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Performance Goal for 2018-19 (Fall Review)

User Information
Name: Angela McKellar Title:
Building: WEST OTTAWA HIGH SCHOOL Department: None
Grade: None Evaluation Type: Teacher (Probationary)
Assigned Administrator: Woods, Michelle Evaluation Cycle: 09/01/2018 - 08/01/2019
Submitted By: McKellar, Angela Date Submitted: 09/23/2018 9:21 pm EDT
Acknowledged By: N/A Date Acknowledged: Unacknowledged
Finalized By: Woods, Michelle Date Finalized : 03/05/2019 1:50 pm EST

This form serves as the Performance Goal for tenured teachers and the required IDP for all probationary teachers.

For implementation in the 2018-19 school year:

Q1 (P) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)

Based on your self-assessment, your administrator’s input, and any school or district initiatives, what goal have you identified? What is an area of
knowledge or skill that you would like to strengthen? State Domain and Component.

Performance Goal for 2018-19 (Goal Setting Forms and Conference) - 6/12/2018 BARTELS, BREVET
Use interactive notebooks to front load students so they perform better on formative and summative assessments, rather than backloading. 3D

Q1 (T) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)


Based on your self-assessment, your administrator’s input, and any school or district initiatives, what goal have you identified? What is an area of knowledge or
skill that you would like to strengthen? INCLUDE ADDITIONS / CHANGES BELOW.
I want to use interactive notebooks to front load students so they perform better on formative and summative assessments, rather than backloading.
This will also help them organize information, hopefully they'll retain it longer, and it'll allow me to reach students who need tactile and sensory

Q2 (P) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)

What would success of this goal look like? How will you know when you have achieved it? What would count as evidence of success?

Performance Goal for 2018-19 (Goal Setting Forms and Conference) - 6/12/2018 BARTELS, BREVET
Students have engaged in note taking during class periods and their handouts and information is readily available and in one place. As they write down the information they
think about it and, hopefully, retain a bit. Then through using the notebooks during in-class discussions and for review, they'll perform better on assessments and I won't have
to go back and reteach as much to review - which fees class time up to go deeper into the material. Also, students will report feedback about the usefulness of using a
interactive notebook via a google form toward the end of the semester.

Q2 (T) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)


What would success of this goal look like? How will you know when you have achieved it? What would count as evidence of success? INCLUDE ADDITIONS /
Students will have taken notes during class periods and kept their materials organized. The variation in note presentation will hopefully help trigger
visual cues when they need to recall that information. They'll use notebooks during in-class discussions and for review and study. This should lead to
them performing better on assessments so I won't need to spend so much time reteaching. Students will also report feedback via Google Forms
regarding the usefulness of interactive notebooks.

Q3 (P) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)

Describe the activities that you will do to work toward your goal and appropriate timelines.

Performance Goal for 2018-19 (Goal Setting Forms and Conference) - 6/12/2018 BARTELS, BREVET
Students will need to start with a notebook. I will need to figure out ahead of time how I want the notebook set up for each class (assuming I have more than one prep). Being
intentional about what's required where and what's expected will be critical, especially until the routine is set. By a month in, the kinks in classroom routine should be worked
out and students should start seeing how beneficial it is. By the end of the year, they should have a better idea of how to take notes, what works best for them as a note taker
and they should have the scores on assessments to support it.

Q3 (T) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)


Describe the activities that you will do to work toward your goal and appropriate timelines. INCLUDE ADDITIONS / CHANGES BELOW.
The undertaking of this project has required me to be very intentional about my preparations. I decided to only do interactive notebooks with my
English 1 classes (3 sections) this semester. I purchased some materials for my juniors from Teachers Pay Teachers, too, which follow similar ideas to
what I'm doing with my freshmen.

With freshmen, it has been a bit chaotic trying to teach appropriate classroom behavior with the added chaos of craft-time, but they're starting to get
the hang of it (~1 month in). I think it's paying off though. I think in another month the routines will be further solidified and I'll really start seeing some

At the end of the semester, I will create a Google Form looking for their feedback as I finish getting a feel for what I'm looking for with this.

Q4 (P) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)

What resources will you need to better achieve your goal?

Performance Goal for 2018-19 (Goal Setting Forms and Conference) - 6/12/2018 BARTELS, BREVET
The internet, peers, and a notebook.
Q4 (T) (08/18/2017 - 07/02/2019)

What resources will you need to better achieve your goal? INCLUDE ADDITIONS / CHANGES BELOW.
Not much else additionally. I have found a variety of materials from Teachers Pay Teachers that lend themselves to what I am covering and hit CCSs.

Complete in Spring 2018

Based on the success criteria described above, were the goal(s) met? (Teacher self-assessment)

Completed by Evaluator in Spring 2018

Aministrator Feedback


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​ Signatures
The plan was approved by the evaluator on:
Teacher electronic
Evaluator electronic

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