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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Carig Campus

A proposal of “New computers on CICS Laboratory” for CICS students

I. Title of the Activity: New Computers on CICS Laboratory

II. Target Clienteles: CICS Students

III. Date: May 22, 2018

IV. Venue: CSU Carig CICS Department

A new computer for the students is very helpful for their studying because
it gives to students the opportunity to enhance the interaction with their
classmate and instructors by encouraging collaboration. Integrating technology
in education helps students stay engaged . most students today have been
using mobile devices like tablets and smartphones to play and learn since they
could crawl. So it only seems logical to align todays classroom with the way that
students want and are used to learning . integrating technology into the
classroom is an effective way of connect with students of all learning styles.

Combining new tech with traditional classroom instruction is one example of how the
introduction of new technology can enhance the learning experience and create new
opportunities. The traditional passive learning model is broken. With the new technology in the
classroom the teacher becomes the encourager, advise, and coach

New computers technology helps students be more responsible.owning your own

device or borrowing the schools devices gives students the opportunity to improve rhier
decision making skills as well as taking awnership of a valuable and often times expensive
device. Again , this needs be complemented by proper digital citizenship training to see the best
results. Technology transforms the learning experience, students have access to an incredible
amount of new opportunities. From learning how to code to learnig and with their insturctors
technology empowers students to be more connected. New tech has super charged we learn.
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University
Carig Campus

Students who use computers have been shown to attend school more steadly and perform
betterthan students who do not use computers

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