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Ariana Laurenz Valera
Microscopic Algae are unicellular
photosynthetic microorganisms that live
in saline and freshwater environments.
They are capable of performing
photosynthesis and is important for life
on earth as they produce atmospheric
oxygen and Carbon dioxide
Microalgae are a diverse group of
unicellular organisms. Their eukaryotic
cells contain double membrane bound
organelles, the nucleus, the
mitochondrion, and the chloroplast,
which makes algae green. The cell wall
of microalgae is made up of
polysaccharides and glycoprotein matrix
which provides its cells to have
formidable defense against its
Habitat and Survival

As majority of algae live in aquatic

habitats, they are found in seawater and
freshwater from habitats within the
sediment of intertidal areas, such as
muddy shores and estuaries. In order to
survive, algae needs water, sunlight,
carbon, and nutrients like nitrogen and
phosphorus to live.
Groups and Types
There are estimated about 200-800k species
of microalgae, some being dinoflagellates,
diatoms, and other single-celled algal
species.There are different types of algae due
to resulting in different colors due to
pigmentation. Chlorophyceae are green
algae, phaeophyceae are brown algae, and
rhodophyceae are red algae. These are all
pigmented by different pigments like
chlorophyll and phycoerythrin.
Reproduction Method

There are multiple reproduction

processes for Microalgae. One common
method is for the microalgae to
reproduce asexually by ordinary cell
division. They can also reproduce
through fragmentation, where larger
algae reproduce using spores.
Algae Bloom
Algae bloom is a harmful process where
the rapid growth of algae or cyanobacteria
occurs. This causes harm to people, local
biology, and animals. This occurs when a
combination of suitable environmental
conditions exists for abundant algal
growth, for example the increase of
nutrients, warmer temperatures, abundant
light, and stable wind conditions. Algae
bloom can look like foam, scum, paint, or
different colors mats on the surface of
Importance of Algae

Algae produces oxygen as a by-

product of photosynthesis. Is
economically a natural substance
that can be used as a food source, a
fodder, in fish farming, and a sa
Algae as Food
Algae plays a vital role in aquatic
ecosystems by being the energy base
of the food web for aquatic
organisms. Algae converts water and
carbon dioxides into sugar through
the process of photosynthesis
Works Cited



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