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Cristobal Colon School

Afternoon Session
Miss. Dulce Criss

STUDENT’S NAME: ___________________________ DATE: ____________________________

1. Let’s Match: ¿Cuál imagen cree que corresponde a los espacios en blanco?.

night morning evening afternoon

1. ________________ 2. ______________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________

2. Look at the pictures, read the conversations and choose the correct sentence. (Escoge la respuesta

A ) I’m fine. A ) What is your name?

Hi. I’m
Hi! B ) Hello! Lola ___. B ) How old are you ?
C ) Fine, thank you. C ) How are you ?
_______. D ) Good bye. I’m Robert.
D ) Where are you from ?
The answer is ____ The answer is ____
A ) I’m fine. A ) See you later.
Hello Judy. This is
_______ B ) How old are you? Jack. B ) Thanks.
C ) How are you? C ) See you!
D ) Good morning. D ) Nice to meet you.
Fine thanks. ___.
The answer is ____ The answer is ____
A ) Good bye. A ) Hi!
How are Bye!
you? B ) Nice to meet you. B ) How do you do?
C ) I’m OK. C ) Thank you.
D ) Thank you. ____. D ) Take care!
The answer is ____ The answer is ____

3. Read and match: Lee y relaciona las preguntas con la respuesta correcta.
1) What’s your first name?.............................. _____ a) Hampton
2) And What’s your last name?....................... _____ b) Mmm,Hampton! H-A-M-P-T-O-N
3) Sorry. How do you spell that?..................... _____ c) Helen
4) Pardon me. Can you repeat that, please?... _____ d) H-A-M-P-T-O-N
4. Number the DAYS OF THE WEEKS in order. Organiza los días de la semana según su secuencia.

Tuesday _____ Friday _____ Saturday _____ Sunday ____

Wednesday _____ Monday __1___ Thursday _____

5. Complete the crossword with the MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Vamos a completar el crucigrama segun el mes
del año que indica.

1- The 8th month 6 12

2- The 1st month 7 8 1
3- The 2nd month 9
4- The 11th month
5- The 12th month
3 11
6- The 6th month
7- The 3rd month
8- The 5th month
9- The 4th month
10- The 7th month
11- The 10th month
12- The 9th month

5 D E C E M B E R

6. Read the text and answer the following questions. Lee y resuelve las siguientes preguntas.
This is Janette. She is twelve years old. Her favorite
color is pink. She loves the dogs. She is at Oxford
school in London, England. Her teacher is Miss Lipton.
She’s great! Her hero is Jennifer Lopez.

1. What is her name?


2. How old is she?


3. What is her favorite color?


4. What is her teacher’s name?


5. Complete:
Her hero is ___________________________________.
7. Match the questions with the correct answer. Relaciona las preguntas con la respuesta correcta.

1. What is your first name? ______ I’m 14 years old.

2. What is your last name? ______ It’s 261 Osa Mayor Street.
3. Where are you from? ______ Lucia.
4. What’s your home address? ______ It’s 01-761-23412
5. How old are you? ______ Cervantes.
6. What’s your telephone number? ______
7. What’s your e-mail address? ______ I’m from Durango, Mexico.

8. Write the numbers in words: Escribe los nombres de los números.

3 29
5 54
8 76
11 103
12 360
13 2010

9. Color the butterfly as indicated.

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