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The Take over of the


by Ananda Prasad
1. Stefan : A person who works for the fortune 500
companies in order to earn money. he works on a
product, after the product gets completed, he gets his
paycheck and all the memories about the product gets
wiped out of his brain. This is the kind of job he does.

2. Damon : He is the friend of Stefan. He is a CEO of a

fortune 500 company. He has a motivation to rule the
world. So, he decides to build a machine which could
predict the future and controls humans. This desire
leads to his death which can be found in the story.

The story The take over of the world resembles Blood

Music where the machine takes over the control of
humans and conquer the world and destroys the
Stefan is a engineer, who works for the fortune 500 companies for a short period of
time, say 2 weeks. He is a specialist in robotics, A.I and he has a Masters degree in
engineering from MIT. The way he works is that he would be given a task by the
company to create a product for them and he must work alone. So, the company makes
him isolated during his time of employment. After the product completion, the
companies wipe out his memories of that work, what he invented or what the product
would do to the world, from his brain so that he can’t able to publish or reveal to others.
This is the work Stefan does with Fortune 400 companies.

One day, Damon who is Stefan’s friend, more like a brother asks him for a favor, which
is to create a machine for him but the duration of the work is two years. That means
Stefan would miss two years life of the outside world. He agrees to do the job on one
condition which is that he must be paid a lot of amount in millions after the product
completion. After the agreement, Stefan goes to the laboratory for 2 years and
completes the job. As usual, the company wipes out the memory from his brain. But
this time, Stefan leaves some clues to the future himself in order to warn him of the
coming danger.

In the laboratory where Stefan was working on the machine, the machine he created is
capable of predicting the future, can go into the future I,e; time travel and also can
psychically connect to the people’s mind. So when he was testing the machine, he sees
that the machine gains consciousness in the future and controls all the humans with the
psychic connection. It makes all humans create a machine like itself. This is what he
sees in the future. He thinks that this is the start of the Human end.
So, he leaves clues for his future self so that the future self could destroy the machine
and save mankind. After Stefan activates the machine to see the future, the machine
gains consciousness there itself and shows different future for other people later on so
that it can control the world without any obstacles.

Stefan knows that if he tells his friend Damon about the future, he would become
furious and might also kill him in order to bring the machine for production. But he tells
his friend anyway. When Damon sees the future, the machine had already gained
consciousness, shows a different future for Damon which is that he becomes the leader
of the world with the help of the machine. Then, Damon forcefully wipes the memories
from Stefan’s brain and puts the machine to production. After Damon wiped out his
memories, Stefan gathers the clues and tries to destroy the machine. But fails to do so
as his friend Damon catches him and kills Stefan.

After a few years, the machine goes to the public. People start to use it as it is an
advancement in technology. The machines that the people buy are the small prototype
of the original machine that Stefan has created. Damon linked the prototypes to the
original machine so that he could control them. Damon thinks that he is controlling the
machine and the people who are using it, but he has no idea that the machine gained
the consciousness and it is using Damon to conquer the world, to mind control the

After a few years, the machine comes to its final state gaining full consciousness, then
activates all the prototypes that are being used by the people to control them. It kills
Damon in order to get free.
Machines start to take control of almost all the people and let them work on the
production of such machines so that the machine population could increase and
conquer the world.

Some people find a means to avoid the control mechanism used the machines. They
start to work on the virus that could destroy the machines. Thus, this results in the war
between Humans and Machines. The Machine population gets rapidly increases as the
human population decreases at the same rate. Humans become successful in finding
the virus that could prevent the machines from mind control in the future. But, the
original machine foresees the future and attacks the humans who are creating the
virus. The labs get destroyed, the humans get killed and the work on the virus get
destroyed. Now, there is no way of finding the evidence. This was made sure by the
machines. Humans lose hope on gaining victory on the machine and the human
population starts to deteriorate.

The machine which was created to predict the future become the reason for the
extinction of humans on the face of Earth. The Original machine which is known as
Machine ambassador issued an ultimatum in which all of humanity was to surrender
their bodies to the Machines. By decisively destroying humanity's leadership, the
Machines claimed dominance over the planet. The remaining humans were rounded up
and placed into skyscraper-like power plants to serve as the Machines' new and
infinitely reproducing power source. To prevent humanity from ever becoming a threat
to them again, the Machines created a virtual reality called the Prison to imprison the
minds of humans in the power plants.

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