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Community Resource Guide Reflection Paper

The Early Childhood Laboratory school is a private Reggio Emilia - inspired, NAEYC

accredited, research facility within the School of Education and is aligned with undergraduate

and graduate programs in Early Childhood Education. The families of the students who attend

this school typically work within the Louisiana State University school or attended. The

laboratory school serves children from birth to age five. Many of the families have diverse

background and the children often speak two or more languages.

I chose to include the Baton Rouge Parents Magazine because it provides valuable

information to families about community events happening within the area. Knock Knock

Children’s museum as well as the Louisiana Arts and Science museum are resources to families

looking to enrich their children’s minds either through hands on activities or through other

means. The Baton Rouge zoo is a great way for children to experience real life exotic animals up

close and personal and it will broaden their understanding of the world around them. The Baton

Rouge Library hosts many free events and children will be able to watch their favorite books

come to life within the city’s amazing library. I have included the farmers market because it’s a

good way for parents to show their children where food comes from and to teach them that fruits

and vegetables are an important part of each person’s diet. Liberty Lagoon provides families a

way to provide children with water sensory experiences that they may not be able to achieve if

they do not have a pool. The botanical gardens offer families an inexpensive way to view the

amazing beauty of nature in the closeness of our own city. The inflatable playground is another

resource that offers children with a great sensory experience. Prehistoric Park is a unique

experience for the residents of Louisiana, it gives children the ability to imagine what it would be

like to walk among the great giants of the prehistoric era. Families Helping Families and Family
Road are both non-profit organizations that provide numerous resources to families of various

backgrounds. Tyke Hyke is a resource for young children with expecting mothers and can help to

make their transition from only child easier for the whole family. Since the laboratory school

serves infants, I have included a breastfeeding support group for mothers of infants enrolled in

the school. The last resource I included was information about visiting the LSU mascot, since

many of the children have parents that work with LSU or have attended LSU, I found that it

would be a great bonding experience for families to visit our live tiger mascot.

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