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Perspective on future life

There are many aspects that will change for 50 years. In my opinion, the future holds
unimaginable technological advances. There are three extremely important aspects that will
change forever: Homes, transportation, and education.

First of all, the houses are going to change completely in the future. The ecological
projects propose to change the normal house to ecological houses built with natural
materials. For example, an ecological house with solar panels. In addition, there will also be
"smart" houses that will have more facilities than the normal houses. In facts, these houses
will have maximum security, control of lights, temperature and electronic devices
everywhere. Also, there will be houses dominated by robotics. For instance, all the actions of
a house will be controlled by an intelligent machine. In summary, the houses are definitely
going to change.

In addition, transportation is going to change absolutely and it is not going to be as

we know it. One project in development is "Hyperloop" that will drastically change the form of
transport. In fact, it is a high-speed transport deployed on land, with this advance we will say
goodbye to traffic. Furthermore, automatic cars may already have been developed. For
example, these cars will be able to drive. And finally, "teleportation". In a few words, is a
project that has been investigated and is estimated to be possible in the future. To sum up,
we are developing incredible advances in the field of transportation.

By last, education will not be the same again, and in fact, it is already changing.
Education will be online. In facts, since the pandemic began, education was updated and
changed, so face-to-face classes were left behind. Furthermore, technology and the Internet
will be indispensable for education. For instance, as education will be online, the Internet will
be an extremely important part of passing classes. And finally, goodbye to taking notes in
the notebooks. For example, we will have technological tools that will help us to take notes
from our cell phone or computer. In conclusion, education will improve as technology

In conclusion, the future is unpredictable, but I am sure there will be many changes
to keep going. I would like to accompany my grandchildren when all these wonderful
advances happen

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