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Video gamegaming is an industry which is worth 75 billion of dollars per year. Their main
costumers are young people under 25 years old. Most of games don’t have age
restrictions. Therefore, there are a large quantities quantity of children who are have
having an unlimited access to this, and they are spending lots of time playing in front of a
screen. There is proof to support that children Children whose brains are still developing
should not have any contact with any kind of video game.

The first impact on the child’s brain is a loss of creativity. Although video games offer
challenges to be overtaken, those are predetermined, and it cannot be modified by the
user. Therefore, spending time playing through unmodified environments limits the
capacity of a brain, which is only starting to explore, to and create a new reality based on
preexisting things. On the other hand, most of these gaming challenges only have one way
to be overcome; this sends a hidden message to the user, telling him them, “There is only
one way to solve problems”. Also, there is a lack in connection connecting with reality.
Scenarios that are designed have nothing to do with the neither real world nor everyday
situations, therefore, making it difficult to for children to distinguish between what is
possible and permitted in reality and what is not. In summary, the disconnection of reality,
fixed and repetitive scenarios, and limited ways to solve problems, work to destroy
creativity in children.

A second impact, but certainly not less important, impact is that children start to have a low
capacity of focus in tasks which there is not any kind of pleasure. Video games produce an
immediately and easy way to get pleasure through endorphins which are chemicals
released in the brain when it is we are doing an enjoyable activity. Endorphins, in small
levels are considered healthy, , In small amounts are healthy. However, unfortunately
however, video games produced an over sensorial stimulation added to the time used to
interacting with them, increasing increases these amounts reaching endorphins to not
unrecommend levels in comparison to a person should have doing a normal enjoyable
activity. Mix of Combining these sensations in a weak brain creates a high necessity of get
pleasure in any activity that requires a mental effort, such home works.
On the other hand, children begin to become irritable but easily. All kind of video games
can be played over and over again until the user is able to get over the challenge which is
proposed by the game. In consequence, there is not any chance to fail having Having
unlimited chances to solve all problems proposed, in consequence, does not offer any
chance at truly failing. When they children are not interacting with a screen, after they
had to have been gaming for done it lots of hours, begin began to feel anxious. The
children became anxious because of the lack of connection to reality, and also gaming
creates boredom by failing to makes it become boring to not generate any kind of emotion
or satisfaction in each activity that is performed. As was previously said, video games are
designed to have enough of difficulty to generate a satisfaction and emotion in the user,
such that you can get over the challenge without being bored by its facility. Even for users
it becomes boring when they discover how to overcome the challenges posed, because
they find it too easy. Usually, playing video games is a solitary activity., most of these are
thought to be played by only one person, and therefore because of, it is marketed to better
to sales individualize individual customers rather than commercialize commercializing a
game that can get by for groups. As a result of this these factors playing video games is
generally a solitary activity generating in people who do not have enough mental maturity
or a lack of empathy understanding with their congeners cognition, and therefore creating
a further weakening of the emotional intelligence of individuals. This can easily be
observed when children are withdrawn, do not share, or have fun with their peers,
however, when they are in front of the screen their behavior is more similar to that of a
person who has no deficit in their interpersonal relationships. The lack of interaction with
what really gives them satisfaction added to the "boring" reality that gaming creates,
stimulates the irritability of children in any area of life that is not related to interacting with
the video game, such as, go to buy making purchases, discuss with others about it, and
looking for ways to overcome the challenges on the internet, etc.

To summarize, such as the way video games are designed today, there are several and
strong damages harmful effects that can caused in children whose brain is developing.
These harmful effects creates, Generating in them, a loss of creativity, low ability to
concentrate on unpleasant activities, and easy irritability, therefore, it is not advisable to
allow this population to interact with video games until they are old enough age where they
were are capable to separate of separating fiction from reality and prevent therefore
preventing their social and intellectual abilities from being ostensibly deteriorated.

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