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A physicist in biomedical investigation

Rosalyn S. Yalow

Citation: Physics Today 32, 10, 25 (1979); doi: 10.1063/1.2995239

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Published by the American Institute of Physics
A physicist in biomedical
There are many opportunities for collaborative efforts
in physics and medicine; the radioimmunoassay, for example,
was developed in one such effort.

Rosalyn S. Yalow

What was involved in my transition from

nuclear physicist to biomedical investi-
gator and recipient of a Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine in 1977 for the
development and application of radio-
immunoassay? What is radioimmuno-
assay? In what way did physics have a
role in the development of the concepts
and methodology of radioimmunoassay?
How did it begin?
It was the Summer of 1947. School was
out. Freed from my responsibilities of
teaching physics at Hunter College (now
Lehman College) in a special pre-engi-
neering program for returning veterans,
I was looking for something useful to oc-
cupy my time. (Hunter had no research
facilities.) My husband, Aaron, was in
Medical Physics at Montefiore Hospital
in the Bronx. Through him I met Edith
Quimby, a leading medical physicist at
College of Physicians and Surgeons. I
volunteered to work in her laboratory to
gain research experience in the medical
applications of radioisotopes. She took
me to see "The Chief," Gioacchino Failla,
Dean of American medical physicists.
After talking to me for a while, he picked
up the phone, dialed, and I heard him say
"Bernie, if you want to set up a radioiso-
tope service, I have someone here you
must hire." Bernard Roswit, Chief of the
Radiotherapy Service at the Bronx Vet-
erans Administration Hospital and I ap-
peared to have no choice; Dr. Failla had
spoken. It was December 1947 when I
joined the Bronx Veterans Administra-
tion Hospital, just two years after com-
pleting my PhD in Nuclear Physics at the
University of Illinois under the guidance
of Maurice and Gertrude Goldhaber. It

Bismuth-walled Geiger counter for detection of

iodine-131 taken up by the thyroid. This counter
was built in 1949, before the days of scintillation
counters, and is still in use, as this recent photo
of R. S. Yalow examining a patient shows. The
bismuth walls permit much greater sensitivity to
7 rays from I 131 than the thin silver walls of the
then available counters. Figure 1


is of interest that several of us who re- guished from an unirradiated preparation
ceived PhD's during that period later by physicochemical means. However
went into medical physics—perhaps due such irradiated lots were recognized as
to the influence of Donald Kerst and different by the human body. The dis-
Henry Quastler. My function at the appearance rate from plasma of the ex-
hospital was to equip and develop a Ra- ternally irradiated tracer was much more
dioisotope Service and to initiate a pro- rapid than that of the unirradiated
gram of radioisotope-related research. preparation. Furthermore the more
This was shortly after the nuclear reactor rapid rate of disappearance was associ-
in Oak Ridge began to supply radioiso- ated with the more rapid appearance of
topes in sufficient quantity and at low the degradation product, radioiodide, in
enough cost to make them readily avail- the urine (figure 2). Increasing the con-
able for therapy, diagnosis and biomedical centration of protein in the solution pro-
investigation. In 1947 commercial in- tected the labeled albumin from irradia-
strumentation was not readily available tion damage since such damage is secon-
and it was necessary to design, build and dary in nature (it is due to the free radi-
calibrate suitable radiation detection cals produced as a result of irradiation of
equipment such as that shown in figure 1. the water), and can be minimized by the
Then we had to plan experiments for the presence of protective scavengers or
safe use of radioisotopes in humans. It higher concentrations of protein. These
soon became obvious to me that the most studies provided the basis for preparing
important applications of radioisotopic tracers labeled with iodine-131 suitable
methodology would be in understanding for studying the distribution and turnover
human physiology and as an aid in clinical of labeled serum proteins.
diagnosis. By 1950, I knew I was com-
mitted to biomedical investigation and Diabetes
finally resigned from Hunter. TIME (days)
At this time, I. Arthur Mirsky, a dis-
A multidisciplinary approach is nec- Cumulative urinary excretion of radioiodide tinguished diabetologist, suggested that
essary to weave the tools and concepts of following intravenous administration of I 1 3 '- diabetes in the adult might be due to ab-
physics into medicine. Maximal effec- labeled albumin. The colored curve and data normally rapid degradation of insulin by
tiveness is achieved only when each show the behavior of labeled albumin that was a liver enzyme he called "insulinase."
not irradiated. The black spots show the results
member of an interdisciplinary team This was a reasonable suggestion since it
for samples of albumin at various concentrations
makes a commitment to at least on-the- irradiated with 45 krad dose of x rays: top curve was known that the pancreas of the adult
job training in the discipline of the oth- (black) 200 ^g/ml albumin concentrations; diabetic contains essentially normal
ers). I was fortunate to be joined in my middle curve (dashed) 5000 /ug/ml; bottom curve amounts of insulin, and at the time, 25
work by a very talented physician, Solo- (indistinguishable from the control) 50 000 years ago, it was generally agreed that all
mon Berson. We were close collaborators ^g/ml. The more rapid excretion of radioiodide diabetes is due to a deficiency of circu-
from 1950 until his death in 1972. I for the lower concentrations indicates that the lating insulin. We therefore thought we
learned medicine and he showed a re- radiation produced more damage than in more
could employ methods similar to those we
markable talent for physics and mathe- highly concentrated solutions. Figure 2
had used for studying the distribution and
matics. We learned to talk the same hy- turnover of serum proteins to the study of
brid language—a major factor in our A digression into radiation chemistry the turnover of the peptide hormone in-
success as a research team. Much of my was also required in order to understand sulin. We administered I131-labeled in-
recent work has been in collaboration with the problems encountered in the prepa- sulin intravenously to non-diabetic and
another physician, Eugene Straus, who ration and storage of labeled proteins. diabetic subjects. We observed that ra-
joined my laboratory as a research asso- We were analyzing, by compartmental dioactive insulin disappeared more slowly
ciate in 1972. modeling, the disappearance of I1:!1-la- from the plasma of patients who had re-
beled albumin from plasma following in- ceived insulin, either for the treatment of
Early studies travenous administration, and the ap- diabetes or as shock therapy for schizo-
In the early 1950's our work was con- pearance in the urine of radioiodide to phrenia, than from the plasma of subjects
cerned with studies of the kinetics of io- permit us to determine the rates of deg- never treated with insulin. We suspected
dide trapping in the thyroid gland and the radation and synthesis of albumin. that the retarded rate of insulin disap-
subsequent release of thyroid hormone However, it was soon evident that widely pearance was due to binding of labeled
and its metabolism; with the use of the differing rates that we often observed in insulin to antibodies that had developed
isotope dilution technique, first described the same clinical states occurred because in response to administration of exog-
by George von Hevesy (who received the of differences in the biologic behavior not enous insulin. However, classic immu-
Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1943 for his of albumin per se but of different lots of nologic techniques, which could detect
work on the use of isotopes in the study of I 11 '-albumin used as tracers. We con- concentrations no less than 10~l) M, were
chemical processes), to determine the size sidered that the variation among these not adequate for the detection of anti-
of various body compartments; with in- lots might be a consequence of the indi- bodies that we presumed were of such low
vestigations of the metabolism of proteins rect effects of radiation arising from the concentration as to be nonprecipitating.
using radioiodine-labeled tracers. The absorption of the /^-particles from I I;tl We therefore introduced radioisotopic
common feature of these studies was the during radioactive decay. Assuming methods of high sensitivity for detection
use of radioisotopes and of mathematical complete absorption of this radiation, the of soluble antigen-antibody complexes.
modeling. absorbed dose in one week in a solution With these methods we were able to effect
initially containing the usual concentra- a 10' to 10h increase in sensitivity. The
tion of 0.8 millicurie I1:)l/ml is about 45 method we first used was quite simple—
Rosalyn Yalow received the Nobel Prize in kilorads. We were able to demonstrate paper electrophoresis. The electropho-
Physiology or Medicine in 1977 for her role in the
development of the radioimmunoassay; she is
that lots containing labeled albumin at a retic patterns of labeled insulin in the
with the Solomon A Berson Research Laboratory concentration of 200 microgram/ml and plasma of controls and insulin-treated
of the Veterans Administration Medical Center, immediately exposed to 45 krad of ex- subjects are very different (figure 3).
Bronx, New York. ternal radiation could not be distin- During electrophoresis, labeled insulin in


control plasma binds to the paper at the
site of application. In the plasma of the
insulin-treated patients, the labeled in- NON-IMMUNE FREE INSULIN
sulin is bound to and migrates with a PLASMA
plasma globulin with an electrophoretic
mobility between that of the /? and y FREE
globulins. Using a variety of other
physicochemical systems, we were able to
demonstrate the ubiquitous presence of
insulin-binding globulins, that is anti-

bodies, in the plasma of all insulin-treated
We also demonstrated that the binding
of labeled insulin to a fixed concentration
of antibody is a quantitative function of
the amount of insulin present. This ob- ANTIBODY IMMUNE
servation was the basis for the radioim- BOUND PLASMA ANTIPOO
munoassay of plasma insulin. However, INSULIN .ROUN[:
investigations and analyses that lasted for
several years, and which included studies
on the quantitative aspects, especially the
thermodynamics and chemical kinetics,
of the reaction between insulin and anti-
body and the species specificity of the
available antiserums, were required to
translate the theoretical concepts of ra-
dioimmunoassay into experiments that
led first to the measurement of plasma
insulin in rabbits following administration T t
of beef insulin and finally, in 1959, to the
measurement of insulin in unextracted Electrophoresis patterns for plasma from subjects that had never been treated with insulin (top) and
human plasma. subject that had been treated with insulin (bottom). Insulin labeled with I 131 was added to the plasma,
Before discussing radioimmunoassay, and the mixtures were applied to paper strips for electrophoresis (right) or for hydrodynamic-flow
let me digress into a very interesting area chromatography combined with electrophoresis (left). Above the electrophoresis patterns we
in which the specificity of the reaction of show scans ot the radioactivity of the paper strip. The protein closest to the anode is albumin;
antigen with antibody can be used as a the «, fi, and y globulins are progressively closer to the cathode. Figure 3
tool for examining the three-dimensional
configuration of peptides. The anti- cleared by the discovery in 1969 by Don-
gen-antibody reaction can be likened to ald F. Steiner and his associates of
a key-lock fit. We studied the inhibition proinsulin, the precursor to insulin.
of binding of labeled beef insulin to anti- Proinsulin is a 9000 dalton peptide in
sera from guinea pigs and different which the A and B chains of insulin are
human subjects by insulins from three joined by a connecting peptide (C-pep-
species—dog, pig and whale—whose tide). Subsequent enzymatic removal of
amino acid sequences were reported to be the C-peptide leaves the familiar insulin
identical by the laboratory of Frederick molecule. The configuration of the
Sanger, who had received the Nobel Prize proinsulin molecule is determined at the
in Chemistry in 1956 for just this deter- time of its synthesis. Since it is now
mination. Although it was one of the te- known that the amino-acid sequences of
nets of biochemistry that the amino acid the C-peptides in dog and pig proinsulins
sequence determines structural configu- are strikingly different, conformational
ration, we noted striking differences, differences between the two prohormones
shown in figure 4, in the immunologic are not surprising. If the subsequent re-
behavior of these insulins with some an- moval of the C-peptide leaves the folding
tisera but not with others. We considered of the molecules unaltered, then pig and
it possible that structural differences dog insulins, in spite of the identity of
might have been introduced during the primary structure, would remain distin-
extraction and purification of the insulins guishable. Studies in which separated A
and therefore undertook to compare the and B chains of pig and dog insulins are
200 400 1000 4000
behavior of endogenous circulating insulin connected by chemical means are neces- INSULIN CONCENTRATION (picogram/ml)
with that of crystalline insulins purified sary to determine which configuration is
from pancreatic extracts of the same preferred without the constraint intro- Cross reactivities of various unlabeled mam-
species. We demonstrated superposa- duced by the C-peptide of proinsulin. malian insulins versus beef insulin labeled with
bility of endogenous dog plasma insulin I 131 in guinea pig (top) and human (bottom)
on the dilution curve of crystalline dog Radioimmunoassay anti-insulin serums. The guinea pig had been
insulin, as well as superposability of en- Let us return now to a consideration of treated with pork insulin, the human (diabetic),
dogenous pig plasma insulin on the dilu- radioimmunoassay. The assay is simple with a mixture of beef and pork insulin. We
show data for dog insulin (triangles), sperm-
tion curve of crystalline pig insulin. Dog in principle. The concentration of the whale insulin (squares) and two lots of pig insulin
and pig insulin are thus shown to be unknown unlabeled antigen is obtained (crosses). Note that the guinea-pig antiserum
structurally different in spite of identical by comparing its inhibitory effect on the does not distinguish between insulin from the
amino-acid sequences. Why? binding of radioactively labeled antigen different species, while the human antiserum
The mystery seems to have been to specific antibody with the inhibitory does. Figure 4


effect of known standards. Radioim- Ag, F, and of bound complex AgAb, B, are molecules in solutions containing radio-
munoassay is an in-vitro test, that is, the related by active materials absorb ionizing radiation.
ingredients—labeled antigen, specific In the latter case, damage may be de-
antibody and standards or unknowns— B/F = K ([Ab0]-B) (2) creased by reducing the concentration of
are incubated in test tubes. After an where the equilibrium constant for the radioactivity or using protective agents as
appropriate reaction time, ranging from reaction K is simply k/k'\ [Abu] is the total radical scavengers. Since decay catas-
hours to days, depending on the associa- molar concentration of antibody binding trophe results from self-damage within
tion-dissociation rates for the particular sites. the molecule, no protective measures are
reaction, the bound and free fractions of It is evident from equation 2 that when effective.
radioactive antigen are separated, a cali- R is much less than [Abo], B/F decreases Let us consider the stability of some
bration curve is drawn and the concen- only slightly for large changes in B; thus very simple molecules and see the effect
tration of the unknown sample is deter- if B increases 10-fold from 0.001 [Ab0] to of more than one iodine-125 atom per
mined from the calibration curve (figure 0.01 [Abo] the change in B/F is less than molecule. The thyronines are amino
5). The sensitivity is most remarkable, 1%. For a sensitive assay, therefore, [Abo] acids with an inner benzine ring and an
as little as 5 X 10"14 M of the peptide must be reduced by dilution so that [Abo] outer phenolic ring; radioiodine can easily
being measurable in some systems in the is not much larger than B and since B, the be incorporated in the outer ring by ex-
presence of billionfold higher concentra- bound antigen, must be less than the total change of existing stable iodine atoms
tions of serum proteins. We can now antigen, it follows that [Abo] should be with I1-5 or substitution of I 125 for hy-
measure concentrations of peptide hor- near H, the minimal antigen concentra- drogen. One can thus prepare radioio-
mones in a drop of blood—compared to tion to be detected. dothyronines with one or two radioactive
the half-liter amounts required for If we wish to start with B/F near 1 in atoms, depending on the substrate one
bioassay procedures. The assay is also the absence of added unlabeled antigen starts with. The most stable of the ra-
characterized by the specificity associated ("trace" conditions), then from equation dioiodothyronines are the ones with only
with antigen-antibody reactions and by a single iodine atom in the outer ring—
comparative technical simplicity, espe- diiodothyronine, T2, and triiodothyronine
cially now that radioimmunoassay kits g K[Ab0] < KH T:i (figure 7). Next in order of stability
and reagents are widely available com- and, therefore, are thyroxine, T4, and reverse T3, each of
mercially. which has two iodine atoms in the outer
What factors in the reaction determine K> l/H ring. The least stable preparations are T4
the sensitivity of a radioimmunoassay? Thus, there is an inherent sensitivity that and reverse T^ containing two I125 atoms
Consider the biomolecular reaction be- can be achieved with any antiserum, in the outer ring. Once again the princi-
tween an antigen containing a single re- which is dependent on the equilibrium ples of physics are directly used in prep-
active site [Ag] and a single order of ho- constant, K, that characterizes the reac- aration of the radiolabeled tracer that is
mogeneous combining-sites on antibody tion of the predominating antibodies. an essential ingredient for radioimmu-
[Ab] to form an antigen-antibody com- It is evident from this analysis that the noassays.
plex [AgAb] and assume that labeled and limiting factors governing the sensitivity
unlabeled antigen behave identically. of a radioimmunoassay are the choice of Medical applications
Then specific antibody and the specific activity Having described the principle of the
of the tracer (that is, the ratio between the radioimmunoassay and some of the
[Ag] + [Ab] ^ ^ [AgAb] (1) radioactivity and chemical amount). The physics problems encountered and solved
radioisotope of choice for high sensitivity along the way, let us now consider its role
At equilibrium, the concentrations of free assays is I1-5 with a 60-day half-life—the in biomedical investigation and clinical
long half-lives of C14 or H;! limit the at- medicine. The first application was to
tainable specific activity, and these labels the measurement of plasma insulin in
are useful only in low sensitivity assays. man. We soon learned that, contrary to
Iodine-125 can substitute onto tyrosyl or Mirsky's hypothesis, the adult-onset di-
histidyl residues of most peptides or can abetic does not have an absolute defi-
l-2r->Minimum detectable concentration be incorporated using other chemical ciency of insulin. He responds slowly but
techniques into other substances of bio- with a greater insulin output than does
logic interest. It is obvious that one can the non-diabetic to glucose, the classic
lower the chemical amount of tracer and stimulator of insulin secretion. Thus
maintain the same counting rate, and adult-onset diabetes is not due to an ab-
hence statistical accuracy, by incorpo- solute deficiency of insulin but rather to
rating more than one I1'25 atom per mole- some degree of insensitivity to the effects
cule. This has an inherent disadvantage. of insulin. This was but the first of new
When a radioiodine atom undergoes insights gained with the assay. The
decay, the molecule to which it is attached method has since been applied to the
usually dissociates in what has been des- measurement of hundreds of substances
ignated "decay catastrophe." If the of biologic interest—peptide hormones,
molecule contains two or more radioactive steroid hormones, thyroid hormones,
atoms, decay of the first atom results in drugs, viruses, bacterial antigens, and
production of labeled fragments or free countless others.
radioiodide. As a result the radioactivity Let me just cite a few practical appli-
is no longer associated only with unaltered cations of public health interest. Many
molecules. These changes limit the shelf of you are familiar with the serious prob-
Ol ,. life of the labeled substance during stor- lems due to transfusion hepatitis, a liver
0 I 2 3 5 J W 15 age and result in increased damage to it infection due to contamination of trans-
during incubation for immunoassay. fused blood with a virus called hepatitis
Standard curve for the radioimmunoassay of
Decay catastrophe is distinctly different B antigen. Radioimmunoassay is the
gastrin. Note that as little as 0.1 picogram from the chemical alterations induced by method of choice for testing Red Cross
gastrin/ml incubation mixture (a concentration oxidizing or reducing radicals, which are, and other bank blood for this virus and for
of 5 X 10~' 4 M) is readily detectable. Figure 5 as we saw, produced when the water carriers of this virus, and its use has re-


suited in dramatically reducing this form ment with radiant energy. From the time n—the scientific breakthrough—is
of hepatitis in the United States. of Konrad Rontgen, through World War lacking. While we work and wait, are
Another very important application is I when Marie Curie almost single-han- there other fields where physicists can
for mass screening for underactivity of the dedly mounted the entire Allied x-ray serve?
thyroid of the newborn. If the deficiency activity for the diagnosis of shrapnel Do we have the fundamental science
is not treated almost immediately after wounds and other war injuries, until now necessary to make it possible for the blind
birth, before it becomes clinically evident, with computerized tomography, physi- to see, the deaf to hear, and the amputee
the resultant mental retardation cannot cists have been concerned with the use of and spinal-cord injury patient to make
be reversed by later treatment. This x rays to image the human body and fuller use of replacement or existing
disease occurs in 1 in 5000 births. Test- search for abnormalities related to disease limbs? Each of these processes is con-
ing can be performed on a drop of blood processes. With the ready availability of cerned with the transfer of informa-
from a heel prick of the new-born placed radionuclides, the medical specialty of tion—and we are in the middle of a revo-
on filter paper. The test costs about $1 Nuclear Medicine developed, with par- lution in the transfer of information.
per sample according to estimates from ticular emphasis on imaging the localiza- The blind can walk with seeing-eye
New England, where this screening pro- tion and dynamic changes in the distri- dogs—but is it not time that sonar- or
gram has been in use for several years. bution of administered radionuclides. radar-equipped glasses or canes scan the
Treatment costs $1 per year and it has Over the past few years tremendous surroundings and communicate the safe
already been demonstrated that treated strides have been made in the application path? The blind can read with their
children are equivalent in IQ to their of ultrasound to visualize human anato- fingers or be read to—but is it not time to
siblings. What a small price to pay for my, normal and abnormal. New types of scan ordinary books and newspapers and
healthy children—and radioimmunoas- imaging are on the drawing boards—in- convert the printed page perhaps to sound
say made it possible! cluding the potential application of nu- and truly open the world of the written
It is possible to spend many hours cit- clear magnetic resonance. word to the blind? Is it perhaps even
ing the hundreds of applications of the Physicists have long been concerned possible to effect artificial communication
assay and their relevance to biology and with the problems of ensuring safety from to the optical centers of the brain?
medicine. Instead, I want briefly to re- the deleterious effects of radiation on A critical aspect of basic science is its
view the general role of physicists in normal tissue and with the therapeutic subsequent application to the needs of
medicine during the recent past and to usefulness, primarily in the management society. The fall-out of the Manhattan
gaze into my crystal ball and suggest po- of malignancies, of classical low- and Project was nuclear medicine and nuclear
tential new vistas. high-energy x-ray machines, betatrons power. The fall-out of the Radiation
As a trained nuclear physicist I have and linear accelerators and of treatment Laboratory at MIT was radar, which
been concerned for more than 30 years with natural and artificial radionu- made possible a new era in transportation,
with the application of radioisotopic clides. for without radar we could not safely ride
methodology to analyze the fine structure Thus one can consider most medical through the skies. If science permits a
of biologic systems. Most physicists in physicists to be radiation physicists. Let man to walk on the Moon, surely we can
medicine who are organized in the me consider another point of view—we, make more dynamic usage of the tech-
American Association of Physicists in biomedical investigators, are asked "If we nology of the space age, microprocessors
Medicine, a member organization of the can put a man on the moon, why is there and microenergy sources, to restore as
American Institute of Physics, have had yet no cure for diabetes or cancer?" The best we can the functions of the parts a
interests relating to imaging or to treat- answer is that the fundamental informa- man is missing. The six-million-dollar
man comes to us from science fiction—
but much of the fiction can be converted
to reality with what we now know.
Spurred by the needs of World War II,
physicists served as leaders who sparked
the transition from basic science to prac-
tical applicability. Will physicists again
lead the way in converting basic phe-
nomena into viable mechanisms that can
make dreams come true? There are nu-
merous opportunities for employment in
Name Number of I 125 atoms the application of physics in medicine—
cc but more importantly there are new
1 1 T3 1
frontiers for learning and contributing to
50 X K T3 1 the service of man. Let us hope that
2 some among us will have the vision and
o • • T2 1
wisdom to explore these frontiers.
uj 1
CL A—A rT3
• • •
T4 1
This article is based on a talk given during a
A—-A rT3 2 Symposium on Physicists in Unusual or Al-
ternatiue Settings at the joint meeting of The
o o T4 2 American Physical Society and the American
Association of Physics Teachers in New York
an 29 January 1979. Many of the technical
12 aspects of the talk, including a bibliography,
STORAGE TIME (weeks) mere published as part of the Nobel Lecture,
and republished in Medical Physics 5, 247
Stability of radioiodothyronines stored in an organic solvent as a function of time after purification. (1978).
The most stable preparations were those with a single iodine atom in the phenolic ring. There were This work is supported by the Medical Re-
no differences in the stabilities of the T3's prepared by different reactions. The least stable prep- search Service Program of the Veterans Ad-
arations have two I 125 atoms in the phenolic ring. Figure 6 ministration, a


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