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Name : Angelin Marhavyna Cristy
Student ID : B1B015030
Entourage : IV
Group :1
Assistant : Lukman Adi Nugroho



A. Background

Seaweed is one of the country's sources of foreign exchange and a source of

income for coastal communities and is one of the most popular marine commodities
in world trade because of its increasingly widespread use in daily life, both as a
source of food, medicines and industrial raw materials. Seaweeds will be economical
after getting further treatment and generally farmers only until the drying stage only
(Teurupun et al., 2013). Seaweed is one of the marine biological resources that have
potential content of foodstuffs and pharmaceutical materials are quite potential and it
is a commodity that is economically because it is needed by humans and often used
as raw materials industry (Soegiarto et al., 1978).
Seaweed grows in various coastal areas of islands in Indonesia with various
types. Seaweed is a low-level plant belonging to the Thallophyta division. Seaweed
can be classified into four classes, namely: Rhodophyceae (red), Phaeophyceae
(brown), Cyanophyceae (green-blue) and Chlorophyceae (green). Parts of this algae
as a whole is called thalus, because it can not be distinguished between the root,
stems, and leaves. Seaweed is one of the commodities of marine products that have
considerable potential to be developed (Chapman & Chapman, 1980).
Seaweed is one of the potential natural resources of Indonesia's marine
waters. Seaweed is widely used and used as a raw material of caragenan and agar.
Chemical content of seaweed consists of water (27.8%), protein (5.4%),
carbohydrates (33.3%), fat (8.6%), fiber (3%) and ash (22.25% ). Seaweed also
contains enzymes, nucleic acids, amino acids, vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K), macro
minerals, such as: calcium and selenium as well as micro minerals, such as iron,
magnesium and sodium. The content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals seaweed
reaches 10-20 times compared with land plants (Rukmi et al., 2012).
Seaweed species that most widely used and cultivated seaweed are Eucheuma
cotonii, and Gracilaria sp. Type of seaweed is widely cultivated for its products
widely used in various industrial fields such as food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and
other industries (Winarno, 1996). Both of these algae belongs to the type of red algae
or Rhodophyceae. Eucheuma sp. cultivated in coastal waters or sea, while Gracilaria
sp. more cultivated in ponds (Hernanto et al., 2015).
Gracilaria is one species of seaweed that has been widely cultivated. This
species belongs to the group of seaweed producing agar (agarofit). One of the
benefits of brown pigment in Gracilaria gigas is able to absorb the intensity of
sunlight in high turbidity conditions (Diana et al., 2015). Seaweed Gracilaria gigas
produces agarofit which is naturally found in the sea and commonly cultivated in
ponds. Habitat of G. gigas is mostly grown in areas that are always submerged
(subtidal) attached to the substrate on the bottom of the waters in the form of dead
stone coral, live rock corals, limestone or mollusk shells. In Indonesia G. Gigas is
one type of seaweed whose products are used for raw materials for the health
industry for cosmetics and drugs. (Glicksman, 1982).

B. Objective

The purpose of this lab is to determine the stages of the process of post-
harvest seaweed, as well as the steps of drying and bleaching of seaweed


A. Material
The tools that used in this laboratory activity are tray, plastic, and camera.
The material that used in this laboratory activity are Gracillaria gigas,
calcium oxide, and freshwater.

B. Method

The method that used in this practcium, that are :

1. Drying with direct heating

Cleaned the seaweed

Seaweed are dried under the
sun for 1-3 days

Stored in save place

2. Drying with fresh water washing

Cleaned the seaweed

Seaweed are dried under the sun for 1-2 days

Fresh water is used to wash.

Seaweed are dried under the sun for 1-2 days until it turn to white

Seaweed are dried under the sun for 1-2 days until it turn to yellowish

Storage in the save

3. Drying using calcium oxide

Cleaned the seaweed

Washed with clean water

Soaked with calcium oxide for 1-2

Seaweed are dried under the sun for 1-2 days until it turn to white

Seaweed are dried under the sun for 1-2 days until it turn to

Storage in a save


A. Result
Figure 3.1 Washing process Figure 3.2 Seaweed after washing

Figure 3.3 Drying process Figure 3.4 Seaweed after drying

B. Discussion
Methods that carried out in the process of drying seaweed in this practicum
include drying with fresh water washing, drying with soaked lime and drying with
direct sun heat. Our group do the drying process with direct heating. Based on the
results that our group obtained, seaweed that has been dried for 1-3 days in order to
clean the seaweed using clean water aims to remove dirt attached to seaweed, so that
seaweed becomes more clear than before. Then seaweed is dried directly under direct
sunlight. This method of drying will cause the seaweed to dry so that it does not
contain water, in accordance with Desrosier (1988) statement that drying is a method
to remove or partially remove water from a material by evaporating water to the
material by using heat energy.
The changes that occur in G. gigas which conducted by our group, resulting
at the time before washing G. gigas has a blackish color but after washing with clean
water and has been through the drying process then G. gigas change color to be
lighter before but not yellowish white. This is still in agreement with the statement
from Anggadiredja et al., (2006), that there is a change in post-harvest seaweed that
is in the form of changes in color, texture or level of softness and structure or content
of agar or alginate and in adequate sunlight exposure, seaweed will dry within 2-3
days. Water content in seaweed to be achieved in drying of Gracilaria sp. is ranging
from 14-18%. Quality of seaweed can be influenced by three things, namely
cultivation technique; harvest age; and post-harvest handling. According to Alamsjah
(2012), the quality of seaweed is determined by the content of agar. Other parameters
that are also important are fiber, protein and fat.
The seaweed used in this laboratory activites is Gracilaria gigas. Seaweed G.
gigas produces agarofit which is naturally found in the sea and commonly cultivated
in ponds. G. gigas is a low level plants which does not have tree roots, stems and
leaves of true, but in the form of thallus branching, and live in the sea with a depth
that can still be reached by sunlight. G. gigas is one of seaweed species the from red
algae type (Rhodophyceae) producsy agarofit, G. gigas have the high fiber and good
for health (Diana et al, 2015).
According to Kadi (1990), post-harvest handling of seaweed can be done with
several methods of drying namely:
1. Direct drying
Seaweed harvest dried under the sunlight about 1-3 days if the exposure of sun is
good. Direct drying method is considered successful if on drying Eucheuma
seaweed occurs within 2-3 days with levels of water 30-35% and for Gracilaria 1-
2 days with levels of water about 20-25%. The results of the direct drying is less
good quality.
2. Direct drying with para-para
Seaweed harvested is cleaned, dried on the top by using a base or para-para for 1-
3 days if the weather is sunny. This method of drying is considered successful if
on Eucheuma drying occurs within 2-3 days with levels of 30-35% and
Gracilaria 1-2 days with levels of 20-25%, the result is better than direct drying.
3. Direct with fermented
Seaweed is cleaned, dried in plastic wrap and soaked in a tub of seawater or fresh
water for 2-3 days. This method of drying is considered successful when the
seaweed that has become transparent white / type and then dried for 2-3 days with
water content is usually 20-25%.
4. Drying with hanging system
Seaweed is cleaned, then tied on the tool and dried in 1-3 days. This method of
drying is considered successful if on Eucheuma drying occurs for 2-3 days with
levels of 30-35% and Gracilaria 1-2 days with levels of 20-25%, after the dry it is
stored in the safe place.
5. Drying with freshwater washing
Seaweed is cleaned, washed with fresh water to dissolve the salt thats attached.
Seaweed dried for 1-2 days until white, if not white washes again using fresh
water. Dry up 1-2 days to white or yellowish. This method of drying is considered
successful when the water content is 15-20%.
6. Drying with calcium oxide
Seaweed is cleaned, soaked with calcium oxide for 1-2 hours, seaweed washed
again. This method of drying is considered successful when the seaweed has been
clean and become yellowish to whittish dried for 2-3 days.
The most appropriate drying method to produce maximum chemical content
of seaweed according to Masduqi, (2014) is through direct heating under the
sunlight, because the drying method is quite simple and easy to do. But in his
research there is other ways to use an oven to get bioactive compounds especially
phenol because it requires drying that does not use heat energy. Phenol compounds
has properties that are sensitive to heat treatment, so the process of drying with
sunlight can decrease the content of phenol compounds. Another research stated that
The open sun drying method is discouraged for large production due to the larger
area is required and it is labour intensive. But product losses or contamination is
increased particularly during raining seasons due to humidity reabsorption or
remoistening (Phang et al., 2015).
Factors that affecting post-harvesting seaweed include in the selection of
proper cultivation location, the use of good quality, and appropriate techniques or
methods of cultivation. One very important factor is the apropriate the depth of
planting when the seaweed is planted. The depth of cultivation of seaweed needs to
be considered because the depth will affect the growth of seaweed. If planting of
seaweed is too deep will cause difficulties in maintenance, while if too shallow will
cause the seaweed exposed to direct sunlight. The depth of planting is related to the
magnitude of the penetration of sunlight that is very have a role in the process of
photosynthesis (Serdiati & Widiastuti, 2012).


A. Conclusion

Based on result and discussion above, it can be concluded as follows:

1. Post-harvesting process stage of seaweed drying washing, drying, cleaning of
dirty substance / salt (sorting), and storage.
2. The steps of drying seaweed process can be done with the submersion of
seaweed with a clean water and then drying immediately under the exposure
of sunlight, soaking with fresh water, or by soaking with calcium oxide.

B. Suggestion

Suggestion for this laboratory activity is it should be better all of the process of
post-harvest seaweed can be done in laboratory, so all the practician participates to
do it and all the practican can understand the steps that must be done.

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