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Many scientists believe that in the near future, humans may be

able to leave Earth to live on Mars. But what can humans do to make
Mars habitable?
We need to do so many things (using technology) before
making a planet habitable.
First, man could inject greenhouse gases, other than carbon
dioxide, in its atmosphere. For all you know, the presence of
greenhouse gases can intensify its thin atmosphere and heat up its dry
frozen climate. Adding greenhouse gases can produce water and
making it suitable for plant life to produce oxygen. And when oxygen
is present, only then, human can inhabit the planet.
Also, scientists should make an artificial layer to protect the
organisms that will live in here from the radiation coming from the Sun.
Last September, NASA released Mars Roomba to clean iron dust
particles on it. They should release more vacuums to remove the dust
particles completely.
After doing these, they could transfer some plants and animals
to test if it is now capable of supporting life.
Maybe we’ll be able to live in Mars someday. But we can’t take
away the truth that it is still better to live in a not-artificial planet like

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