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Miss Ulmer
Inheritance Quiz Review Guide


 Autosome
 Sex chromosome
 karyotype
 XX
 XY
 Carrier
 Pedigree
 Modes of Inheritance
 X-linked recessive trait
 Dominant
 Recessive

Knowledge Objectives

 Understand how inheritance of traits on the X-chromosome is different from autosomal

inheritance (the inheritance of X-linked—also known as sex-linked—traits)
 Understand how to create/interpret a pedigree diagram
 Understand that there are different modes of inheritance and what those modes are.


 Given information about the X-linked traits of the parents, predict the X-linked traits of the
offspring using a Punnett Square
 Interpret a Punnett Square when predicting X-linked traits
 Given information about a family’s relationships and traits, create a pedigree
 Given a pedigree, determine the mode of inheritance and the genotypes of the individuals on
the pedigree

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