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Modernage Kindergarten, Abbottabad

Syllabus for Final Term, Session 2018-19

Class: Playgroup

Area 1:Personal and Social Development:

1. Daily Circle Time

i. Expressing likes and dislikes about fruits.
ii. Sharing what they do at home.
iii. Expressing likes and dislikes about colours.
iv. Learning to share materials with friends.
v. Listening to stories about people from other countries and cultures.
vi. Talking to people of different occupations.
2. Activities and Assembly presentation:
i. Celebrating Defense Day
ii. Celebrating Death Anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam
iii. Celebrating World Education day
iv. Celebrating World Saving Day
v. Celebrating World Peace Day
vi. Importance of healthy food and balanced diet.
vii. Celebrating World Food Day
viii. Celebrating World Cooking Day.
ix. learning to take care of teeth.
x. Celebrating the birthdays of children
xi. Sharing things
xii. World Transport Day
xiii. Story telling through puppets.
xiv. World Vegetable Day
xv. Pet Animal Day
xvi. Recitation of poems of Allama Iqbal (Iqbal Day)
xvii. Independence Day celebration
xviii. Parents Day
xix. Defense day
xx. Personal Hygiene Day
xxi. Muharram
xxii. Eid-ul-Aza

1. Nazra
a. 1st Kalma with English translation.
b. Surah-e-Kausar
c. First ten names of Allah Almighty




1. How many holy names does Allah Almighty have?
A. Allah Almighty has ninety-nine (99) names.
2. Which is the shortest Surah of the Holy Quran?
A. The shortest Surah of the Holy Quran is Surah-e-Kausar.
3. Which is the longest Surah of the Holy Quran?
A. The longest Surah of the Holy Quran is Surah-e-Baqarah.
4. Where do Muslims perform Hajj?
A. The Muslims perform Hajj in Makkah.
5. What do we say before starting anything?
A. We say Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim before starting anything.

Supplementary Worksheets:
Pg# 3,4

Islamic stories:
i. The story of Eid-ul-Azha
ii. The story of Eid-ul-Fitr and Ramadan

Area 2: Language: English

Names of Books:
1.Jolly Phonics Pg # 13 to 26
Name of Publisher: Sue Lloyd and Sara Wernham

Written: Doodling and colouring, tracing different lines and pattern , matching and circling.

Content: Colouring, Rhyming words, Matching.

Recognition Recognition of sounds of letters (g,o,u,l,f,b,j,z,w,v,y,x,qu)
Reading: Small alphabet from blackboard, charts & flash cards with proper sounds.
Recitation: Group and individual recitation of Nursery rhymes and songs with action using A.V aids and
1. Rain rain go away 2. One little two little three little fingers.
3 Alphabet rhyme. 4. Teddy bear. 5.Food rhyme. 6.Mr. Thumb
Conversation Concept of like and dislike, Use of that
(IRI Programme): Lesson no 15 to 25
Story Telling: Ben and Lad

Vocabulary: 1. Things in the classroom. 2. Things in the garden 3.Things in the bathroom.
4. Wild animals 5. Water animals. 6. Seasons

Supplementary Pg # 5, 12, 16, 17, 18, 23.

Subject: Urdu
۲۹‫ات‬۸۳ - ‫ہحفصربمن‬ ‫ونگجاردوہلسلسادتبایئ‬
)۹۳‫ےس‬۵۱( ‫ہحفصربمن‬ ‫ونگجاہمریتہلسلس‬
)۸۸‫ےس‬۵۸(‫ہحفصربمن‬ ‫ہفحت‬
‫رحوػوکوصتریےسالمان‬،‫رحوػوکرحوػےسالمان‬،‫لسنیپریھپاناوررگنرھبان‬،‫ػےسےکترحوػیکڑپاھیئاوراچہپن‬ ‫ اھکلیئ‬،‫ڑپاھیئ‬
،‫یلگنجاجونروںےکانم‬،‫زبسویںےکانم‬،‫لسغاخےنںیماامعتسلوہےنوایلزیچوںےکانم‬،‫ابوریچاخےنںیماامعتسلوہےنوایلزیچوںےکانم‬ ‫ذریخہاافلظ‬
‫وچبںےکااسحاستاورذجابتےکقلعتمابتدہلایخل۔‬،‫جحاورویمدافعےکقلعتموگتفگ‬ ‫تفگودینش‬
‫ابغ‬-‫اوکسل‬--‫وطاط‬:‫اہکین‬ ‫اہکاینںہفحت‬
‫ اوبالےئومرٹاکر‬،‫ اکوھچیٹیتشکریمےاپس‬،‫ وسےئڑپےوہےئ‬،‫ریمییئناسلکیئ‬ ‫ںیمظن‬
Area 3: Mathematics
Books Required:
Maze Workbook Series 1b: Page # (27 to 76)
i. Recognition of Numbers from 5 to 10.
ii. Counting and writing from 5 to 10.
iii. Matching one to one and colouring.
iv. Concept of big / small, short / long.
v. Recognition of colours.
vi. Tracing patterns.
vii. Counting, tracing and colouring.
i. Concept of date with the help of calendar
ii. Pattering practice
Montessori Apparatus:
a. Baric Tablets b. Metal Insets c. Counter and Cards. d. Sand Paper Numbers.
e. Spindle Box.
Supplementary Worksheets: Pg# 44,47,56,58

Area 4: World Around Us

Themes for the Term:
Family, Community Members, Plants, Animals, Environment, Weather and Keeping Clean.
General Knowledge:
Q. How many brothers and sisters do you have?
A. I have…... sisters and......brothers.
Q. Where do you live?
A. I live in Abbottabad.
Q. Name some vehicles.
A. Cycle, Motorcycle, Van, Bus, Car
Q. In which vehicle you come to school?
A. In van, in bus.
Q. Which is your favourite vehicle?
A. My favourite vehicle is a …….
Q. Should we pluck the flowers?
A. No.
Q. Name some wild animals
A. Lion, Tiger, Elephant, Deer.
Q. Name some water animals.
A. Fish, Frog, Octopus
Q. Name the seasons
A. Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Q. How can we keep our home and school clean?
A. We should not throw rubbish outside
Q. How can we make our environment healthy?
A. We can make our environment healthy by growing more plants.
Area 5: Health, Hygiene & Safety
Physical Activities:
i. P.T exercise with simple actions.
ii. Using outdoor gross motor equipments, such as swings and climbing frames, safely and appropriately.
iii. Running, jumping, sliding and hopping games.
iv. Frog jump race.
v. Banana eating race.
Supplementary Worksheets: Pg#18, 22, 28.
EPL Exercises:
i. Pouring water from one jug to another jug.
ii. Pouring rice from one jug to another jug.
iii. Pouring beans from one jug to another jug.
iv. Knocking at the door.
v. Sponging water from one bowl to another bowl
Personal Care:
i. Washing hands
ii. Folding napkins
iii. Dusting
iv. How to sneeze?
v. How to cough?
Area 6: Creative Arts
Art Book: Colours and Craft. Page # 23 to 43
Drawing and colouring, making crafts and models, collage work, folding, cutting, weaving papers.
1. Rain, rain go away
Rain, rain go away
Come again another day ‫وسےئڑپےوہےئ وسےئڑپےوہےئ‬
Little Johnny wants to play
Rain, rain go away ‫اھبیئاجن اھبیئ اجن‬
‫یٹنھگجبریہےہ‬ ‫حبصوہیئگےہ‬
‫ےتنسوہ ےتنسوہ‬ ‫ابدلرگاج ابدلرگاج‬
‫ڈنھٹیڈنھٹیوبدنںی‬ ‫یھننیھننوبدنںی‬
2. Teddy Bear ‫اوبالےئومرٹاکر‬
Teddy bear teddy bear
Turn around ‫سجےکےچینےیہپاچر‬ ‫اوبالےئومرٹاکر‬
Teddy bear teddy bear ‫وپںوپںوپںرکیتےہ‬ ‫اچیبےسوہیتلچےہ‬
Touch the ground
Teddy bear teddy bear ‫داںیئابںیئڑمیتاجےئ‬ ‫آےگاجےئےھچیپاجےئ‬
Polish the shoes
Teddy bear teddy bear
Off to school

3. One little, two little ‫ریمییئناسلکیئ‬

One little, two little ‫زیتیےسیلچ‬ ‫ریمییئناسلکیئ‬
three little, fingers
four little, five little ‫اپرکیکیلگ‬ ‫اھپکٹےسںیمالکن‬
six little fingers ‫اھباگےسیجوھگڑا‬ ‫دیماناکرکچاکاٹ‬
seven little, eight little
nine little fingers ‫زیتیےسومڑا‬ ‫ایمےنبجداھکی‬
ten little fingers . ‫اسلکیئیئگایکریںیم‬ ‫مہوتےئگوحضںیم‬
‫اینپوہایشریںیم‬ ‫ابوتوکیئکشہنراہ‬
4. Mr. Thumb
Mr. Thumb ‫اکوھچیٹیتشکریمےاپس‬
Mr. Thumb ‫ںیمےنونبایئیلینروگنایئ‬ ‫اکوھچیٹیتشکریمےاپس‬
Where are you?
Here I am ‫اکدنیمکاھٹیباپینںیم‬ ‫اوراپینںیمریتایئ‬
Here I am ‫اسےنداھکیھجموکوھگرا اوروکدایتشکںیم‬
How are you this morning?
Very well, and thank you. ‫ریمییتشکڈاگمگیئگ اوردورکتیئگ‬
‫اوراپینںیمڈوبیئگ‬ ‫آھکنےسپھچیئگ‬

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