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By Jason Julius


Mindset For Approaching Orgasms

Goal of this module is to introduce you to the healthy

mindset you need to have in order to give a woman an
• The truth is every healthy woman is capable of
multiple full body orgasms
• Sadly most women will never reach their full
orgasmic potential
• Stats
o Around 29% of women have never had an
orgasm at all
o Around 70% report never having an orgasm
during sex
o Only 20% of women have experienced a vaginal
orgasm (deeper orgasm than clitoral orgasm)
• There are a number of reasons for this but the
biggest is lack of knowledge and understanding of
how it works
• Very few people realize this but guiding a woman to
orgasm requires leading both her mind and body
• What I’m about to teach you is not just about having
more techniques to use in the bedroom, it’s about
understanding how a woman’s body and mind come
together to give her an orgasm. Having this
understanding will give you a lifetime of
experimentation and incredible sexual experiences.
When you first start out with a woman
• You want to teach her to have an orgasm using your
fingers and tongue
• Allows for direct stimulation


• Give her an orgasm before sex and she will be

orgasmic enough to have more orgasms during sex
• Goal is to eventually get her to orgasm so easily that
she’ll be able to orgasm with just sex alone
• By this point she will want you more, she will crave
• Things will always get better as you get to know
each other and build a bond of trust
Correct way to approach giving a woman an orgasm
• Whether you are fingering her or going down on her,
it should always be something you are doing WITH
her, not to her
• YOUR goal should be to give her an orgasm. But you
do NOT tell her this is your goal. Let her experience
the orgasm through you. Don’t tell her about it,
bring her to it.
• Her goal should never be the orgasm. Approaching it
this way will put to much pressure and focus on the
outcome and this will cause a mental block for her.
• Frame the experience to her like this. “Babe, I want
to share the most incredible experience with you to
get to know your body, and find out what you like.”
• Just enjoy the experience of giving yourself to your
partner, take the pressure off and you’ll be amazed
how much easier it will be to achieve an orgasm.
Different types of orgasms
• This goes for the different types of orgasms as well.
We will be talking about clitoral orgasms, g spot
orgasms, deep spot orgasms, and squirting orgasms.
• Don’t get discouraged if you don’t achieve all types
of orgasms right away. All women are different


• The key to achieving orgasms is effective

• Men don’t be afraid to ask her what she likes best
o This opens up the dialogue for her to feel
comfortable telling you what she wants
• Women don’t hesitate to tell your man what you like
o Tell him how much it turns you on when he (fill
in the blank)
• Remember this is all about having fun and enjoying
each other
That concludes this module
• The goal of this module was to give you the correct
mindset for approaching orgasms so you can be
successful when you apply the concepts in the rest of
this program.
Go ahead and move on to the next module and we’ll get into
the meat of this program.


Guiding Her Mind To Orgasm

You must guide a woman’s mind to orgasm

• Orgasm is the act of letting go and giving yourself to
your partner
• It is so incredibly important to have her trust and
o She wants to feel comfortable letting down her
guard and letting you lead her to orgasm
o She has to let herself be vulnerable and she
needs to trust that you will respect her
o Email quote “sometimes when we have sex she
tells me to stop because she's afraid to lose
control.” Perfect example of a woman who
needs to let herself lose control and let go
completely to allow herself to orgasm.
o Tell her this to assure her mind that she can
give herself to you completely: “Babe, I
absolutely adore every moment I have with
you. I love how close I feel when we’re
together. I want to come together and be
completely close to you. I want you to give
yourself to me completely. I want you to know
that you can trust me and let go”
o DO NOT SAY THIS if you don’t mean it! Don’t
tell her to let down her guard and give herself
completely if you’re just having a casual
relationship. Feelings get involved, never lead a
woman on by saying this JUST to get her to let
go and get to orgasm!
o This will free her mind up and if she really does
trust and respect you she will want to liberate
herself and let go when she’s with you.


• When a woman has an orgasm she must be

completely present in her mind. This means no
chatter going on in her head.
o When a man or woman lets go to orgasm there
is a complete absence of thought
o Think about it guys you don’t think when you
o Email example from woman: “I don’t know what
it is, it’s like he doesn’t even give me time to
think and next thing I know I’m having an
o This is something all men who are skilled at
giving orgasms are good at is bringing a woman
into the present and not letting them think
about anything but the pleasure being given to
o In fact studies have shown that at the time of
orgasm both men and women have a reduction
of activity in the cerebral cortex in the brain.
What this shows is very little thought, almost
running on primal brain.
o That is why it’s so important for you to create
an experience that allows her to be completely
present and stops the chatter in her head.
• So lets talk about some of the possible mind blocks
that might bring chatter to a woman’s head during
o Self Conscious about body
 If she’s self conscious about her body she
will not be able to let go of her inner
 Women with high self esteem usually have
an easier time achieving orgasm


 Woman with a great sense of humor

generally has a high self worth
 The more comfortable she is with her body
and sexuality, the more likely she’ll be
able to orgasm
o Giver not a receiver
 Many people are givers and when it comes
to receiving they have a hard time with it.
 When it comes time for her to lay back and
relax her self worth might start causing
dialogue that makes her uncomfortable
receiving pleasure.
 Some times she will ask you to stop and
start initiating sex to over come this
 You need to reassure her that you love
going down on her and that it turns you
on. If she starts to think of it like that she
will make it ok in her mind because it’s
doing something for you to.
o Stress and distractions
 People in general have a hard time staying
in the present
 Our minds are constantly causing
unnecessary dialog about the past or
future that prevents us from being in the
 She might be thinking about some drama
that happened at work rather than being
present with you
 She might be thinking about what she has
to get done tomorrow


 These thoughts might not be happening

consciously but unconsciously her mind is
grinding away and she is not fully present
o To focused on the orgasm
 Like we talked about before if she is to
focused on having an orgasm she will not
be able to let go to have the orgasm.
 It’s the times when she doesn’t think
about the orgasm and has complete
absence of thought and gives into the
feeling of pleasure that she’s going to have
an orgasm.
• How do we lead her into the present? How do we
keep her out of her own head?
o Anticipation is our biggest ally
 Try this: Send her a dirty text message 5
hours before you’re even going to see her.
Make her wet her panties while she’s at
work or shopping with her friends. Let her
mind start thinking about how good it’s
going to be.
 Key to anticipation is to change things up.
If she know what you’re going to do next
or if you get in a routine it will kill it.
o Before you start:
 Have her lay down and get completely
 Tell her to close her eyes and take a deep
 Guide her through a few deep breathes
 While her eyes are closed ask her to
completely clear her mind and only listen
to the sound of your voice


 “Babe, I want the next hour to be just

about us. I want us to come together like
we are the last two people on earth. I
want you to completely give yourself to me
because I will be giving myself completely
to you. Let’s escape to our world where we
can be free”
 Ask her to open her eyes and begin
 Is this cheesy? Not with someone you care
about. Obviously you won’t do this with
the cocktail waitress you bring home for a
one night stand.
o Foreplay is extremely important.
 Warming a woman up and taking your
time will make her 10 times more likely to
 The more time you take the more she will
lose her thoughts and become completely
 Kissing down her body and not going right
for her sensitive spots will build up until all
she can think about is how bad she wants
you to touch her there.
• **The following is for the women reading this**
o Many people have success barriers that keep
them from getting what they actually want.
o You might really want to have an orgasm but
deep down inside you might have self-limiting
beliefs telling you that you don’t deserve it.
o I just want to say that as a woman you
absolutely deserve to experience the deepest
levels of pleasure. It’s part of your humanity


and you have every right to explore what

makes you feel good.
o Don’t ever get discouraged or down on yourself
if you are unable to orgasm, you have the rest
of your lifetime to explore your mind and body.


Female Anatomy

Introduction (Slide images are available at the end of this

• This is going to give you an overview of female
• Things discussed in this module will help you
understand later modules
• I’m not here to describe every single bit of the
female anatomy and give you scientific names. I’m
here to tell you what you need to understand to
make her cum!
Slide 1 Vagina Exterior (Vulva)
• A lot more to the vagina than most men realize
• All vagina’s are slightly different
• Clitoris and Clitoral Hood
Slide 2 Vagina Spread
• Clitoral Hood
• Clitoris
• Area under the clit corresponds to sensitive part of
male penis just below penis head
• Urethra
o This is where pee comes out
o But it’s also where a woman ejaculates
• Vaginal Opening – Very sensitive as well
• Perineum
• Anus
• Let’s start by talking about the clitoris
Slide 3 Clitoris


• Same amount of nerve endings in your entire penis

are in a woman’s clit.
• Small clit is more sensitive
• The legs of the clitoris are like two ends of a
Slide 4 Clitoris up close
• Clitoris contains 6 to 8 thousand nerve endings
• Clitoris is very sensitive, women can get tons of
pleasure from having their clitoris stimulated, but
always make sure she’s aroused first or it can be
• Notice wishbone again
Slide 5 G Spot and Deep Spot
• G Spot is 1-2 inches inside the vagina along the front
wall, or about a knuckle and a half to two knuckles
• Deep spot is located almost all the way back in the
deepest part of the vagina just before the cervix
• Deep spot is sensitive all the way around
• Back of deep spot is slightly deeper because it is
• Notice: urethra and urethral sponge
• Notice: pubic bone
Slide 6 Side view of woman
• Vagina
• G Spot
• Urethral Sponge and ejaculation
• Deep Spot
• Cervix – don’t rub her cervix, this can be very
uncomfortable for her (although a small number of
women like this)


• Sphincter – women who ejaculate describe the

feeling of trying to urinate after ejaculating as trying
to “switch gears”. This is similar to the way a man
has to “switch gears” after ejaculating in order to
• Anal – Back of deep spot
Slide 7 Another side view
• Another view of g spot and urethral sponge
Slide 8 Skene’s Glands
• Also called periurethral glands or female prostate
• Drain into urethra near the opening
• Equal to the prostate gland in men
• Part of the urethral sponge and swells during sexual
• Very small and hard to see
Clitoral Vs Vaginal Orgasms
Clitoral Orgasm
Stimulation of the clitoral body
Most Common way a woman usually orgasms
How a woman typically masturbates
More localized orgasm
Very sensitive after orgasm, hard to have
Vaginal Orgasm
Stimulation of G Spot or Deep Spot
Majority of women have never had one
Can lead to ejaculation
Fully body experience
Not overly sensitive after orgasm


Can have multiple vaginal orgasms

What does a Vaginal Orgasm feel like to a woman?
Quote from woman about Vaginal Orgasms:
“When it happened the first time to me and then a couple
more times I didn’t even know what it was. The only thing I
knew it felt good, but its different from clit orgasms. Clitoral
orgasm is more localized and that other feeling was more
like your mind switches off for some time, I don’t even know
for how long because at that moment I don’t realize what’s
Quote from woman about Vaginal Orgasms:
“I can feel it building up until it takes over me completely
and suddenly it explodes and a rush goes from my crotch to
my head then it rushes all over my entire body. I can feel it
all the way in the tips of my fingers and my toes!”


Clitoral Orgasms

Setting up the experience

• Built up anticipation
• Plenty of foreplay, plenty of arousal. Always make
sure a woman is already aroused and her clitoris is
erect or engorged before touching it. Touching it
otherwise will be painful
• Bring her into the present
• Plenty of lube
o Grape seed oil (Don’t use with condom)
o Astroglide (Safe with condom)
• Make sure hand is well manicured
o Reason women don’t like their man to use their
fingers often times is because their hand is ruff.
Warming her up for clitoral stimulation
• Never go straight in for the clit
• Rub around the outside of the vulva stimulating the
wish bone, some women will come from this alone,
some women even masturbate this way
Basic clitoral stimulation technique
• This is how a lot of women masturbate, but it’s
always better when someone else does it
• Demo
Take shaft of clit between fingers
• Grab shaft of clitoris and roll it between your fingers
• Try stroking up and down
• Demo
Grab entire pussy – in comparison feels to them like it would
to you if you grab the shaft of your penis


• Pull up and down, will almost feel like your jacking

off her clit
• Hold it still and have her do kegels, this will jack off
the head of the clit. We’ll talk about kegels later in
the squirting orgasm module.
• Demo

Read your partner’s body language and see what she likes
best. Communication is the best way to find out what she

After she’s had an orgasm she will often times ask you to
stop touching her clit because it’s to sensitive. Stop
stimulating it but try just leaving your finger on it,
sometimes you can give her another orgasm from doing

It can be a little harder to tell when she’s had a clitoral

orgasm. Watch for her body to jump, for her to make a
sound, or she will ask you to stop. You can also stick the tip
of your finger in her anus and watch for an involuntary

Stimulating the clitoris during sex

Girl On Top
Doggy Style with reach around


G Spot Orgasms

Setting up the experience

• Built up anticipation “I can’t wait to touch you where
only I touch you”
• Plenty of foreplay, plenty of arousal, maybe already
given her clitoral orgasm. Always make sure a
woman is already aroused before penetrating her.
• Bring her into the present
• Plenty of lube
• Make sure hand is well manicured
• Probably want to position yourself to the side of her
or between her legs
Stimulating the G Spot
• G Spot is 1-2 inches inside the vagina along the front
• At rest the g spot is flat
• When a woman is aroused the g spot with begin to
• G Spot has a wrinkled or ridged feel compared to the
smooth part
• As you stimulate the g spot and she gets closer to
climax it will begin to swell and balloon out
Single Finger Technique
• Insert the middle or index finger about 1 ½ to 2
knuckles in. You will feel a spongy area on the front
• Use a come here motion, almost like your trying to
pull it out of her
• Firm pressure and build intensity


• Vary it up between short firm strokes, and long

• Use two fingers if necessary
• Use your other hand and press down on her pubic
bone from the outside, it will feel like your hitting her
g spot from both sides
• Talk to her during this and tell her how good her
pussy feels to you
• Can take up to 30 minutes to climax, don’t go longer
than this
• Your hand might get tired, but deal with it
Two Finger Running Man
• Insert both index and middle finger
• Make sure she is warmed up, never jam two fingers
in her right away
• Same as before but you’re going to run both fingers
in come here motion
Two Finger Bull Horn
• Demo
• Might seem kind of ruff but remember this is where
babies come out.

Make sure to watch her breathing and remind her to breathe


Best Way to know what feels best is to communicate with

your partner.
• Women don’t be afraid to tell your partner what you


You will know when she has an orgasm, you will feel her
muscles of her vagina squeeze down on your finger. They
might flutter a bit then let go.
In the case of female ejaculation her g spot will balloon out
and actually push you out of her.
If you are still unsure whether she’s had an orgasm stick the
tip of your finger up her anus. When she has an orgasm
there will be an involuntary contraction.

Sexual Positions
• Doggy style aimed down
• Woman on bottom, elevate her butt with a pillow
• Shallow strokes will put the head of the penis in
contact with the g spot


Deep Spot Orgasms

Setting up the experience

• Built up anticipation “I can’t wait to feel myself deep
inside your body”
• Plenty of foreplay, plenty of arousal, maybe already
given her clitoral orgasm. Always make sure a
woman is already aroused before penetrating her.
• Bring her into the present
• Plenty of lube
• Make sure hand is well manicured
• Probably want to position yourself to the side of her
or between her legs
Stimulating the Deep Spot
• Deep spot is located almost all the way back in the
deepest part of the vagina just before the cervix
• Deep spot is sensitive all the way around. We call it
the front and back of the deep spot. Back of the
deep spot is slightly deeper because this part of the
vagina is tilted
• Be careful not to rub the cervix as most women do
not like this. A small percent of women actually do
like it though.
• Cervix will feel like the tip of a nose or a button with
a dimple in it. We want to stimulate the smooth area
just before it.
• Deep spot orgasms can be very powerful and women
can have multiple.
• I’ve made women squirt from deep spot orgasms,
even though it’s more common from g spot
Single Finger Technique – Front of Deep Spot


• Insert the middle finger about 3 ½ to 4 ½ inches in.

You are going past the spongy area and looking for
the smooth part just before the cervix.
• Make sure knuckles don’t press into her
• Don’t worry if you can’t get all the way to the back
with your finger, go as far as you can.
• You might feel a rim, sort of like the rim of a Frisbee.
• Use a come here motion
• Firm pressure and build intensity
• Vary it up between short firm strokes, and long
• Use two fingers if necessary
• Use other hand and press down on her pubic bone, it
will feel like your hitting her deep spot from both
• Talk to her during this and tell her how good her
pussy feels to you.
• Can take up to 30 minutes to climax, don’t go longer
than this
Twist your finger technique
• Try varying it up using this technique
• Remember the deep spot is sensitive all the way
Back of deep spot technique
• Flip fingers around or try it doggy style
• This will be a different feeling to her
• Some women say at first it almost feels like they’re
getting butt fucked
• Women can have a powerful orgasm from anal sex if
you are able to hit this spot


Sexual Positions
• Any position that hits the deep spot
• Girl on top can work well for this
• Doggy style
• Girl on bottom with pillow under her butt
• Anal sex for back of the deep spot


Oral Sex
Oral sex on a woman is sometimes called Cunnilingus
• I like to call it eating pussy or tasting my girl, sounds
much sexier!
• Never treat oral sex as a way to get to sex, make it
a main event in of itself
• Women can be self conscious about the way that
they taste. If you can show her that you really love
the way that she tastes it’s going to make her
excited about it. Text her and tell her you can’t wait
to taste her tonight. While performing oral sex tell
her how good she tastes and how hard it makes your
• Positioning can be tricky. Position her at the end of
the bed and get on your knees. Use a pillow under
your knees for comfort
The key to eating out a woman is patience
• Number one complaint women have is men go
straight for her clit
• You want to wait until she’s practically begging for it.
• Start with plenty of foreplay
• Lick all the way down her body
• Kiss her inner thighs and work down
• Kiss and lick the entire outside area of vulva
• Take your time as you work your way around
• Lick smooth area below clit, above urethra (area that
corresponds to sensitive part of man’s penis just
below the head. Talked about this in Female
Anatomy Module)
• Lick opening of vagina and do an ice cream lick, from
bottom to top


Sucking the clit

• Once she’s completely aroused and practically
begging for you to touch her clit go for it
• Flicking the tongue is often learned from porn. This
is the wrong way to do it. They do it this way in porn
to allow for a better camera angle, it’s called painting
the fence.
• Make face as if you’ve just bitten into an apple and
you are trying to stop the juice with your bottom lip
• Suck on the clit like a small penis
• Move your tongue vertically and horizontally
• Work in moaning or humming to create a vibrating
Penetration During Oral Sex – Finger in and down
• Hook your fingers in and push down to the deepest
part of the pussy. Her cervix rests on top of your
• This will make her feel like she’s getting fucked
• No poking and jabbing
• There is a ligament here that needs to relax during
G Spot
• Vary it up and try g spot and deep spot stimulation
while sucking her clit
Jack Lawrence technique
• Idea is to create a vacuum to cause the g spot to
• Put fingers inside the vagina, press against the g
spot and flick them away slowly
• As you flick them away it works like a penis pump


• Makes the g spot swell

• Put fingers together, must be air tight. Try dripping
water through
• When entering her with two fingers first go down
first until she opens up and relaxes. Then pull out
and twist.
• Create vacuum by putting mouth all the way around
clit with lower lip meeting with the fingers. Suck
while you flick your fingers backward.
• This makes blood rush to the g spot
• Once it’s swollen finish her off with basic g spot

Pay attention to her body language, take note if she grabs

your arm, or shifts her hips, this is a huge indicator that she
likes what you’re doing.


Squirting Orgasm
Female ejaculation or Squirting orgasm is when a woman
ejaculates during orgasm
• Ejaculate comes out the urethra during orgasm, NOT
• What you see in porn is generally not real female
• Female ejaculation is not pee
• Female ejaculate is sweet tasting because it contains
glucose. The fluid is not urine, but is similar to a
man’s prostatic fluid
• Comes from the Skene’s Glands also known as the
Female Prostate
• Squirting orgasms are generally from G Spot
stimulation, however some women can have them
from deep spot and clitoral stimulation
• During g spot stimulation the urethral sponge begins
to swell when it is aroused.
• Urethral sponge will often times balloon out and push
you out of her just before she comes
• Most women, before they orgasm, feel the urge to
• This is the ejaculate filling up in the female prostate
• Most women think they are going to pee so they
tighten up their PC muscle
• This keeps the ejaculate from coming out during the
orgasm and forces it up into the bladder
• This is why many women have to pee right after sex
• To ejaculate she needs to let go of her pc muscle and
push out like she would when she urinates at the
time of orgasm


• Most women will not do this because they fear

peeing on their partner
• Take note whether your partner has to pee after sex
or after you give her an orgasm.
• This is a good indication that she was close to
Approaching her about squirting
• If your partner tells you that she often time has to
pee after orgasm, or you notice this on her own tell
her about female ejaculation
• Say: “Babe, the reason you have to urinate is
because you are holding back your ejaculate. Next
time push it out”
• Go on to explain what female ejaculation is and that
it’s perfectly normal.
• Encourage her to push out next time she has an
orgasm as if to urinate.
• Explain to her that it will not be pee, it will be
Getting her past her fear of peeing
• Before you even start tell her to empty her bladder
• Tell her how much it would turn you on to see her
soak the bed
• If she’s still afraid of peeing explain the worst case
scenario is she’ll pee a little bit and it will be cleaned
up afterward.
• If that’s not enough take her in the bathtub or
Have her push out
• Just before she has an orgasm you will feel her g
spot balloon out, and often times it will actually push
you out of her


• She should relax her pc muscles at the time of

orgasm and push out.
• Help guide her to this by telling her to push out at
the time of orgasm, you will get to know when she’s
going to come because she will balloon out
• When she relaxes and pushes out she will feel an
involuntary contraction and ejaculate will be expelled
out the urethra
• Her entire body might shake and contract
involuntarily as the orgasm pulses throughout her
entire body
• Women typically feel a sense of release similar to the
way a man feels after he ejaculates
• The amount of actual ejaculate that comes out varies
from just a few drops to a lot. Will likely be more and
more as she becomes used to it.
Kegel Exercises
• Squirting is all about muscle control
• Teaching her to do Kegel exercises will not only help
her to achieve squirting orgasms but it will give her
more powerful orgasms in general
• Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the pelvic
• Originally created to help pregnant women
strengthen the pelvic floor in preparation for child
• Two ways to locate the muscles
o Try stopping the flow of urine midstream and
then release
o Insert a finger into the vagina and try
squeezing down with the surrounding muscles,
then relax and feel the pelvic floor return to the
starting position


o This should isolate the muscle to contract

during exercises
• Contract the pelvic floor muscles.
• Hold the contraction for three seconds then relax for
three seconds.
• Repeat 10 times.
• Once you've perfected three-second muscle
contractions, try it for four seconds at a time,
alternating muscle contractions with a four-second
rest period.
• Work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10
seconds at a time, relaxing for 10 seconds between
• Perform a set of 10 Kegel exercises three times a
• Make sure you are isolating the muscle and only
contracting that muscle. Try not to contract the
abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles.
• Vary it up by performing sets of quick mini-kegels
one second contractions with set of 15 then relax for
15 seconds
• Within a week or two you should see a dramatic
• She will likely notice a big difference in the power
and intensity of her orgasms, plus have more control
over her ejaculate.
• Make sure she continues to do kegels, once she
stops she’ll lose what she’s gained.
• Extra note: men can do kegel exercises to
strengthen their pc muscle. This gives you more
control and prevents premature ejaculation



This section is designed as a reference incase you are still

unable to get your partner to orgasm. Even if you’ve already
achieved giving your partner full body orgasms it’s good to
be aware of these issues as eliminating all of them is the
best path to total orgasm mastery.

If your partner is unable to have an orgasm, only able to

have clitoral orgasms but not vaginal, or can not orgasm
during intercourse it could be one of the following.

• Make sure your partner takes care of her body,

doesn’t abuse alcohol or drugs, eats healthy, is not
over weight, and is overall physically healthy.
• The biggest obstacle to achieving orgasm is a
woman’s mind. Make sure of the following
o She has a sense of humor
o She is comfortable being naked with you, and is
overall comfortable with her body
o She trusts you and is able to give herself to you
o She respects you and will follow you as you lead
her to orgasm
• Women who are very visual in nature can have a
hard time being in the moment or letting themselves
concentrate on the feeling of pleasure. If you think
this is the case try using a blindfold on her and tell
her to relax and let you guide her.
• Make sure she is relaxing and letting go of her PC
muscle to allow orgasm. Tensing her body or her PC
muscle will hold her orgasm back, she needs to learn
to let go.


• Women who use vibrators can become accustomed

to climaxing only from the vibrating stimulation.
Over time this can make it difficult for her to have an
orgasm using any other stimulation. If your partner
uses a vibrator you might want to bring this up.
Masturbation is healthy and you should not make her
feel shame for using the vibrator. When you
approach her explain that you would like to help her
to achieve a much more intense level of orgasm and
using the vibrator may inhibit some of her sensation
during other types of stimulation. If she is going to
masturbate she should use her finger or a sex toy
that is very similar to a real penis.
• Some women get the urge to pee when their g spot
is stimulated. It is important to help her get over the
fear of peeing. She should not be tensing her PC
muscle. Ask her to concentrate only on the feeling
and let go of the fear. If she is still afraid of peeing
tell her nothing would turn you on more than to see
her totally soak the bed! The worst thing that could
happen is she makes a puddle and it gets cleaned up
• If you’re partner has deep rooted anxieties about
sex or unhealthy fears about her sexuality it could be
from physical or emotional abuse from her past. If
this is the case there is no substitute for getting help
from a trained professional. Help your partner by
supporting her as she works to clear her mind of
unwanted beliefs about her sexuality.
• Physical and emotional stress leads to high levels of
tension in the body. This body tension can severely
inhibit your partner’s ability to have an orgasm.
Massage is one of the most powerful tools for
eliminating tension in the body and reaching deep
relaxation. Try giving your partner a deep tissue full
body massage to relieve tension. Massage is very
sensual and increases blood flow in the body. Try


giving her a massage just prior to intercourse and/or

other sexual activity. If you don’t know how to give
a massage I highly recommend learning this skill.
You can also have a couple’s massage at a spa. This
is where both of you lay side by side and enjoy a
massage together.

Final Note – All women respond differently to different types

of stimulation. As long as you take the time to get to know
her mind and body and apply the techniques you’ve learned
here you should be able to get her to orgasm. It will take
some time for some women as you get to know what they
like and what they respond to. For others you will get very
powerful responses right away. With a little bit of patience
and your new found understanding of female orgasms you
will be sure to be the best she’s ever had!


Female Anatomy Images

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