. Things 35—36 The next item the caster touches becomes
such as, “Oh, why would you kill that poor stuck to their hand as though held there by
goblin? What did he do to you?” and, “You Sovereign Glue (see Dungeon Master’s
need to wipe your feet before going into an Guide). However, it may be removed by
inn! Where are your manners?” Dispel Magic or Remove Curse.
05—06 Whenever the caster is hurt, a blast of
confetti shoots out of their ears,

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37—38 The caster gains eat-vision. By staring at 67—68 All food within 20 feet of the caster now
food or drink, they can focus their energy attracts bees from up to 10 miles away.
and eat/drink it from up to 100 feet away. 69—70 The nearest evil aligned creature believes
While using this ability, their eyes glow the party to be their greatest foe.
white and there is a faint smell of burning 71—72 The nearest field of crops animates and
flesh around them. rises up against the farmers of the region.
39—40 The nearest tree to the caster takes off into 73—74 All wheels within 1 mile morph into
the sky like a rocket until it reaches 5,000 square shapes.
feet above the ground, then promptly falls. 75—76 Whenever the caster is silent, an audible
41—42 The caster’s hair writes like snakes and ticking sound can be heard emanating
gains nerves so that they feel pain from inside their chest.
whenever they are cut. If they have no 77—78 The nearest huge creature finds that they
hair, they grow hair as well! absolutely need to hug out their problems
43—44 A squad of modrons appear and begin with everyone they meet; much to the
performing a musical symphony for the smaller creatures dismay!
party. When they finish, they leave 79—80 Every night when the party rests, while
immediately. they sleep their body slowly sinks into the
45—46 An extra arm sprouts from the caster’s ground, forming a small hole around them
forehead and lasts for 1d4 days before as the dirt magically moves aside. The hole
vanishing with a loud pop. It is devoted to gets 1 foot deeper per hour of sleep.
playing practical jokes on the caster or 81—82 Each spell cast by the caster now also
causing them general (though non-life summons a duck under the DM’s control.
threatening) distress. Things like covering 83—84 The next NPC the party speaks to will
their eyes, giving wet-willies, etc. begin shrinking slowly the longer they
47—48 All weapons within 50 feet of the caster converse with them.
leap from their owner’s hands and bury 85—86 The caster’s gender swaps.
themselves 5 feet into the ground. 87—88 For the next 1d8 days, the region
49—50 The nearest allied PC becomes certain that experiences weather opposite of the
the party is being stalked by an ancient red current season.
dragon. 89—90 All coins held by the party turn into
51—52 The caster’s teeth all begin screaming, and platinum for the next 1d4 days, the return
continue doing so for 1d8 days. to their original state.
53—54 Creatures within 100 feet of the caster and 91—92 Half of the caster’s body triples in age,
the caster themself emit bright light while the other half becomes three times as
55—56 The sun and moon both gain large, young as their current age
menacing smiles. These are visible to 93—94 All creatures within a 30 foot radius vanish
those who look closely enough. and then reappear at the center stacked
57—58 The caster’s boots now squeak like mice atop one another in a random order.
with every step they take. 95—96 The moon becomes invisible.
59—60 Whenever the caster speaks, it is in rhyme. 97—98 The nearest king abdicates their throne to
If they attempt to speak in anything but live as a peasant on a homestead in the
rhyme, the creatures around them only country.
hear the sound of static. 99—00 The caster becomes aware of the fact that
61—62 The caster becomes unable to walk in a they are actually just a fictional character
straight line, as if permanently intoxicated. in a role playing game for the next 1d4
63—64 The caster becomes invisible, but only hours, and then they magically forget this
while sneezing. fact. Enjoy this short existential crisis!
65—66 Whenever the caster enters a building, the
amount of light available dims to darkness
and then a spotlight of bright light appears
around the caster (accompanied with
trumpet sounds). Then the light returns to
normal immediately afterward.
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