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The Impact Of The Decline In The Population Of Tuna Against Biological Conditions,

And Economic Society

Abstract :

The population of yellowfin tuna and bigeye is currently experiencing a downturn due to the
arrest at the age of adolescence. It also results in the condition of the aquatic ecosystem
biology become distracted and cause the economic condition of the community participated.
one of the efforts of reducing the impact of overfishing is to review recent studies on the
habitat, population structure and migration, stressed the importance of electronic tagging
results in modification of our perception of population dynamics and behavior of bluefin
tuna. later in the issue of resource management and economic research conducted by taking
samples and surveys in some countries that export tuna.

Keyword : Economic, Overfishing, Tuna,

Bailey, M., Sumaila, U. R., & Martell, S. J. (2013). Can cooperative management of tuna fisheries in
the western pacific solve the growth overfishing problem. Strategic Behavior and the
Environment, 3(1-2), 31-66.

In this journal, discuss about cannot be the cooperative management the growth overfishing
problem ini western pacific. The problem in this reasearch is catching a fish that was a
juvenile, This can lead to the occurrence of the situation because the fish has not been
arrested in accordance with the standards of the arrest. Tuna fisheries in the WCPO has the
potential to be benefit, but proof suggests that at least two of the targeted species, i.e., bigeye
and yellowfin, can be fully exploited or overfished. The purpose of the WCPFC is trying to
manage homeless (and other) stocks in the WCPO on an ongoing basis, so that the
Commission is currently facing a difficult management decision regarding the potential for
fisheries of tuna in the area to continue to provide benefits for the region. In my opinion this
journal is already good in delivering accurate data, and then a lot of biological parameters,
and display an equilibrium model, to build an overview of the long-term economic potential
of the fisheries. and in this journal there are suggestions towards the WCPFC.

Fromentin, J. M., & Powers, J. E. (2005). Atlantic bluefin tuna: population dynamics,
ecology, fisheries and management. Fish and Fisheries, 6(4), 281-306.
In this journal discuss population dynamics, ecology, fisheries and management. Atlantic
bluefin tuna (Thunnus fish Scombridae) make a scientist fascinated, the appeal comes from
the striking biological properties, such as the size of the impressive (> 3 m and up to 900 kg)
and swimming speed that allows extensive migration between cold temperate place to eat and
the warm waters of the spawning grounds. The Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) is also has
attracted a great economy, as has been constantly and significantly exploited in the sea
mediterranean for thousands of years. The purpose of this article is to review key information
on ABFT (old and new) and to link research results with the stock assessment and
management challenges, for give the overall characterization of the species and its

Taylor, N. G., McAllister, M. K., Lawson, G. L., Carruthers, T., & Block, B. A. (2011).
Atlantic bluefin tuna: a novel multistock spatial model for assessing population
biomass. PLoS One, 6(12), e27693.

In this journal discuss Genetic tagging is a technique that has recently emerged as a
mechanism for estimating population parameters. in this journal to estimate parameters that
define the models with observations predictable pas (component 3) for data observed. The
modeling procedure begins with the initial parameter values that define the state variables,
then proceed through the dynamics of the country, where the variable as the number of
countries-at-age for each stock is updated each time step. In the end, the model calculates the
statistics the purpose, function value is the probability of the data given the model.
Parameters estimated using conventional nonlinear optimization procedure. AD Model The
builder used to implement the model.

Pons, M., Branch, T. A., Melnychuk, M. C., Jensen, O. P., Brodziak, J., Fromentin, J. M., ...
& Parma, A. M. (2017). Effects of biological, economic and management factors on
tuna and billfish stock status. Fish and Fisheries, 18(1), 1-21.

In this journal discuss The Ocean has undergone intensive fishing pressure during the past 60
years Lastly, with fisheries extend to geographical areas Recently, shifting from the coast into
the pelagic environment. In 2003, catch-per-unit-effort Data are used in to show that industry
pressure shing tlah reduce billfish the abundance of tuna and billfish Bill Shes (and other
marine predators) of 90% of pre-industrial levels. More recent research based on the
estimated biomass trends from the stock assessment model found that tuna and their families
has decreased by an average of 60% of the level of the warehouse billfish. Economic factors
may be as or more important in determine the status of your stocks. Fishing, billfish and not
pro level trofik and related characteristics of the target species, found become the dominant
driving force of historical development patterns of fishing in a study which covers a wide
range of stocks. the high market value of encouraging the exploitation of far below biomass
and MSY level has increased the risk of collapse of the stock. In particular, while Pacific
Blue tuna and billfish albacore tuna, albacore species are both used most of the cheaper
market for canned tuna, while Blue Pacific billfish serving high end sashimi market.

Supongpan Kuldilok, K., Dawson, P. J., & Lingard, J. (2013). The export competitiveness of
the tuna industry in Thailand. British Food Journal, 115(3), 328-341.

In this journal discuss the export of tuna liquid essential components of Thailand's economic
expert-oriented. In year 2006, total exports made up 76 percent of Indonesia (SNI) gross
(World Bank, nd). Total fish exports is $ US 6.93 bn or 4.6 percent of the total exports of the
15 percent. fisheries policy that Thailand aims to maintain its status as a manufacturer and
exporter. The Department of Fisheries aims to maintain and increase the supply of raw tuna
processor to Thailand. fisheries fi abroad developed by increasing the capacity and
technology from foreign fishing fleets, and fishing operations are controlled and set
according to the agreements with other countries.

Conclusion :

The conclusions of the fifth the journal is that overfishing may cause impact to the various
parties such as import export company engaged in the tuna fishery. further activities in this
situation can cause a number of tuna occur there in the ecosystem out of balance that it will
cause some of the several species of tuna being rare. This is certainly a cause of the condition
of the economy into decline so that utilization of the world's fisheries are becoming
unbalanced due to economic conditions and fishing becomes unstable.

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