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DotCover Overview

It is a product from JetBrains that is used for Code coverage and once installed a new menu item will be added to
visual studio.

Once installed it will be available under the Cover submenu. Code coverage tools analyze the lines of code covered
for an application.
dotCover unit test explorer ,which we can open from the following menus given below.

After the run we can see the % of code that has been covered by this test run.
Here it shows that the code in green has been run and the code in red has not been executed by the unit

Context menu of the method and the go to the test

Hot spots view showing the classes that are the riskiest.

dotPeek – The free-of-charge .NET decompiler and assembly browser tool. This will provide highlights Assembly Explorer; different ways to navigate and gain insight of
decompiled code

Assembly explorer
Modes available

Decompile Only
Pdb, decomplier
Pdb, external sources, decompiler

Highlight usage in the class

Find the usages of the method

DotMemory Overview

Helps to optimize the memory usage in an application

We can attach the profiler to an already running process or launch a new one. Also it can be done from
Visual Studio.
Click on get snapshot and then find out the memory statistics.

The created snapshots will be available under the Memory Snapshots section and they are launched by
Snapshot #1 link

Gives the recommendations like the Sparse Arrays, Event handlers leak
Call tree as Icicle chart to show something like the Call Stack of the code

Key retention paths – It shows which objects are holding this object together and then

Here it looks like the EventViewer is keeping the ad window from being collected.
The AdWindow was being subscribed by the Tick event i.e. adTimer.Tick +=ChangeAds, but it was not
unsubscribed in the OnClosed event i.e. adTimer.Tick -=ChangeAds.
This will explain about following key features of this tool.
- Powerful automatic inspections to instantly detect common types of memory leaks
- In-depth analysis of memory usage issues thanks to multiple data views, some of which are unique and not to be
found in other profilers:
- Multiple views on data and friendly UI: - grouping by dominators - key retention path, group by similar retention - the
icicles chart
- Timeline view to capture real-time data
- Comparing memory snapshots to visualize improvements or regressions in memory usage.
- Memory traffic analysis to detect what causes excessive garbage collection.
- Remote profiling to detect memory issues in running production environments
- Supported framework versions and applications types
- Visual Studio Integration to profile startup project

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