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I. Objectives
a. Find the volume of a rectangular prism
b. Work cooperatively to achieve best result
c. Writes solution in finding volumes of a rectangular prism

II. `Subject Matter

a. Subject: Finding the volume of a rectangular prism
b. references: 1. PELC IV B. 1.3
2. Textbook pp. 134-135
c. Materials: charts, pictures, real objects
d. Values: Cooperation

III. Procedure
a. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of assignments
2. Motivation: * Let them see a rubiks cube
* Let them know the difference between a cube and a rectangular prism
3. Drill: mental computation
4. Review: a. What is the formula in finding the volume of a cube?
b. What is the formula in finding the volume of a rectangular prism?
b. Developmental Activities
1. a. What is a rectangular prism?
b. How many phases do rectangular prism have?
2. a. What is the formula in finding the volume of a rectangular prism?
b. Find the volume of a rectangular prism
v=? v=?
l= 7.8 m l= 9.3 m
w= 3.5 m w= 4.9 m
h= 1.3 m h= 3.8 m
3. a. What if, the other entities are missing?
b. How can we derive a proper formula in finding the missing entity?

c. Generalization
1. what is a rectangular prism?
2. What formulas are we going to use?

d. Application
Find the volume of a rectangular prism and its missing entities. Distributing Activity Cards.

IV. Evaluation
Find the volume of a rectangular prism. Write the Solution and Complete the table below.
Length Width Height Volume
3 dm 60 dm 50 dm

20 cm 10 cm 100 cm3

V. Assignment
Find each missing number/entity.
1. v = 372 cm3 2. v= ? `3. v = 360 dm3
l = 31 cm l = 11 cm l=?
w=? w = 8 cm w = 12 dm
h=3m h = 14 cm h = 3 dm

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