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Free with adverts In-app purchases

What might your user be interested in buying? What in-app purchases could you offer?

As most of our target market will be teens, we could include adverts In our app we could offer in-app purchases for different layouts of the
in our app promoting the user to purchase other apps, clothing and script that would be emailed out so we can increase our income and
beauty products shown in the advert. put money towards upgrading and improving our app.

Freemium Paid for app

What free features could work as a standalone app? What in your app is worth paying for?
Our standalone app is the same as our full app but without all of the
Our app can have many benefits for teenagers and their parents
functionality. The user can answer questions to generate a script for
– it could literally be life changing. We think the script that is
having the conversation with their parents, but the free version does
generated and the ability to edit, email or print it is worth paying
not allow them to edit, print or email the script.

Chosen business model(s)

Our chosen business model is free with adverts because our main users will be teenagers without much disposable income of their
own. Most successful apps these days use a similar model to this and we think many teenagers will not mind watching videos if they
can use all of the app features for free. We also think many companies will want to pay to advertise their products to our teenage

Think about how you will make money from your app. Identify which business models are feasible for
your product. Consider all the options and remember, you could have a mix of revenue streams. Diggle

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