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Heading for 2050


I want to say something about the current and future technological advances in Romania,
including references to work, travel and the home.

My talk will be in three parts. First, I will tell you about the „work” area. Then I will explain
how is travelling evolving and the final part of my talk explains how our homes are different.

The ”work” area

With technology rampantly evolving, every single aspect of our lives suffers major changes.
A clear example could be the way technology affects ”work” area. Everything is being
transffered to automatization, robots are constantly replacing work posts and that is not
neccesarily a bad thing, because in the end everything is going to be automatized.

How is travelling evolving?

Now to point out an important factor of our present and especially of our future as a country,
travelling is a vital industry that must be vastly exploited to replenish this technological void
that has settled in our country. Fortunately, one positive aspect that is actually evolving and
innovating in Romania, is electric cars, bikes and many "other-worldly" benefic vehicles that
simply make life easier. Recent studies show that Romania has been evolving in this way,
with bringing up numerous electric car brands and seeing as days go by more and more
people switching from public, old and polluting ways of transport to safer, smarter, more
practical vehicles.

How our homes are different?

Another subject that this report would tackle is the home, the place where people spend their
great times, where they can relax and feel free. How is it evolving? Kind of poorly, due to the
fact that we are not yet at that economical level to be able to transform our homes
technologically and futuristically wise.


All in all, we could do better in our journey to discover and experience the 2050’s, but the
most important aspect is that we will surely be able to become a technologically evolved

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