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Hello Marine Biologists! 

Today we are going to learn about kelp forest animal adaptations!  
First, tap into your knowledge by making a bulleted list of what you know about:  
The Kelp Forest  Animal Adaptations 

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●   ●  
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Turn to the person next to you and share what you wrote.  

Let’s take a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and explore the Kelp Forest Exhibit. 
Click ​here​ to watch the live webcam.  
Look closely at the organisms in the aquarium. What do you see? Write down your 
observations in the Field Notes chart, making note of three different organisms.  
My Field Notes 
Organism   Location    Actions of organism  Interactions with 
(What does it look  (Is is at the bottom,  (What is it doing?)  other organisms 
like?)  middle, or canopy?)  (How does it 




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Explore Part 1 
Now that you are familiar with organisms in the kelp forest, let’s learn about 
Read this article on ​adaptations​. 

Watch this video on ​kelp forest adaptations​. 

Define, “Adaptation,” in your own words. Write your definition in the box below. 


Explore Part 2 
Once you are familiar with the term, “Adaptation”, let’s dive deep and learn about 
how certain kelp forest animals adapt to their environments in order to survive. 
Explore the articles and videos below. Take notes on their adaptations. 
Leopard Shark  Jellyfish  Sea Otter  Wolf Eel 

--Read this ​article  --Read this ​article  --Read this ​article  --Read this ​article 
--Watch this ​video   --Watch this ​video  --Watch this ​video  --Watch this ​video 

My Notes  My Notes  My Notes  My Notes 

--  --  --  -- 
--  --  --  -- 
--  --  --  -- 
--  --  --  -- 


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Chose a kelp forest sea animal mentioned above.  
Write 4-5 sentences about how this animal adapts to its environment.  
Think about:  
What body parts help it survive?  
What does it eat and how does it capture its food? 
How does it escape predators? 
Write your response on ​Padlet​.  
Padlet Instructions: 
1. Find your sea animal column. 
2. Click on the plus sign below your sea animal’s picture. 
3. Write 4 to 5 sentences.  
4. Take some time to read your classmates’ responses. 

Student Choice! Make a scientific sketch, movie, or presentation about your kelp 
forest sea animal.  
Click on the ​rubric​ to view project expectations.  
Scientific Sketch  Movie  Presentation 

Create a scientific sketch  Create an iMovie on your  Create a Google Slides 

of the sea animal you  iPad about your sea  Presentation on your iPad 
chose on a white piece of  animal’s adaptations.  about how your sea 
paper. The stack of paper  Integrate pictures, text,  animal survives in the 
is on Miss Morris’ desk.   music, and/or video  kelp forest.  
Label the sea animal’s    Click ​here​ to login with 
body parts and their    your Gmail account. 
functions to support  Click on this ​link​ for an   
survival. You can use  iMovie Tutorial.   Click on this ​link​ for a 
pencil, colored pencils,  Google Slides tutorial.  
crayons, and/or markers.  

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Once you completed your project, click on this ​link​ to upload it to the Google Doc.  
Upload Instructions: 
Scientific Sketch  Movie  Presentation 

Take a picture of your  Export your iMovie to  Post the link to your 
sketch on your iPad.  YouTube. Post the  Google Slides 
Upload the picture on the  youtube link on the  Presentation on the 
Google Doc linked above.   Google Doc linked above.   Google Doc linked above.  
Click ​here​ for how to  Click ​here​ for how to 
export your iMovie to  access your Google Slides 
YouTube.  Presentation link.  
After you upload your project, explore the work of your classmates. Write positive 
comments and feedback in the “Peer Support” section.  

Fill out this ​Google Survey​ on what you learned today.  

If you finish early, explore the ​Monterey Bay Aquarium Kelp Forest Animals​. On the 
website, scroll down and click on specific sea animals to read about their 
In the box below, write your favorite sea animal on the website. 
What are some fun facts you learned about that sea animal? 


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