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Arranged to fulfil the assignment of Sociolinguistics
Lectured by Wahab Syakhirul Alim, M.Pd

Arranged by:
The first group of TBI-C
Annita Triyana (20160701030022)
Nafisatul Hasanah (20160701030123)
Nanang Suryadi (20160701030125)
Siti Husnul Khatimah (20160701030162)
Ummil Harisah (20160701030186)



A big thank always given to Allah for his mercies and blessings so that the
writing of this paper can be conducted and finished. May sholawat and salam
always given to Prophet Muhammad S.A.W who has brought us from stupidity to
the world which full of knowledge.
This paper is made as the assignment of Sociolinguistics subject which is
lectured by Mr. Wahab Syakhirul Alim, M.Pd. He has given instruction to make a
paper which discusses about language and varieties. The authors who are included
to the first group of C class at English Teaching Learning Department would like
to say thanks to Mr. Wahab who has given us a chance to learn, discuss, and
explore more about the topic mentioned above, so that it can enlarge our
In making this paper, authors realize that it is not as good as expected, is
not as complete as hoped. There are many weaknesses and something missed in
this paper, because of that, authors hope that the reader can understand the
explaination contained and able to make improvement about language and
varieties, so it will be more complete and more beneficial.

Pamekasan, 21 April 2019



PREFACE ....................................................................................................... i
LIST OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1
A. Background of Study ........................................................................... 1
B. Problems of Study ................................................................................ 1
C. Objectives of Study .............................................................................. 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION......................................................................... 3
A. Definition of Language ........................................................................ 3
B. Function of Language .......................................................................... 4
C. Definition of Language Varieties ......................................................... 6
D. The Cause of Variety in Language....................................................... 7
E. Kinds of Language Varieties................................................................ 8
CHAPTER III CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ............................... 15
A. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 15
B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 15

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................... 17


A. Background of Study
The existance of language in society cannot be separated from the
dynamic of the speaker itself. Language used by human is very various.
Every human has some variations of language, whether variation of similar
language or the use of different language. It is a natural phenomemon that
language used in a particular place or particular time is different from others,
because different situation demands the use of different variation of language.
Quoting the statement from Sapir, “Everyone knows that language is
variable”, becomes the basis to analyze the varieties of language itself.
Knowing that language is various sometimes makes people feel that language
is so complex and difficult to be learnt, but it should be noted that knowing
the varieties of language can make the people easier to communicate, interact
with other people without a doubt that the language used is not appropriate.
Languages are vary among the people who use them. it is different
because of social background, social status, social economy, age, gender, and
other factors relates to speker. Language is also differed to be some variations
based on the situation, necessary, and the way the speaker use it. The
discussion about it is very important, moreover for language students. It can
give contribution for the knowledge about language variation which still exist
nowadays. Therefore, this paper will discuss about language and varieties.

B. Problems of Study
The discussion of this paper concerns on some following problems:
1. How is the definition of language?
2. What are the language functions?
3. How is the definition of language variety?
4. What is the cause of variety in language?
5. What are the kinds of language varieties?


C. Objectives of Study
From some problems mentioned above, some objectives are derived.
They are:
1. To know the definition of language.
2. To identify the function of language.
3. To find out the definition of language variety.
4. To identify the cause of variety in language.
5. To comprehend the kinds of language varieties.

A. Definition of Language
The term language is very familiar for human being, but it cannot ensure
that every human able to define it. Because of that, it is a need to clarify first
what definition of language is in order to understand the whole discussion in
this paper.
In Oxford dictionary, language is mentioned as “system of
communication in speech and writing used by people of a particular country;
the use by humans of a system of sounds and words to communicate;
particular style of speaking or writing; way of expressing ideas and feelings
using movements, symbols and sounds”.1 Those definitions refers to the
language as systematic symbol which has a prior function as the tool for
communication. Language called as systematic symbol because it has a
particular rule and pattern to be used, and it is mentioned as symbol because
it conveys meaning or message.2 It contains of meaning that can show a
reference and used by human to express it, or the term symbol here can be
understood as things that stand for other things.
In line with the definition above, Bloch and Tragrer defined language as
a system of arbitray vocal symbols that is used by social group to cooperate.3
In this case, language refers to the system of symbols exists in a society
which is used for the daily life in communication, especially in making a
good relation through cooperation among of them. Similar definition also
delivered by Bloomfield, that is language is a system of arbitrer sounds used
by society to communicate and interact each others.4 Language is seen as
system with a particular use in which the language has elements which can be
analyzed separately. Those elements show a structured combination which
has a meaning based on the social agreement or convention.

‘Oxford LEARNER’S POCKET Dictionary’ (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 247.
Suhardi, Pengantar Linguistik Umum (Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2013), 21.
Asep Ahmad Hidayat, FILSAFAT BAHASA: Mengungkap Hakikat Bahasa, Makna, Dan Tanda
(Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009), 22.
Sumarsono, SOSIOLINGUISTIK (Yogyakarta: SABDA, 2014), 18.


Similarly, Wardaugh also proposed a definition about language. He

stated that language is what the member of a particular society speak or used
in speaking.5 It is the ultimate achievement of civilized society which is used
as tool to communicate, elaborate, and express thoughts, feeling, and actions.6
It is the way which is agreed by human in a society used for speak and
communicate. The society itself can be understood as group of people who
are drawn together for a purpose or some purposes.
From some definitions above, it can be known that language is a system
of symbols that exist in society and used by people to express ideas, feelings,
and communicate with others.

B. Function of Language
The use of language has function, whether it is for individual or group of
people. Generally, the function of language is as tool to communicate, to
interact, and cooperate. It can be seen from some definition of language given
by some experts, such as Bloch and Trager which mention that language is
the tool to cooperate, Joseph Bram who stated that language as tool of
interact, and Wardaugh who said that language is for human communication.7
All of the functions mentioned by them reflect that language is used by means
of social necessary.
There are some functions of language which are argued by some experts,
such as P.W.J. Nababan. He stated that the language functions are:8
1. Cultural function
The function of language is as a medium for cultural development,
passing on from one generation to the next one, and inventory of the
culture itself.

Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, Fifth Edition (Oxford: Blackwell
Publishing, 2006), 1.
Sujata Chaturvedi, ‘A Sociolinguistic Study of Linguistic Variation and Code Matrix in Kanpur’,
Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 (2015): 107.
Hidayat, FILSAFAT BAHASA: Mengungkap Hakikat Bahasa, Makna, Dan Tanda, 22.
Hidayat, 29.

2. Social function (function of society)

The language is used as identity for a country or a society in which the
people can interact one each other by using the national language of the
country, or the regional language of each societies.
3. Individual function
The language is used for personal need. In this case, the language has
function of intrumental, direction, interaction, personality, problem
solving, and imagination.
4. Educational function
The function of language when it is used in education or teaching
learning process. in this case, there are some function, they are: the
integrative function, instrumental function, cultural function, and
intellectual function.
Other functions are also proposed by Finocchiaro as the followings:9
1. Personal function
Language can be used to express emotion, need, thoughts, attitudes,
2. Interpersonal function
Language can be used to make good relationship with other people, such
as praise, sympathy.
3. Directive function
Language can be used to control other people by giving advice, attention,
persuasion, command.
4. Refrential function
Language can be used to indicate an object, event, or other phenomenon
around the world.
5. Metalinguistic function
Language also can be used to explore about language itself, that is to
analyze the language used phonologycally, morphologycally,
syntactically, semantically, etc.

Hidayat, 27–28.

6. Imaginative function
Language can be used for aesthetic purposes, such as in poem, short
story, music, and other arts.
From some kinds of function mentioned above, it can be concluded that
the main function of language is for communication, it can be for individuals,
societies, or countries. Besides, language also has some function in detail,
such as cultural, social, educational, personal, directive, refrential,
metalinguistic, and imaginative function.

C. Definition of Language Varieties

The first step to understand about varieties is knowing and
comprehending the definition of varieties itself. Understanding of the
definition can guide to the whole content of the discussion about varieties,
because it becomes the basis and the starting point to enlarge the
The term “varieties” is the plural form of “variety” which is derived from
the word “vary”, that is be different in size, amount, etc; (cause something to)
change or be different according to the situation. Lexically, the word
“variety” is defined as several different sorts of the same thing; or quality of
not being the same.10 It refers to the difference which exists in the same thing,
that is the language which is same as language, but has different
characteristics, elements, or atributes which cause some devision of the
language itself based on a particular standard. Because of that, the term
varieties here can be understood as the language varieties.
Hudson defined language variety as a set of linguistic items that has
similar distribution.11 If some utterances or the way people speaks seems to
have some similar items, it can be said that they includes to the variety of a
language. This definition is also supported by definition from Ferguson, who
said that variety is the pattern of human speech which adequately
homogenous to be analyzed decriptively from the elements and

‘Oxford LEARNER’S POCKET Dictionary’, 490.
Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 25.

arrangements.12 Both of two definitions above share similar point of view, but
hudson used set of linguistic items, while ferguson the human speech
Another definition about language varieties is terms used to cover many
different types of language variation.13 There are many types of language
variation based on some particular criteria, and the term language variety is
used for all of the variation.
In brief, language variety is the variant of language which can be
diferentiated phonologycally, morphologycally, syntactically, or semantically
from the other. It refers to different elements which are involved in the
language which cause the language various. It can be in phonetic level,
phonological level, morphological level, syntactic level, even in semantic

D. The Cause of Variety in Language

Every languages used by human beings is various one each other. There
is no exact languages with perfect similarity among the languages exist. Why
are they different? It is a question which can lead to the explanation about the
cause of variety in language, because the purpose of learning a language used
in social life is to enable knowing what causes language variation.14
Generally, it can be assumed that the variety of language is because of
interaction in social life.
According to Chaer, there are two viewes about the cause of language
varieties, they are:15
1. Language varieties are the result of social variation of the language users.
It means that language users are not from similar ethnicity or social
status. It causes the language they use vary one each others.

Wardhaugh, 25.
Stefanie Jannedy, Robert Poletto, and Tracey L. Weldon, eds., Language Files, Sixth Edition
(Colombus: Ohio State University press, 1994), 362.
Lutfiatun Latifah, Kundharu Saddhono, and Nugraheni Eko Wardhani, ‘Language Variation
Background in Social Context of Community Utterances in Central Java-West Java, Majenang’,
Lingua Didaktika 11, no. 1 (July 2017): 96.
Abdul Chaer and Leonie Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta,
2014), 62.

2. Language varieties are the result of variation in the language function

itself. Every languages has its own function in the society, has time, way,
and manner to use it. the differences of language function also cause the
variety in the language, because the language user will use the language
differently for different function or interaction.
So, the main factors that cause the language varieties are the
heterogeneous language user and the variation of social function or
interaction. Different interaction demands different language to be used, and
higher number of language user will cause higher variety of language created;
moreover, it will be more various if it is used by more people spreaded in
wider area.

E. Kinds of Language Varieties

Based on the causes of language varieties above, Chaer devided language
varieties from two points of view, those are focus on the users and focus on
the uses.16
1. Language varieties: focus on users
Language varieties which focus on users are the variaty of language
which is categorized based on who the users are, where they are from,
what their social status are, what gender they are, and when they use the
language. There are four varieties from this point of view:17
a. Idiolect
Idiolect is language variation for individual in nature. Every people
has different ideolect in the terms of colour of voice, diction, language
style, structure of sentence, etc. The most dominant one is the colour of
voice. Different people has different colour of voice. It can cause other
people able to recognize someone although they do not see the face,
they can know others from the voice.
b. Dialect
Dialect is language variation of a group of language speakers which
are relative in amount, live in a particular place, area, or region.

Chaer and Agustina, 62.
Chaer and Agustina, 62–68.

Chambers and Trudgill defined dialect as varieties which are

grammatically, lexically, or phonologically different from other
varieties.18 Additionally, Holmes defined dialect as linguistic varieties
which are distinguishable by their vocabulary, grammar, and
pronounciation.19 Those definitions refer to differences of an or some
elements of similar language which is used by some speech
communities. Speech community refers to the group of people who
speak in same dialect.20 Different dialects which can be understood by
each users are considered as different dialect, but similar language.
Both of the users still understand one each others although there is
difference between language they use in terms of dialect. The discipline
discusses about dialect called as dialectolgy.
The examples of dialect are:21
1) In southern England, words like “flood, but, cup” have the vowel [Ʌ]
and words like “full, good, put” have the vowel [ʊ]. While in
northern English dialects, both sets of words have the vowel [ʊ].
2) Many dialects of English have “hisself” and “theirselves”, while in
standard English has “himself” and “themselves”.
3) “Knock up” means “rouse from sleep by knocking” in British, but
“make pregnant” in American English.
c. Temporal dialect
Temporal dialect or chronolect is language variation which is used
by social community in a particular time.22 This variation is only used
in an exact time and is not used at other time. Usually it shows the
development of the language itself, where from a particular period, the
dialect used will be different from the dialects of other periods, or there
is a language change.

J.K Chambers and Peter Trudgill, DIALECTOLOGY, Second Edition (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1980), 5.
Janet Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, fourth (New York: Routledge, 2013), 140.
Jannedy, Poletto, and Tracey L. Weldon, Language Files, 363.
Jannedy, Poletto, and Tracey L. Weldon, 365–66.
Chaer and Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal, 64.

The example is the development of English, from the old English,

middle English, early modern English, contemporary English. Look at
the following example to know the differences among of them!23
1) Old English (from 1100 A.D)
Fæder ure Þu Þe eart heofonum, si Þin nama gehalgod.
2) Middle English (from 1400 A.D)
Oure fadir that art in heune halowid be thi name.
3) Early modern English (from 1611 A.D)
Our father which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
4) Contemporary English
Our father, who is in heaven, may your name be kept holy.
d. Social dialect
Social dialect or sociolect is language variation related to the status,
social class of the users.24 It also involves the discussion about age,
gender, profession, social economy, and the rank of the speaker in
society. The language variation used by children and adults show
different variation, so does between male and female language.
Similarly, between educated people and non-educated people, they will
be different in diction, the structure of the sentence used, and also the
pronunciation. The variation used by educated people will be more
systematic than the non-educated people.
Profession also influences the variation of language used by people.
The language used by teacher, farmer, sailer, trader will be different,
because they have their own society with particular variation used
among them, thus, it becomes very common if persons with different
profession will consider other profession language as a strange variation
for them.
Language variation also occurs in the rank of people in society, such
as the variation of language used in a kingdom will be different with
variation used in usual area or village. And nowadays, the rank of
people also can be determined by the level of social economy. Higher
Jannedy, Poletto, and Tracey L. Weldon, Language Files, 302.
Chaer and Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal, 64.

the social economy status of a language user, will be higher their ability
in using more complex language.
Dealing with social dialect, there are some variations within it which
should be understood well, they are:25
1) Acrolect
Acrolect is the social variation which is considered as the higher and
more prestigious than other variations. For example is the dialect of
French in Paris. It is considered to have higher level or prestigious
than other dialects in French, and because of that, French dialect in
Paris becomes the the standard dialect in Franch.
2) Bacilect
Bacilect is the social variation which is considered as less prestigious
even it is seen as low level of social variation. The example is
English which is used by cowboys and miners.
3) Vulgar
Vulgar is social variation which is used by uneducated people or less
educated people. For example is the languages of Europe which
existed from Romans periode until the middle age. They are
considered as vulgar because generally at that time, the educated
people used Latin in every activities, not using those languages.
4) Slang
Slang is specific and secret social variation, it refers to non-standard
social dialect which is used only by a particular speech community
and it is limited only for that group, other group out of that group
must not know about the language used, such as a group of
teenagers, college students, jazz players, etc. Slang is usually
temporal or easy to change, because it is only used in a group, so that
as long as the members agree and able to use the dialect, slang can
change. Slang concerns on the vocabulary, not grammatical or

Chaer and Agustina, 66–68.

phonology.26 For example is slang which is used to call women who

like men because of the money is “money mad” or “gold digger”.
5) Colloquial
Colloquial is social variation which is used in daily conversation. It
concerns on the use for conversation. For example: “don’t, well, I’d,
give up, except, climb up” are called as colloquial, because they are
the language used for daily conversation. There other examples of
this variation as long as they are used in conversation.
6) Jargon
Jargon is social variation which is only used by a certain group or
speech community. The jargon used sometimes is difficult to be
understood by other people out of the group. But jargon is not secret
like in slang. It is commonly used, but only can be understood by the
group itself. Such as “jack up, burnish” are jargon used by people
who work in garage.
7) Argot
Argot is social variation which is used for certain profession
secretely. For example is “tape” which is used for good target in
pickpocket community.
8) Cant
Cant is social variation which has miserable tone and full of
pretence. It is usually used by beggar for asking food or money to
other people.
2. Language Varieties: Focus on Uses
Language variety which focuses on uses is the variety of language
which is categorized by what for the language is used, in what field the
language is used, what media is used in the language, and in what kind of
formality the language is used.27 So, there will be three discussions, those
are: register, style, and media.

Chaer and Agustina, 67.
Chaer and Agustina, 62.

a. Register
Register is language variation based on the field in which the
language used.28 It relates to what for the language is used. Holmes
defined register as narrowed variation which decribes the specific
vocabulary associated with different occupational groups.29 It refers to
language which are classified based on the field of occupacy or field of
education. Languages used in military, agriculture, voyage, economy,
trade, and other fields are different. Some particular language is only
used for a certain field or there are some characteristics which exist in a
certain language of a certain field. The examples of register are:
1) Interest: the word interest used in banking will have different
meaning with the using in education. Interest is money paid for the
use of money in banking, while interest is defined as desire to learn
or know about something. The word is deifferent semantically.
2) Twin room: it is only used for hotel management which refers to a
room which has two small or single bed within it.
b. Style
Style is the degree of formality in which the language used by the
speaker. There are five kinds of style:30
1) Frozen style is the most formal style which is used in formal
2) Formal style is language variation which is usually used in official
speech, meeting, correspondence, educational book, etc.
3) Consultative style is language variation which is usually used in
daily conversation in school, or meeting which concerns on product
or result.
4) Casual style is language variation which is used in informal
5) Intimate style is language variation which is used by very close
speakers in terms of relationship, such as family, close friends.

Chaer and Agustina, 68.
Holmes, An Introduction to Sociolinguistics, 262.
Chaer and Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal, 70–71.

c. Media
Based on the media used, language variation is divided into two
variations, those are the spoken and written language. 31 The spoken
language variation involves the use of nonsegmental items, such as tone
which can avoid misundertanding. While the written language variation
does not, because of that it should be more complete in its use.
In short, there are many variations of language which lead into the
existance of language varieties. Language are various and categorized based
on some certain characteristics.

Chaer and Agustina, 72.

A. Conclusion
From the explanation above, there are some points which can be
concluded from the discussion about language and varieties, they are:
1. Language is a system of symbols that exist in society and used by people
to express ideas, feelings, and communicate with others.
2. The main function of language is for communication, besides the
cultural, social, educational, personal, directive, refrential, metalinguistic,
and imaginative function.
3. language variety is the variant of language which can be diferentiated
phonologycally, morphologycally, syntactically, or semantically from the
4. language varieties are the result of social variation of the language users
and the language function itself.
5. Chaer divided language into to main varieties: (1) Focus on user which
consists of ideolect, dialect, temporal dialect, and social dialect; (2)
Focus on uses which are categorized based on register, style, and media.

B. Suggestion
1. The reader should understand well about the definition of language to
avoid misunderstanding when the discussion comes together with dialect
and other aspects of language.
2. The reader should know the function of language in society, so that both
of them can be correlated one each other and able to understand if there
is a change in the language and society.
3. The reader should comprehend about the definition of language varieties
in order to know what it means with the term varieties.
4. The reader should able to identify the cause of language variety,
moreover in the readers’ environment, so that it can be known the factors
which influence the variety.


5. The reader should able to understand and differentiate some language

varieties which exist in the environment.

Chaer, Abdul, and Leonie Agustina. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta:

Rineka Cipta, 2014.

Chambers, J.K, and Peter Trudgill. DIALECTOLOGY. Second Edition.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.

Chaturvedi, Sujata. ‘A Sociolinguistic Study of Linguistic Variation and Code

Matrix in Kanpur’. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences 192 (2015).

Hidayat, Asep Ahmad. FILSAFAT BAHASA: Mengungkap Hakikat Bahasa,

Makna, Dan Tanda. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2009.

Holmes, Janet. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Fourth. New York: Routledge,


Jannedy, Stefanie, Robert Poletto, and Tracey L. Weldon, eds. Language Files.
Sixth Edition. Colombus: Ohio State University press, 1994.

Latifah, Lutfiatun, Kundharu Saddhono, and Nugraheni Eko Wardhani.

‘Language Variation Background in Social Context of Community
Utterances in Central Java-West Java, Majenang’. Lingua Didaktika 11, no.
1 (July 2017).

‘Oxford LEARNER’S POCKET Dictionary’. Oxford: Oxford University Press,


Suhardi. Pengantar Linguistik Umum. Jogjakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media, 2013.

Sumarsono. SOSIOLINGUISTIK. Yogyakarta: SABDA, 2014.

Wardhaugh, Ronald. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Fifth Edition. Oxford:

Blackwell Publishing, 2006.


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