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 tipps

 People who take B2 exams are usually expected to know anywhere between 3
and 4,5 k words.

 How much time did Mathew need to learn German to B2 level?

 For a period of 5 months, we met, on average, two hours per week.
 Yes, just two hours per week. Funny enough, that contrasts starkly with
intensive courses where you have to spend about 30 hours per week at your
language school.
 Of course, he also learned at home. On average, he learned about 3 hours
each day (including our meetings).
 The total time he needed to get to B2 level amounts to
 For a rookie who knew just one foreign language before he decided to take on
this challenge, it’s certainly impressive.
 But what’s even more impressive is Mathew’s vocabulary size after 5 months.
Altogether, he learned about 6700 words(yep, we counted).
 That means that vocabulary-wise, he surpassed most of the requirements for
this level. He could read most of the things he wanted to, including
newspapers, and could also speak about a variety of subjects.

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