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Does sleep affect school

Jade Jacobs, Shirley Perez Ochoa, and Brandon
EDT 180 D
Instructor Gary Lewallen
Survey Data: Classes/Class Rank
51 of the responders were freshman
21 of the responders were
13 of the responders were juniors
5 of the responders were seniors
Survey Data: Credit Hours
The amount of credit
hours to meet class
requirements is usually
between 12-15 credit
hours. Most students
taking 16+ hours are
likely going to have
large impacts on our
data, since their sleep
habits are probably
worse than others.
Survey Data: Interference with Sleep
Roughly 33% of
students said that
Internet usage did not
interfere with how
many hours they
slept. The other 66%
said that Internet
usage did affect
sleeping hours.
Survey Data: Daily Sleeping Hours
The weekend is when
most of the surveyed
students are able to get
the most sleep. The
mode number of hours
during the week
appears to be 4-7
hours of sleep per
week night.
Survey Data: Internet Use
Just over half the
responders said that
they primarily used the
Internet for school and
professional use.

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