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Residency exam – 2016

King Abdullah University Hospital

1- All can cause lymphadenopathy except:

- sarcoidosis
- *AML
- lymphoma

2- most significant risk factor for AAA:

- age
- gender
- anti-hypertensive drugs
- *current smoking

3- all of the following cause hypercalcemia except:

- sarcoidosis
- *crohn'
- Hypervitaminosis D
- Hyperthyroidism

4- All can come with FMF except:

- can cause pleurisy
- cause fever in more than 50% of pts
- *first presentation in middle aged adults
- can cause abdominal pain
- inherited condition

Note: Ninety percent of all patients have their first attack before they are 18 years old

5- Young adolescent complaining of painful lump below the knee, with protruding of tibial
tuberosity. the pain occurs during activities :
- Legg-Calv-Perthes disease
- Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis
- *Osgood-Schaltter disease
6- a 70 kg man , with Na 120 >>> calculate deficit Na ??
- 1300
- 560
- *840 ( here the q adopted Na=140 as reference for the calculation not 135)

Na Deficit = Sex * Weight * (DesiredNa - SerumNa)
Male (0.6), Female (0.5)

7- A child with gastroenteritis, awake and alert, normal vital signs, sunken eyes, depressed
fontanelle, expected percent of dehydration:
- * 5-9%

8- Baby was born with a birth weight of 3 kg, at 1 year of age, he is expected to be:
- * 9 kg

9- Baby at 6 months of age, he is expected to have:

-* 44 cm head circumference with closed posterior fontanelle and open anterior fontanelle

10- a patient come to emergency with hypertension, bardycardia , most likely cause:
- * bleeding into cranial cavity

11- 11 yrs old boy complains of chew twitching with drooling and inability to speak which wakes
him from sleep .. which of the following is the best next test:
- * electroencephalogram
- CT scan without contrast

12- what's true regarding bladder cancer :

-*Looks like UTI with irritative symptoms and hemtauria
- intravesical chemotherapy is preferred even when the tumor penetrate the muscularis layer
- partial cystectomy is preferred

13- most likely of the following that increase the risk of breast cancer:
- *BRCA genes
- biopsy proven LCIS
- age
- family history of breast cancer

14- About ovarian tumors, one is true:

- The risk of ovarian cancer is more with BRCA 1 than BRCA 2
- Epithelial tumors are most likely inherited

15- Patient with spherocytosis, came to ER with Hb of 5, blood transfusion was ordered. Patient
started to have fever, chills, and headache upon transfusion. The most immediate action to be
- *stop transfusion and give antipyretics
- Recheck the type of donor's and recipient blood for possible mismatch
- give hydrocortisone and continue transfusion

16- All are true except:

- * Bluish discoloration of skin overlying the hernia is mandatory for diagnosis
- Femoral hernia is more like to strangulate
- The pain of the strangulated hernia disappear when it perforates
- a normal hernia can strangulate at any time

17- About hernias, all are true except:

- Indirect inguinal hernias are the most common in females
- Indirect inguinal hernias in infants are due to persistant processus vaginalis
- Direct inguinal hernias are always acquired
- Direct inguinal hernias become more common in the elderly
- * Indirect inguinal hernias are most likely to disappear as the child gets into adulthood

18- About constipation, one is true:

- * A recent change into constipation is more important than chronic constipation
- It's more commonly due to organic causes

19- Regarding blood transfusion, one is true:

- Hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis may occur following blood transfusion
- * Thrombocytopenia is a complication following massive blood transfusion
20- All of the following about uterine prolapse are true, except:
- * Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy are the only effective treatment
- Rings can be used temporarily
- Sacrocolpopexy is a way of management

21- VBAC vs. repeat CS, one is true:

- VBAC has a lower risk of uterine rupture
- * VBAC has a lower risk of blood transfusion (or VBAC needs less blood transfusion)
- VBAC has a lower risk of perinatal morbidity and mortality

22- The strongest layer of the esophagus is:

- Mucosa
- Adventitia
- Muscularis
- * Submucosa

23- A 6-day old baby presented with vomiting and irritability. His serum sodium was 120 and
potassium was 7. What is the most likely cause:
- * CAH
- Hyperaldosteronism
- Pyloric stenosis

24- Infective endocarditis prophylaxis may be recommended in all of the following, except:
- Mitral stenosis
- Aortic stenosis
- * HOCM
- Mitral prolapse without regurgitation

25- The most common complication of popliteal artery aneurysm is:

- * Thrombosis and embolism leading to limb ischemia
- Rupture

26- All are true about mesenteric adenitis, except:

- Most likley presents before 18 years of age
- May present with shifting abdominal tenderness
-* Definitive diagnosis can only be made at lapratomy (not sure of the answer)
- May lead to the formation of abdominal abscesses
- Can be associated with cervical lymphadenopathy

27- A child's length reaches 1 meter at:

- * 4 years

28- All of the following are risk factors for endometrial hyperplasia except:
- * Intermittent COCP use
- DM
- Obesity

29- One of the following vaccines is given by 2 routes in the Jordanian National Program:
- * Polio

30- One of the following is not caused by an enterovirus:

- * Herpetic whitlow
- Hand-foot-mouth disease
- Aseptic meningitis
- Herpangina
- Poliomyelitis

31- One of the following is most prognostic factor of the function in post trauma patient:
-the overall Glasgow coma scale
- low verbal response
-low motor response
-low eye response

32- 16 years old obese female .. With history of morning headache .. examination was normal
except for bilateral papilledema .. MRI was normal ... what's the next step :
_*LP with manometry
- CT scan without contrast

33- All of the following are found in acute inflammatory demyelinating encephalomyelitis
- * sensory level
- Normal CSF studies
- Fever and encephalopathy
- Loss of vision
- Cerebellar ataxia

34- All are true about b-lactam antiobiotic except:

- * no need for dose adjustment in renal impairmanet patients
- they inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis
- they are bactericidal
- Penicillin can cause allergic interstitial nephritis

35- True about IUGR babies except:

- * all IUGR babies must be delivered by CS
- Usually associated with oligohydramnios
- Pre-eclampsia is a known potential cause

36- One is true in Pre-eclampsia:

- severe PET is when BP 140/90
- * uric acid level is expected to be elevated
- hematocrit is expected to be low

37- One of the following requires a patent foramen ovale for survival:
- Tetrology of Fallot
- * Tricuspid atresia
- Truncus arteriosus

38- All of the following are features of PCO, except:

- Acanthosis nigricans
- * Low risk of miscarriage
- High LH:FSH
- Low level of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG)

39- About precocious puberty, one is true:

- It is defined as the development of secondary sexual characteristics at the age of 8
- It is more common in males
- * No management is needed in the constitutional type
- Occurs in Turner syndrome

40- The most common benign liver tumor is:

- * Hemangioma
- Hepatic adenoma
- Focal nodular hyperplasia

41- Which of the following is the most likely indicator of acute liver failure:
- * PT
- Bilirubin
- Albumin
- Ammonia

42- One of the follow is wrong:

- PT monitors the extrinsic pathway
- PTT monitors the intrinsic pathway
- Prolongation of both PT and PTT means a defect in the common pathway
- * Patients with a normal platelet count would have a normal bleeding time

43- The most common indication for intubation in trauma is:

- Inhalational injury
-* Altered level of consciousness
- Facial injury
- Hematoma in the cervical region

44- In the primary survey for a traumatized patient, it is important to ask him or his family about
all of the following, except:
- Last meal
- Current medications
- * Any abnormal movements while transferring the patient from the trauma scene
- Past diseases
- Allergies

45- One of the following is wrong about the uses of carcinoembryonic antigen:
-* for diagnosis
- for prognosis
- for follow up the treatment
- to know the severity of the disease

46- The most appropriate immediate management for a patient with anaphylactic shock is:
- * IM epinephrine
- H1 blocker
- H2 blocker
- Glucagon

47- About rheumatoid arthritis, one is wrong:

- * Asymmetric involvement of the joints

48- A 23-year-old female presented with a breast mass in the upper outer quadrant. She has no
past medical history. What is the most appropriate imaging modality:
- * Ultrasound
- Mammogram

49- Which of the following is wrong about nephrogenic diabetes insipidus :

- can occur in sickle cell child
- can be caused by hypercalcemia
- can be treated by thiazide
- x-linked
- * vasopressin levels normal or low

50- All of the following about solitary pulmonary nodule are true, except:
- Must be less than 3 cm
- Must be surrounded by aerated lung field
- Can't be multiple
- * Can be associated with atelectasis and lymphadenopathy
- Can be of any shape or border

51- The most appropriate test to start with in evaluating a thyroid nodule is:
- * Radioisotope scan
- CT

52- The most characteristic ECG finding in AV canal ..:

- * AV block
- ventricular ectopics
- atrial ectopics
- supra ventricular tachycardia

53- A 4-year-old child presented with left earache. Temperatue was 38.3 rectally. On otoscope, a
dull tympanic membrane was seen with absent light reflex. One of the following is true:
- * Streptococcus pneumonia is the most common cause
- Antihistamines are used in treatment
- This condition is not common in this age
- Tubes are usually needed for treatment
- The treatment of choice is giving one dose of ceftriaxone IM

55- One of the following is a mismatch:

- HSV 2: genital ulcers
- HPV 6: genital warts
- Trichomonas: sexually transmitted
-* Bacterial vaginosis: very itchy

56- All of the following can be associated with steotorrhea, except:

- * Lactose intolerance
- Celiac disease
- Pancreatic insufficiency

57- All of the following side effects of oxytocin except

- * hypernatremia
- hyperbilirubinemia
- increased risk of rupture

58- One of the following about IUCD is wrong:

- * The risk of infection after inserting an IUCD is 20%
- If pregnancy occurs on top of an IUCD, the IUCD should be removed
- Screening for STDs is recommended prior to insertion
- If PID develops, the IUCD should be removed

59- One of the following about contraception is wrong:

- Copper IUD may be used up to 10 years
- Hormonal IUD may be used up to 5 years
-* Implanon should be inserted every 3 weeks
- depo-provera is given every 3 months

60- Chronic atrial fibrillation can lead to all of the following except:
-* Pulmonary embolism
- Stroke
- Acute limb ischemia
- Mesenteric ischemia

61- All of the following are possible causes of metabolic alkalosis, except:
- * Hyperkalemia
- Vomiting
- Loop diuretics

62- Doppler ultrasound may be useful in all of the following, except:

- * Measurement of abdominal circumference
- Measurement of amniotic fluid pockets
- Detection of congenital heart defects
- Detection of the middle cerebral artery
- Detection of renal agenesis

63- One of the following is true regarding ureteric obstruction:

- * Mainly due to stones
- Usually associated with infection proximal to the obstruction
- it will increase urea and creatinine

64- All of the following about urge incontinence are true, except:
- Anticholinergics are an effective treatment
- *Colposuspension is a successful method for treatment

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