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A. Background of The Problem

Writing is one of the four skills of English. It is a way to express idea

or opinion that needs particular attention. It is also admitted as one of the most

difficult skill in learning English.

Oshima and Hogue (2006: 265) state that writing is a process of

creating, organizing, writing and polishing. The first step of processing is

creating ideas, the second one is organizing ideas. The third one is making a

draft. And the last one is polishing the draft. They also point out that writing is

easier to be understood by the reader if it is well processed. An appropriate

process or strategy in learning writing is able to make a well constructed

writing product.

Writing is very important, because students not only have to learn good

writing styles, but also gain a good mark in writing. For this reason, writing

must be clearly taught and assessed. However, writing assesment is a

problematic aspect for Indonesian English teacher. It is because of some

factors such as large classes, simple assessing method and students’ lack of

involvement. In addition, another reason why writing assesment is one of

problematic aspect for English teacher is that students become so passive and

they are forced to create a good product of writing. While they do not have

enough materials to write down the idea. The students are continusly taught by

traditional old method where they get bored and demotivated. The students’

needs a fun and enjoyable learning environment where they can improve their

idea to produce a good writing work.

Meyers (2005: 2) said that “Writing is a way to produce language

which you do naturally when you speak” Mayers state that writing is like

speaking on a piece of paper. We all know that students much get easier when

they speaking than when they are writing. Traditional method sometimes get

failed to make the students able to write a good product of writing. Whole

brain teaching is one of the great method where teacher could make the

students write as easy as when they speak.

Teacher mostly got tired by what students do. Punishment make

students more rebellious. Biffle (2013: 1) “challanging kids are rebels”. Bifffle

points out many students try to gain attention from their surrounded by their

unexpected way such as fight with other and make some noises during the

learning process. No wonder, teacher wants to punishing them. Teacher

punish because they do not know what else to do. Most of students exactly

want to be part of the classroom environtment. This is why they work so hard

to gain everyone’s attention. In other words, teacher must be creative to know

the students needs or they may get worst by their teaching method.

Method is one important component in teaching learning process.

Therefore, the use of method is recommended, so that the interaction between

the teacher and students will increase students’ interest in learning process.

The proper method help the teacher to control their students. A good method

help students to develop their idea. One of the methods that can be used in

teaching writing is whole brain teaching. Whole brain teaching have oral

writing where students able to write as easy as they speak.

Based on the background of the problems above, the writer would like

to conduct an experimental research on the strategy of teaching writing. This

research is to see the effect of the use of whole brain teaching method towards

students’ achievement in writing skill at the second grade students of junior

high school.

B. Problem Identification

Based on the problems stated above, the writer identifies the problems

as follows:

1. How is whole brain teaching method define by experts?

2. How is Whole Brain Teaching Method implemented in teaching writing?



A. Review of Related Theories

1. Definition of Writing

Writing is a process of expressing idea or opinion that needs

particular attention. Basiccaly, writing means producing or reproducing

oral message into written language. It requires an active process to

organize, formulate, and develop the ideas on the paper. As a teacher we

have to know the aspects of writing such as vocabulary, grammar, diction,

spelling, punctuation, the structure of the sentence, paragraph and text.

Furthermore, students should be noticed by those aspects. Using all the

elements in appropriate way take a big part of how the writing product

become well constructed. Hence, their writing product will be more

interesting and easily understood.

Mayers (2003: 2) states that “Writing is much like speaking”. From

Mayers’ statement, it points out that writing is a way to communicate the

ideas however it is different from speaking. Writing does not happen all at

once. The writer needs some steps to construct well organized writing


Students should be thought to write different text types. Brown

(2004: 219) told us the most common genre of writing such as academic

writing, job related writing and personal writing. Moreover, the act of

writing will be conducted when the writer needs to share some information

or to express ideas.

The act of writing is not only producing one sentence or even

several uncoherence sentences. We produce a sequence of sentences

arranged in a good order linked together in an appropriate way. The

sequence may consist of short sentences however it is linked together and

formed as a text. That can happen because those short sentences linked

with coherence .

In this modern time, the writing ability is very important. The

writing product should be systematic, and detail. Hence, a knowledge or

study about how to produce a good writing product is much needed. In

addition, teacher have to forced the students to work hard to learn more

about how to construct a good writing product. Teacher tends to know

more about the improvement in teaching learnig especially about the

implementation of appropriate method.

B. Discussion

1. The Writing Process

Different from speaking writing needs some steps to create a good

writing work. In creating a good writing work the writer should be concern

and fully pay attention with the writing steps. A well organized writing

steps helps the writer in creating a good writing product.

United Kingdom Literacy Association in their research project

(2004: 7) explain a different steps of writing called talk for writing. Talk

for writing is a strategy where students asked to speak first before they

make a product of writing. The expert encourage by talking first they will

generately easier creating a good writing work. Here are the steps of

talking for writing.

(Taken from Raising Boys’ Achievemnts in writing :2004)

Based on the diagram above the steps of talk for writing are as


a) Teacher explicitly modeling and demonstrating the process of being


b) Students asked to find out their ideas of what will they write next.

c) Students do oral rehearsal helped by teacher.

d) Teacher demonstrate the strategy followed by students.

e) Students asked to focus on guided writing supported by talk for


It can be concluded that by talking, students will generate unwriten

writing work first. Then, they will develope it into a good writing product.

Teacher demonstrations also help much for those who have lack

motivation in learning. Teacher also have to make them to keep focus on

their work. Guided writing support them to develope their work without

jump form theme given by the teacher. Talking also take a big part for

beginner to overcome their difficulty in writing. By talking they will

generately transfer their tought easily. This principle is the seeds of whole

brain teaching method.

2. Whole Brain Teaching (WBT)

In this era, good teachers leave teaching because they are tired of

warning with disruptive students. Too many classsrooms are battle

between students who want freedom and teachers who want order.

Students wants to laugh and play games. Meanwhile, techer have an

obligation to transfer the knowledge. Whole brain teaching (WBT)

produces classrooms that are full of fun. Students follow the rules because

WBT make a fun rule to follow.

Developed by Chriss Biffle in 1995, Whole Brain Teaching is a

new idea, however it is nothing more than tried and true teaching

practices, combined into a new approach. Whole brain teaching combines

direct instruction, sharing and immediate feedback to become a new style

of teaching. Whole brain teaching deal with seven steps that a teacher

incorporates into their everyday classroom.

According to Biffle (2013: 22), there are seven instructional

strategies of Whole Brain Teaching. The strategis are as follow:

a) Step 1: Class-Yes

The teacher of whole brain classroom uses this attention before

beginning every class. The teacher begins class by saying “class any

way he/she likes, and in turn the class is responsible for mimicking the

teacher voice by responding yes. Therefore, if the teaher says, “class,

class, classy, class!” The class must responds: “yes, yes, yessy, yes!”

b) Step 2: Classroom Rules

Before beginning the actual lesson, the teacher gives the five

classroom rules. The rules and gestures are as follow:

1) Follow direction quickly! (make your hand shout forward like a


2) Rise your hand for permition to speak (raise hand, bring down to

head and make a talking motion)

3) Raise your hand to leave your seat (raise hand, make a walking

motion with finger)

4) Make smart choices! (tap on finger to your tample as you say each


5) Keep your dear teacher happy! (hold up each tumb and index

finger out like an “L” framing your face)

c) Step 3 : Teach-OK

This is the informative part of the lesson. Before beginning teacher

must devide the class into two groups. Then, the teacher begins to

teach small sections of information, while including gestures, songs,

movements and chants. When the teacher has finished a small portion

of information he or she says to the class “Teach” and the class

responds “OK!” in turn to teach each other. During this time, teacher

observe the students’ comprehension.

d) Step 4: Scoreboard Game

In this steps, On one side of the board, teacher drew a grid. The grid

were divided into two columns. In the top box of one column teaher

draw a smiley face. In the top box of the other column she draws a

frowny face. These simple drawings are perfect for young learner


During the class, teacher will be rewarding a mark in the smiley section

for well performed students. When teacher reward them with a smiley

for their performance, it can involve them in a really fun way.

Furthermore, “One second party!” proclaimed enthusiastically by the

students when the teacher make a mark in the smiley section. They

gave respond by clapping and throwing their hands in the air and

yelling “Oh,Yeah!.”

Instead, when students do not always do as teacher asks. When this

happens the frowny strikes! Teacher walk to the board and add a mark

to the frowny column and loudly proclaim, “Mighty Groan!” then,

point to the class. students must lift and then drop their shoulders and

groan loudly! Since they are getting to make noise in class it is usually

nearly enthusiastic as the one second party (also known as, the Mighty

Oh, Yeah!)

e) Step 5: Hands and Eyes

This step is used at any point during the lesson when the teacher want

students to pay “extra attention” to what she is saying or doing.

f) Step 6: Mirror

This is the main part of the lesson where teacher are expected to bring

their own “silliness” and movements into the lesson. Teacher will

incorporate their own gestures, songs or chants in this portion of the

lesson and the students are expected to “mirror the teacher after the

teacher says “Teach” and the class responds “OK.”

g) Step 7: Switch!

This step is to be used with the “Teach-OK” step, while students are

teaching it is imperative that the same student not teacher everytime.

Therefore, in order to get every student involved in the lesson, the

teacher will direct the students to “switch!” the student gave respond

by saying “switch”.

There are many techniques and steps the writer usually follows to

create a well constructed writing. However Mayer (2005: 3) states there

are six steps the writer generally follow. The steps are as follows :

a) Explore ideas

b) Prewriting

c) Organize

d) Write a first draft

e) Revise the draft

f) Produce the final copy

Different from Mayers, Biffle has developed a structure of whole

brain teaching method to improve students’ writing skill called Oral

Writing. Biffle (2013: 201) explained oral writing is an on going

excercises across all subjects and clasroom acttivities, that teaches students

how to produce well organized pharagraph as an aid to academic writing.

He believes students may get confuse how to produce well organize

paragraph so that he make this structure to ease the students create a good

writing. This structure may be draw on the board before start the writing


Question Answer Adders Concluder

Based on the structure above here are the steps of oral writing. The

steps are as follow:

a. Oral writing begins with any question teacher ask to student. Students

respond with a complete sentence that includes words in the answer

from the question. When the students do not respond with a complete

sentence, prompt them to try again by smiling and cupping your hand

to your ear

b. When the students are mastered his step and whenever the teacher

wants them to add a detail sentence which is called as an adder. Spins

the forefinger to ask the detail information.

c. Add a conclussion after adders. The conclussion is called a concluder.

The prompt is waving a play “safe”.

d. Transfer it all on paper.

In oral writing, the writer makes a gesture for each writing

component, topic sentence, detail sentence, conclution and anything. make

it physical then make it visual. By structuring the activities, the oral

writing will be easier to implement.

3. The Implementation of Whole Brain Teaching

To implement the Whole Brain Teaching Method, the writer

applied the following activities:

a) Familiarize the seven Whole brain Strategy

Before doing the activity, teacher introduces the seven strategy

of whole brain teaching. This is the base part of Whole Brain Teaching


b) Introducing material

Teacher give explanation about the types of genre. Its generic

structure and language feature.

c) Teach Ok

After the students get to know the material.Teacher measure

their understanding by doing Teach OK. In this part students will

observe the theacher instruction and practice it by telling their

neighbour what teacher said.

d) Oral Writing

The first steps of oral writing are asking question. The

questions help the writers to have understand the important

components in procedure text, The questions are as follows:

1) What did you do?

2) When did it happen?

3) Where did it happen?

4) Who was with you?

5) Where do you make it?

6) What happened first?

7) What happened then??

8) What happened finally?

9) How did you feel?

To help the writer stimulate ideas, the helper begins by asking

the writer the list of questions stated above. The questions must be

answered in a complete sentence. As the writer responds orally to the

questions asked by the neighbour, the writer also makes a note of key

words. This key words use as their guiedance in writing. This

keywords ease the students to construct the text. When the students are

finish answering the question orally they may write the answere down.

e) Draft

The key words in the notes are used as their guidance for their

writing product. Then, they have to develope the keywords into a good

sentence combined by a good diction. Students try to organize their

work into parts of paragraph.

In this step, students asked to focus only in their ideas of

writing, they no need to be worried about the punctuation or spelling.

What they have to do is only let their ideas flow.

f) Read

The writer reads their work and make sure that there is no error

spelling on it.

g) Edit

In this step, students have to make sure whether their writing

work needs some improvement or not. Teacher ask the students

whether they have succed creating a good writing work. A good

writing work must consist of five components. Students have to read

their work very carefully then check them all the components are well

organized. The five elements are as follows:

1) Ideas and meaning

2) Appropriate Order

3) Grammar

4) Correct Spelling

5) Right Punctuation

h) The Final Copy

The writer then copied out their best copies. Their draft must be

done correctly.

i) Evaluation

Teacher Evaluates is the final step. In this step, students had an

opportunity to receive comments and instructive feedback from the


Begin with familiarize the seven whole brain strategy, the

writer step by step implement it in every meetings. In the scond

meetings the writer start to introducing the writing materials and

combine it with “teach ok”. It helps the teacher to measure the students

understanding about the materials. Once they understand the material

the writer implement the oral writing by asking some questions

relating to the topic. The answers of the questions use as the key words

or guiding for their writing work. Then the students asked to focus

only in their ideas this part called draft. Students needs to read their

work to make sure that there is no error spelling on it. in writing,

students are allowed to edit their work if they find it needed. After that,

the students copied out their best copies and compile it. The last the

students had an oppportunity to receive feedback from the teacher.



A. Conclusion

Based on the theory above it can be concluded that writing is one of

important aspect in our live. Thus, we have to pay more attention to decide

which method is the most appropriate in teaching writing.

Using Whole brain teaching meth can help the teacher to handle her

own class. The writer also hope it can give a significant effect in teachng

writing. Using whole brain teaching method, the students could create a better

writing work than before. In addition, the students understood how to

construct a good sentence in their writing. They also pay more attantion in

learning process.

B. Suggestion

Based on the theory above, the writer has some of suggestion. The

suggestions . It is suggested to apply whole brain teaching method in writing

process continously to get a better result of the study. The result will not so

effective if the method implement rarely. Teacher must be focos on the

students target.

It is also suggested to apply whole brain teaching method in teaching

other writing such as descriptive or procedure text. Whole brain teaching

could also be implemented to improve the students speaking ability.

Thus, the cunclussion and suggestions are marely the writer convey

the hope this paper have benifits and useful for education. The writer also

hopes, the reader can increase their knowledge about the effect of using

whole brain teaching method in teaching writing.

Finally, the writer hopes this paper will gve the contribution to

improve students writing ability.


Best, John W. 1981.Research in Education.Fourth Edition. London: Prentice-Hall

Biffle, Chris. 2013. Whole Bran Teaching for Challanging Kids. Milestone:
Whole Brain Teaching LLC

Brown, H. Douglas. 2000. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. New

York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Brown, H. Douglas. 2004. Language Assessment: principles and classroom

practices. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to teach writing. England: Pearson Education


Literacy Secretariat For Education And Child Development. 2012. Engaging In

and Exploring Recount Writing. South Australia: Resource Paper.

Meyers, Alan. 2005. Gateways to Academic Writing: Effective Sentences,

Paragraphs, and Essays. New York: Pearson Education, Inc.

Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue. 2006. Writing Academic English. New York:
Pearson Education, Inc.

UKLA. 2008. Using Talk for Writing. London: Department for Children, Schools
and Families


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