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As human as we are, we thrive for our existence to be meaningful.

Thus we create and

create and treat them as trophies. As time progresses, what we created had served its purpose.

But what about its damages? Have we created things that damaged a huge part of our society

and yet still proceeded and ignored this? Bill Joy’s article titled “Why the future does not need

us” discusses about the possible future for human race in relation to the technological advances

that are within our reach and comprehension. As I am just a reflector, I will discuss the idea

represented in this paper and give my thought along with it.

As we had progressed our technology, Bill Joy’s concerns grew larger as people tend to

disregard the risks that had come with it. Having the understanding of a computer scientist, he

had posits the possible risks of creating intelligent machines. That these machines may take

over our world if given the consciousness and replace humans in earth. He had searched

through the works of others and gained insight on what may happen if we create intelligent

machines capable of self-thought and replication. This had pose a threat In Joy’s mind as it is

taken easily by people and not taking accord the catastrophic risks that came with it. With the

creation of intelligent machines, several scenarios was given by Joy including the involvement

of the elites and the replacement of the machines in place of humans. The former leans to be

more idealistic future with some negative touch to it and the latter is the suggestion of human

extinction in the face of the planet. As I have read this, it came to that with the creation of

intelligent machines, it needs to be supervised and controlled to its right direction for this event

to be prevented. He also questioned on what the take of other people in the possibility of

altering and replacing our body with of silicon that could achieve near immortality with this

upgrade. I think that if I was the one who offered to do it but with no consequences of it, I

would definitely accept the offer. I think that human existence should be preserved, especially
its knowledge. By this, I mean that the possibility of dying causes a great risk to lose the

knowledge retained over the years.

Bill Joy also foresaw the growing risk in utilizing genetic engineering, nanotechnology

and robotic further in the field as it is so unstable that it may lead to become weapons of mass

destruction. He exclaimed that mistakes in these field may cause the extinction of human race

itself. And for myself, this is possible. If by means that self-replicating organisms or machines

that were designed to kill off people, we cannot repel from it. As humans can only go through

enough against the tireless machines. I have recently seen this Japanese anime which they

utilized artificial organisms (nanotechnology) to create clones of human beings which the brain

of people are transferred into. Upon transferring the first human brain it had caused the

artificial cells to proliferate uncontrollably and caused unlimited replication of this cells flooding

the entire facility and its surrounding area. Luckily the organism had a functioning

consciousness that had inhibited its unlimited division. This can happen to us if the

nanotechnology gains the ability to self-replicate. These machines can suffocate us just by self-

replicating themselves and removing us from the ecosystem. That is how dangerous that

granted ability to them. We must never grant full control to the machines or our creations. The

risks are too great for it to just be ignored. As of now, we should create with great

responsibility as to what these technology may cause to our future.

The terrifying thing of all these are the weaponization of these technologies. These technologies

might be used against humans and just by the nature of uncontrollability, this might cause

damages that are catastrophic. As humans as we are, we are hungry for knowledge and power.

But In these circumstance we must understand that progressing through these technologies

may be beneficial to us but will pose a great risk in damaging the balance of our existence. We
must inhibit the drive to create these machines until we find a failsafe plan in order to counter

the negative outcomes that will come with it.

I think that technological advance will never be prevented or inhibited. Things will

always go further whether we are included in it or not. I believe that this is the way of things.

But the only thing we can do is be mindful of our actions and always be prepared for what may

happen. Surely, the future might not need us at some point in which everything do its job for

us. But in a different view, we can see the possibility of expanding our reaches. With everyday

problems gone with the efficiency of our created technology, we can focus in transcending

ourselves and look to the stars. I have always thought while reading this article that it was

always bounded of what will happen here on earth with the creation of these machines. With

the help of intelligent machines we can lead space travel without worries of human errors. The

only thing we can do now is to make sure that we are in control and not our creations.

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