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Seizing the FDI oportunities

The new Myanmar Investment Law,
ratified by parliament in October 2016, is
a major step forward, ensuring a more lev-
el playing field for local and foreign busi-

nesses, providing corporate tax reductions
New laws aimed at attracting increased CONOMIC DIVERSIFI-
CATION should be high on
for foreign businesses, and easing condi-
tions for long-term real estate leases. The
foreign investment are encouraging, the agenda of Myanmar’s new law also effectively ends the one-size-
government. The country’s fits-all approach to automatic five-year tax
but more steps are needed to ensure leaders must make manag- breaks for all investments, and introduces
that the country’s growth benefits ing Foreign Direct Investment a priority in
order to attract high-quality investment in
more fluid tax incentives targeting specific
sectors and parts of the country.
people in all parts of the country and all sectors and parts of the country. On April 1, the government published

supports the peace process. If not properly managed, the inflow of

FDI will merely exploit domestic low-cost
its list of nearly 190 promoted sectors.
They tend to be labour-intensive and in-
labour, natural resources and transfer the clude manufacturing, infrastructure de-
By Henrich Dahm profits out of Myanmar. How to attract, velopment, agriculture, food processing
and benefit from, FDI is a key challenge and hotel and tourism, as well as sectors
for Myanmar in the next few years, and such as healthcare, education, and renew-
is closely linked to the peace process, as able energy. The government has yet to
many of the natural resources are located officially release more information about
in ethnic minority areas. restricted and prohibited investments.

A WORKER carries bricks at a factory on the outskirts of Mandalay (above). Photo: Teza Hlaing
MYANMAR'S GARMENT industry is one of that the government has recently announced as
a promoted sector for attracting FDI (left). Photo: Ann Wang

This piecemeal approach puzzles investors country where the investment takes place.
and only adds to the current wait-and-see If a company invests in a less developed
mode for investing in Myanmar. region, they will gain a higher tax exemp-
The new approach targeting specific tion. Myanmar’s least developed areas will
sectors is a big step forward to increase be classified as “Zone 1”, allowing income
value-oriented foreign investment, but tax exemptions of up to seven years, “Zone
misses the opportunity to set a clear agen- 2” refers to areas at a middle stage of de-
da to reduce the heavy reliance on oil and velopment and carry exemptions of up to
gas. Although the share of non-oil FDI has five years and the most developed areas
steadily increased in recent years, exports are classified as “Zone 3” and carry exemp-
and government revenues remain concen- tions lasting up to three years.
trated on this sector. It is doubtful that the new rules on tax
The two sectors combined account exemptions will spur labour-intensive in-
for almost two-thirds of the accumulated vestment in underdeveloped regions that
stock of foreign investment for the cur- need it most. Tax exemption alone will
rent financial year as of February 2017. not make up for challenging business en-
The Myanmar Investment Commission vironments and lack of infrastructure.
failed to adopt more specific regulations If not properly managed, the inflow of
to rebalance the economy away from oil non-resource FDI will continue to centre
and gas and set clear goals for increasing on the Yangon-Mandalay corridor, further
the share of non-oil FDI. Such plans are contributing to the economic imbalance
critically important, not only for economic in the country and negatively affecting
growth, but also for the ambitions of mil- the peace process. The MIC will have to
lions of young people in the country. come up with more concrete investment
All businesses in the promoted sectors promotion policies that correspond to the
are entitled to income tax exemption, but priority locations. For example, Vietnam
the extent of the exemption depends on used a “carrot and stick” approach to lure
the level of development in the area of the foreign investors to remote regions. It al-

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Business | Opinion Business | Opinion

lowed investment in preferred sectors like eign companies who create employment.
labour-intensive industry only in desig- For example, the Malaysian government
nated regions, but sweetened the deal with allowed the extension of tax holidays for
special incentives, such as preferential companies who employ 500 people or
treatment on land use fees and exemption more from five to ten years.
of import duties to spur investment in un- A large gap exists between the techno-
developed areas. logical and managerial skills of Myanmar
labour, and the skills increasingly needed
Boosting local industry in business today. Therefore, it is import-
One of the most effective ways to im- ant to promote further human resource
prove economic and geographic diversi- development to meet investors’ employ-
fication is to develop the effectiveness of ment needs and facilitate technology
local companies. By promoting private transfer. If ignored, this skill gap will wid-
sector development, governments can en and scare off potential investors. The
help develop internationally-competitive best way to address this issue is through
companies across the country. The spill- short- and medium-term training initia-
over of high productivity from FDI to do- tives. Existing educational reforms are
mestic firms is key to multiplying the eco- important, but can take decades to make
nomic impact of FDI, which should “crowd an impact. New, urgent initiatives should
in” not “crowd out” domestic investment focus on targeting vocational education
by increasing their participation into FDI and training, ideally in collaboration with
production and regional production net- companies and academic institutions.
works. This will foster more vibrant in- The education sector is one of those tar-
dustries, promote local content creation, geted by MIC to receive special treatment
spawn advanced technologies and inno- but more needs to be done to encourage
vation, and provide new job opportunities. foreign investors to transfer skills and
While concerns are often expressed technical knowledge to their employees.
by domestic business communities over Specific policies should be drafted, such
an anticipated influx of foreign investors, as providing incentives for establishing
which could reduce their market share, in-house training centres for large scale
the reality is that local companies were investments. For example in Vietnam,
prevented from laying the foundations the investment license for automobile
baskets loaded with gravel as
for global competitiveness throughout they unload them off a boat
manufacturing was linked with setting up
the years of isolation. Collaboration may in Yangon on July 28, 2016. vocational schools to support sector spe-
be the best way forward for the country Photo: AFP cific skills development.
as a whole, as well as for those companies If educational institutions and FDI
wanting to survive in a global economy. are better connected, and the skill level
In many ASEAN countries, the compet- introducing a 35 percent foreign owner- ture, offers many opportunities for leap- advised to take more specific actions to of average workers continues to increase,
itive pressure brought by foreign firms ship threshold, defining what constitutes a frogging digital technology and speeding encourage technology transfer in all sec- Myanmar has the opportunity to receive
has stimulated the operational efficiency
of domestic firms, and forced them to ac-
foreign invested company that is subject to
foreign investment regulations. If the revi-
up economic diversification.
Unfortunately, this approach would
tors. This will help to attract more quality
investment to generate technology spill-
A large gap exists FDI that requires higher technical skills.
This is the best way to step up the techno-
celerate the introduction of advanced pro-
duction technology.
sion leads to active corporate mergers and
acquisitions, it could serve as an opportu-
require huge investments in building the
necessary technological infrastructure
over effects from foreign companies and
joint-venture companies to domestic firms
between the logical ladder and diversify the economy.

Therefore, the MIC should consider

actively linking incoming FDI with exist-
nity to reinvigorate local companies and
enable better local participation in global
that is probably beyond the current means
of the government. FDI may be a way
and improve local technology absorption. technological Once-in-a-generation opportunity
Seizing the opportunities offered by
ing local industries and encourage local
content and technology transfers in order
value chains. forward, as technology transfer is widely
considered one of the benefits of FDI, and
Future-proof workforce
Currently, Myanmar has a compar-
and managerial foreign investment is important. The next
few years will be a once-in-a-generation
to boost competitiveness. More open reg-
ulations on joint ventures could lead the
Technological leapfrogging
Technology can be the single most
played an important role in economic de-
velopment in other countries like China,
ative advantage regarding lower labour
cost and is attracting FDI in export-ori-
skills of opportunity for Myanmar’s government
and private sector to engage with foreign
way. MIC is currently revising the Com- important enabler of innovation, compet- Vietnam, and Thailand. ented, labour-intensive sectors. When Myanmar labour, investors in the next phase of the nation’s

and the skills

panies Act, which is expected to allow for- itiveness and economic diversification. As a matter of fact, many countries in receiving FDI, the Myanmar government reform and growth. Much of this will
eign businesses to hold stakes in existing Myanmar has an opportunity to succeed in Southeast Asia are giving higher incen- should recognise the positive effects of hinge on getting the investment strategy

domestic companies. Currently, Myanmar this area because it is relatively unbound tives to foreign companies who transfer creating employment and ensure that right and demonstrating the ability to
bans foreign companies from holding by legacy systems. Myanmar can spring high technology. Under the new legislative workers in the country are able to be- host an export-oriented industry. With
stakes in existing domestic businesses but
the revision is expected to allow foreign
over traditional stages of economic devel-
opment by adopting leading-edge technol-
framework, some sectors like information
technology, telecommunication, science
come more skillful in technologies. The
effects of job creation of foreign investors needed in business a shift in FDI policy, Myanmar can low-
er its dependence on natural resources
ownership in some companies. The gov-
ernment is considering opening up the lo-
ogies in energy, environment, agriculture
and production. The country’s huge youth
and research services, and renewable en-
ergy qualify for tax incentives as promoted
are well known by the countries in the
region. Consequently, other Southeast today. and regional imbalance moving into the
future as a more balanced economy en-
cal stock market to foreign investment and population, with its digitally oriented cul- sectors, but the government would be well Asian countries offer incentives to for- joying sustainable growth.

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