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Group analysis paper

Group analyze paper

Amber Keefe


Governors State University

Group analysis paper

This past group presentation was one of the more enjoyable ones that I have been a part

of. I feel that the group work well together and that the presentation went smoothly. When the

group was formed we decided to divide the work amongst ourselves. I like our approach that we

took by dividing the different slides and combing them all into one PowerPoint. I thought that we

made a good decision to just put all of the individual slides into one PowerPoint. When it came

time to present I liked that we just had one PowerPoint instead of us presenting with individual

ones. I thought that it made things a lot easier one everyone involved. I also thought that it gave

us a smooth presentation, we didn’t have to stop and take the time to change to another

PowerPoint. I thought that it gave smooth transitions during the prestation. At the end I felt that

we did a good job with the presentation.

I felt that our communication as a group went well as well. When talking about the

project we stayed on task and didn’t have any problems when making decisions. We did most of

our communication over email, that seemed to be the easiest way to contact each other. We also

talk right before the time we needed to present to make sure that everything was ready. I would

say that we all worked well together we didn’t argue about anything. We talk calming about

everything and broke down the word and made sure that we divided it evenly. I would say that I

would be willing to work with this group again.

I felt that the other members in my group did the jobs that the had to do. I also felt that

the work was evenly divided, everyone did their share of the work. One member of the group did

do a little bit more than the rest of us. He created the PowerPoint and was the ones who added all

the pictures in the PowerPoint. He also made sure that everything was good to go when it came

time to do the presentation. He also served as the main communicator for the group, he created

the group email chain and was the one who made sure that everyone understood what to do. I felt
Group analysis paper

that every member of the group pulled their own weight and did what they said they where going

to do for the presentation. All member communicated and made sure that their slide where in the

PowerPoint. I felt that I could have communicated a bit more with my group members when it

came time to making the PowerPoint. I will admit that I was the last one to get my slides ready

and added them in to the PowerPoint. I should have done that sooner than I did and I should

have responded to my group member sooner than I did. Looking back I also realized that I need

to be more vocal when talking to a group. I need to work on not being afraid to share an opinion.

I just need to keep in mind that I have to work on these thing next time I work with a group.

I learned a lot from working with this group. I learned that people can work together and

communicate well together. In the past I have never work in a group that went as smoothly as

this one. Everyone seemed to get along and everyone did the job that they said that they where

going to do. I liked how we all where open to taking suggestions from each other, no one was

shutting down anyone else ideas. We really didn’t have much to discuss because we divided up

the work. We all work on our slide separately and then we added them to the main PowerPoint. I

would say I learned a lot about my flaws when working with a group and now I know what I

need to do to improve myself.

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