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First of all let us praise and thank the presence of Allah Almighty, for the abundance of grace

and the joy of all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in good
health. Not forgetting the sholawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad
who has brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. May
we all get intercession on the end. aamiin.
Ladies and gentlement,the title of my speeh its” Lets create a Clean Madrasah
Environment”. I raised the title of this speech because there were still many students who did
not carry out picket assigments properly,if uranting or defecating is rarely watered so that it
causes an unplesant smell,and many students throw garbage at random even though in
certain place garbage bins have been provided.a comfortable
Ladies and gentlemens,
We often hear slogans in various places,especially in Madrasah,incluiding”CLEAN
HEALTHY BAES”,”KEEP CLEAN”,which invites us to keep the environment clean. But
slogan functioned only as a mere decoration without its reaction,even though the message
of a slogan was very important to us. Many slogans that invite us to mantain cleanliness,but
what is the rality? Students are still littering,in addition students also tear up paper in class
and when eating snacks in place A the packaging is disposed of in place A,even though in
those places garbage bins have provided.
Madrasah as a place to study and interact socially should be a comfortable place. Because
in Madrasah students interact with each other. Of course students need a suportive
environment to create good interactions. I really hope there actions that can make students
aware so student are aware of the importance of the cleanliness of the madrasah
environment for good health and learning environments.
The cleanliness and beauty of the madrasah environment is the shared responsibility of
every madrasah citizen. Teachers and students play an important role in the maintenance
and realization of a clean and healthy madrasah environment. With the condition of a healthy
madrasah will give birth to students who are intteligent,qualified,environmentally,friendly and
able to apply a loving attitude and care for their environment in the madrasah environment
and society.
There are several ways to create madrasah hygiene,among others,namely:making hygiene
rules and not littering,holding class hygiene compettitions,and giving advice when students
find littering.
Ladies and gentlments,
Let us mantain the cleanliness of the madrasah because of the information i get from books
and the internet about the benefits such as healthy madrasah environtment that with a clean
and healthy group we will get many benefits such as a healthy madrasah environment that
supports the creation of a learning atmosphere well, if the environment is healthy then all
living things around us will brethe well.
At least,by mantaining cleanliness,we have also preserved and safeguarded and respected
our talent in science and technology. Because succesfull people must come from a healthy
and clean environment. So that he can focus on the learning he receives and create a good
learning atmosphere that is second to that cleanliness of the environment encourages
students learning spirit,in every aspect and behavoir of students,of course,it appers from his
habits every day. Thats all my speech today,i hope it can be useful for all of us. Thank you
for your attention. wassalam

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