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British Journal of Anaesthesia 109 (S1): i3–i16 (2012)



Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and

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perioperative care: obstacles, interventions, and priorities for
accelerating progress
N. Sevdalis1, L. Hull1 and D. J. Birnbach1,2,3*
Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, London, UK
Department of Anesthesiology and 3 Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, FL, USA
* Corresponding author. E-mail:

Summary. The publication of To Err Is Human in the USA and An Organisation with
Editor’s key points a Memory in the UK more than a decade ago put patient safety firmly on the
† Human factors are major clinical and policy agenda. To date, however, progress in improving safety and
contributors to errors in healthcare outcomes of hospitalized patients has been slower than the authors of these
that can impact patient safety. reports had envisaged. Here, we first review and analyse some of the reasons
for the lack of evident progress in improving patient safety across healthcare
† Improvements in the safety and
specialities. We then focus on what we believe is a critical part of the healthcare
outcomes of hospitalized patients
system that can contribute to safety but also to error—healthcare teams.
have been slower than expected.
Finally, we review team training interventions and tools available for the
† Healthcare team-based assessment and improvement of team performance and we offer
approaches, including simulation, recommendations based on the existing evidence-base that have potential to
standardization, and training, improve patient safety and outcomes in the coming decade.
could further improve patient
safety. Keywords: communication; education; healthcare quality; healthcare team;
leadership; patient safety

In the past 10 years, healthcare has changed dramatically. help make the case for the efficacy of interventions such
Major reports have highlighted human error and adverse as checklists10 11 and team training16 in improving care pro-
events that patients, particularly those admitted to hospitals, cesses and patient outcomes.
suffer—including the Institute of Medicine’s (IoM) report To Where are we now? Despite numerous studies, policy
Err Is Human published in 1999 in the USA1 and the Depart- reports, and (literally) hundreds of interventions to improve
ment of Health’s (DH) An Organisation with a Memory pub- patient safety, progress has overall been slower than initially
lished in 2000 in the UK.2 These reports followed a number envisaged. A recent large-scale study from the USA found
of pioneering retrospective studies in the USA, Australia, that the rates of error have remained relatively constant
and the UK that documented average error rates of 10% in over the past few years.17 Similar analyses from the UK have
hospital admissions—that is, that one in 10 hospital inpati- arrived at a mixed conclusion, with some safety indicators im-
ents was likely to suffer an error during hospital stay.3 – 5 proving, others deteriorating, and yet others showing no
These publications brought about a sharp focus on patient change.18 Although a lot of effort has been put into improving
safety issues in healthcare. the safety of hospitalized patients, one might argue that in
As a result of this publicity and a growing body of scientific some ways, the results have been less than impressive.
and medical literature, patient safety has become a perman- Our aim in the present article is three-fold. First, we review
ent part of the health policy and wider political agenda. and analyse reasons for the lack of evident progress in im-
Numerous changes have since been advocated to improve proving patient safety across healthcare specialities. Second-
patient safety, including mandating minimum nurse-to- ly, we focus on what we believe is a critical part of the
patient ratios,6 reducing working hours of trainee/resident healthcare system that can contribute to safety but also to
doctors,7 introduction of ‘care bundles’ that improve error—healthcare teams. Finally, we review team training
patient outcomes,8 9 introduction of safety checklists,10 11 interventions and tools currently available for the assess-
and advances to the science of simulation and teamwork ment and improvement of team performance and team
training.12 – 15 Significant funding has been spent to develop skills that can be used in operating theatres and intensive
and promote such interventions and to produce the care units (ICUs). We conclude with a number of recommen-
evidence-base, via large-scale primary studies, that would dations for healthcare team improvement.

& The Author [2012]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved.
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BJA Sevdalis et al.

Is healthcare becoming safer? Michigan research group have argued that the success
story of the ‘simple checklist’ that seems to be making
Measurement concerns healthcare headlines is somewhat deceptive.25 A checklist
Although the question of whether hospital-based care has is not more than a technical solution: if used properly, it
become safer for patients is straightforward, it has ensures that certain things will be reviewed at certain
become increasingly evident that the answer is complex—

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times. If the underlying problem, however, involves poor atti-
for many reasons.18 A first problem that we still face is tudes and lack of a culture of safety then it is doubtful that
that safety indicators are often not readily available. Hos- any checklist will make a positive impact on safety. That the
pital systems worldwide rely on a wide range of coding checklists are not a ‘cheap and cheerful’ solution for the pub-
schemes for diseases, treatments, and complications. licly funded UK National Health Service (NHS) was revealed
These are often non-standardized in their entries and by the early experiences of using the WHO Checklist in a
hence very difficult to meaningfully compare across sites, London teaching hospital.26 The use of the WHO Checklist
countries, and often even across time.19 To add to the com- was highly variable among its three constituent parts
plexity, the concept of ‘patient safety indicators’ is rather (SIGN IN, TIME OUT, SIGN OUT) and also over time. The re-
novel; developing and validating indicators is a field of sci- search team observed the checklist being done only partially
entific enquiry within the patient safety discipline.19 A (e.g. SIGN OUT omitted), with key participants not present in
second concern is that large-scale safety reporting the operating theatre (e.g. senior surgeon not present), or in
systems as a means to gauge levels of patient safety a dismissive manner. Checklists are not unique in the com-
have their own limitations. Such systems became popular plexity of their implementation—care bundles, performance
and many were implemented as a result of the IoM and monitoring and feedback, team training, and other interven-
DH reports—the UK’s ‘National Reporting and Learning tions aimed at enhancing patient safety can all fail at the
System’ (NRLS) was a direct recommendation of the report implementation stage. We argue, therefore, that this is an
An Organisation with a Memory.20 First introduced in 2003, additional explanation for the lack of robust evidence for
the NRLS database currently contains more than 6.5 wide-scale safety improvements—if safety interventions
million incidents (data publicly available at www.nrls.npsa are poorly implemented their potential for a positive However, reporting has been voluntary, it has typ- impact on patient outcomes will be limited.23
ically been carried out by nursing personnel without much
physician involvement, and it has never captured the true Healthcare teams
incidence of errors; recent studies have shown that incident
reporting captures 6% of errors found via retrospective Individual clinicians vs healthcare teams
review of the patient record.21 Reporting levels tend to in- Healthcare is a team sport; teams take care of patients.27 28
crease when a ‘safety alert’ of some sort gets published— Healthcare teams operate in an environment characterized
as the reporters become more sensitized to the specific by acute stress, heavy workload, often high stakes decision-
topic of the alert. For these reasons, incident reporting making (e.g. a laparotomy cannot be undone if later
appears to be a surrogate marker of safety culture—such proven unnecessary) and very consequential errors.29 Indivi-
that hospitals that report higher levels of incidents have duals have limited capabilities. In his classic review of how
higher levels of safety awareness and culture among their human factors impact on adverse events, the psychologist
frontline personnel.22 The general public reading a ‘report Reason30 has suggested that human rather than technical
card’ (available in the USA) evaluating a hospital with failures represent the greatest threat to complex and poten-
higher incident levels than its competitor hospitals might, tially hazardous systems, including healthcare. When human
however, think differently. limitations are combined with organizational and environ-
mental complexity, ‘production pressures’ and the naturally
Implementation concerns occurring stress of managing very sick patients, human
The efficacy of patient safety interventions depends heavily error becomes virtually inevitable.31 32 The following deter-
on the quality of their implementation (perhaps even more minants have been shown to affect the quality of clinical per-
so than biomedical interventions, e.g. a new drug). An formance within healthcare settings.
obvious example of this is the introduction of safety check-
lists.23 Transplanted into healthcare from other high-risk in- Individual healthcare providers’ skills and competencies
dustries (most notably aviation), safety checklists are Within interventional specialities, like anaesthesia and
currently becoming increasingly popular. An ever-expanding surgery, these are often split between ‘technical skills’ and
evidence-base, including high-profile studies such as the ‘non-technical skills’.33 – 37 The former include the psycho-
Michigan Keystone ICU project,24 the WHO Surgical Safety motor dexterity and coordination that are required to carry
Checklist international pilot evaluation,10 and the SURPASS out complex psychomotor tasks (e.g. to intubate a patient
checklist randomized controlled trial (RCT) in the or successfully place an epidural catheter). The latter
Netherlands,11 suggests that introduction of a checklist can include the skills that allow a healthcare provider to work
improve outcomes in many acute clinical areas. Checklists, well as a member of a team (e.g. communication,
however, are not a panacea. Social scientists and the leadership).

Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and perioperative care BJA
Teamworking and team effectiveness † Team-members’ characteristics: their personal skills
As care is being delivered by teams, the quality and effective- and attributes, reputation, expertise.
ness of team communication,27 38 team monitoring/situation † Workplace factors: staffing levels, work organization,
awareness,39 and team coordination40 are important—not work environment.
just for safety but also from the perspective of efficiency. † Group influences: communication, behaviours, and

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inter-relationships within the team.
Clinical environments Team effectiveness is in itself a key endpoint—the question is
The hospital environment is often not conducive either to ‘what is an effective team’? Within the healthcare literature,
individualized work or to teamworking. Distractions and this has sometimes been treated as a ‘black box’—the em-
interruptions (e.g. during medication administration, during phasis has traditionally been on patient outcomes and clinic-
the induction, maintenance and emergence from anaesthe- al processes because these endpoints are evidently relevant
sia, or during a surgical procedure) have been analysed in to patients and can also be assessed more objectively.
detail in the past few years and have been shown to contrib- However, simply stating, for instance, that a good theatre
ute to the loss of concentration and deterioration of team is one whose patients always get antibiotics on time
safety.41 – 45 and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) prophylaxis before an
Taken together these three determinants of good (or poor) operation masks a number of issues of relevance to how
performance and safety comprise what is known as a teams are assembled and developed—and also a range of
‘Systems Approach’ to patient safety46 – 49—which recognizes team-related outcomes that are often ignored. Although
that human operators are fallible and when under extreme necessary, objective clinical metrics of team effectiveness
pressure, errors will almost inevitably occur. Indeed, lapses are not sufficient because they tell us little in terms of how
and problems in one or more of these three categories to improve a team. From the perspective of team science,
have been consistently identified as ‘latent risk factors’ Hackman59 has analysed three critical aspects of a team’s
within healthcare units and organizations where errors sub- peformance:
sequently occur.50 (i) Whether or not the team accomplishes its goals: this
reflects the examples above, that is, whether a
Teamwork and team performance theatre team ensures that antibiotics and DVT
Patient safety is ‘predicated on trust, open communication, prophylaxis have been administered on time.
and effective interdisciplinary teamwork’.51 Teamwork can (ii) Team-member satisfaction with the team and com-
be defined as a ‘set of interrelated behaviours, actions, cog- mitment to team goals: this is a longitudinal team
nitions and attitudes that facilitate the required task work outcome, mostly neglected in healthcare teams. It
that must be completed’.52 There is a vast literature refers to whether frontline staff are happy to be
outside healthcare and increasingly within it on what part of their team—which in turn can be linked to
makes teams work well together and be effective. Team the morale of the team, a range of behaviours men-
communication and information sharing are critical for opti- tioned above (e.g. trust in each other, mutual
mizing team performance.53 According to Baker and collea- support and back up, etc.), and also to team-
gues,54 to work together effectively team-members must members’ turnover (as unhappy team-members are
possess specific knowledge, skills and attitudes such as the more likely to leave the team/organization when an
skill to monitor each other’s performance and correct opportunity arises).
errors before they become adverse events or cause harm, (iii) The ability of the team to improve their team effect-
knowledge of their own and team-mates’ task responsibil- iveness over time: just like individuals, teams have
ities, and a positive disposition towards working in a team. learning curves. As with Olympic athletes, a team of
Behaviours found in effective teams include team leadership, experts that has just been put together does not ne-
mutual performance monitoring, backup behaviour (i.e. cessarily make an expert team—teams develop their
mutual support), adaptability, communication, team orienta- expertise over time, learn from their mistakes, and
tion, and mutual trust.54 These behaviours have also been improve their processes and skills.
found relevant to operating theatre55 and ICU56 contexts.
Moreover, an important cognitive characteristic of effective Team leadership
teams is that they have shared and accurate ‘mental An important aspect of team performance is how it is led.
models’—which means that the team-members hold an ac- Team leadership is a complex function—a recent review
curate and shared understanding of the task at hand, across industries proposed that it involves the three core ac-
their equipment, and their team-mates—including who is tivities of Leading (over years), Managing (over months), and
responsible and able to carry out which task at what point Coaching (daily) (Table 1).60 Even though this list is likely not
in time.39 57 Thomas and colleagues58 conducted a qualita- exhaustive, it makes immediately apparent the fact that
tive assessment of teamwork and suggested that factors many aspiring or current clinical team leaders rarely
that influence the ability of a group of individuals to work to- engage in such tasks or do so in an ineffective manner. A
gether as a team include the following: first problem for healthcare is that such tasks are rarely

BJA Sevdalis et al.

formally included or appraised as part of the team leader’s part of specialist training on the doctor’s way to becoming
performance. It follows that many senior doctors do not a consultant/attending physician.
have the relevant skills—nor is training available to them We take the view that systematic team training is a key
to assist them in acquiring these skills. This is not a part of the change required of healthcare organizations in
problem peculiar to healthcare—across numerous industries, order to achieve higher levels of patient safety. Team training

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leaders often find themselves being promoted to leadership within healthcare environments is not a new concept. The
positions on the basis of their excellent operational or tech- IoM report To Err Is Human strongly recommended translat-
nical performance—however, they are then left on their ing concepts of aviation team training and ‘Crew Resource
own to take on the task of effectively managing a new and Management’ to improve patient safety.1 The IoM reiterated
typically bigger team that is looking up to them for leader- the same recommendation in their follow-up report Crossing
ship. Within the healthcare industry, clinical seniority alone the Quality Chasm.63 The Agency for Healthcare Research
is not a sufficient criterion for leadership. The tasks and re- and Quality (AHRQ) and the Joint Commission have also sup-
sponsibilities of a leader (Table 1) suggest that some clinical ported this position.
leaders should be actively engaged with the entire health- The original training model of the aviation industry has
care organization (i.e. the hospital and its management) in historically been the main source of inspiration in relation
order to promote the work of the team that they lead. Under- to team training for the healthcare industry. In the late
standing of management structures and knowledge of 1970s and early 1980s, aviation developed a team training
organizational targets (often decided by central policy- model termed ‘Crew Resource Management’ (CRM).64 Key
making bodies) are prerequisites for the effective clinical characteristics of CRM-based training include:
† extensive use of simulators, within which crisis scen-
arios can be enacted and operators’ performance
Team training and simulation observed and assessed;
† focus on ‘non-technical’ skills—which are social (e.g.
Team training: when and why? communication), cognitive (e.g. situation awareness),
The previous two sections suggest that improving patient and resource management (e.g. coping with stress)
safety requires a concerted effort to change our current skills, which complement technical/psychomotor
systems and attitudes, such that safety interventions proficiency;65
become better embedded within healthcare organizations † standardization in the form of (i) assessment instru-
and are used more effectively by expert teams that have ments that capture non-technical skills systematically
clear understanding of their tasks and roles and show ad- (e.g. NOTECHS),66 67 (ii) assessor training and certifica-
equate team behaviours. Improvements in the human tion,68 and (iii) regular simulation-based training and
factors and teamworking aspects of healthcare are expected certification sessions for operators.
to bring about significant improvement in patient out-
comes—over and above improvements associated with bio- Anaesthesia was one of the first healthcare specialities to
medical advances.61 embrace this model—by developing ‘Anaesthesia Crisis Re-
Why train anaesthetists in communication, teamwork, source Management’ (ACRM) training modules between the
and situational awareness? Anaesthetists providing care to late 1980s and the mid-1990s.69 70 These early efforts were
patients must be prepared to deal with unexpected events subsequently followed by other specialities and there has
and emergencies—including anaphylaxis, myocardial infarc- been a significant surge in the development and availability
tion, unexpected profound blood loss, embolism, and numer- of CRM-styled team and ‘non-technical’ skills training
ous other intraoperative crises that arise without warning. courses. Several studies have reported use of team training
Nowhere is the stress greater than in the stressful and modules in Emergency Medicine departments,71 72 ICU envir-
rapidly changing environment of high-risk surgery, including onments,73 and surgical services.74 – 77
the realms of obstetrics, cardiothoracic, neurosurgery, and
trauma.62 Where do medical/nursing students, trainees/resi- Does team training work?
dents, consultant/attending doctors, midwives, and a range Whether a team training intervention is effective should be
of other allied health professionals learn to work together evaluated at the following four levels:78
as team-members? In recent years, medical training has † Level 1: Reactions: participants who attend team train-
made significant progress in incorporating problem-based ing sessions should find them useful in performing their
learning in undergraduate medical education.62 However, jobs.
incorporation of such modules into the curriculum can be † Level 2: Learning and attitudes: post-training partici-
challenging62—and often the teaching occurs within single- pants should acquire new knowledge and their atti-
speciality groups. Formal training and assessment of team tudes to teamworking/safety/related concepts should
skills (using validated metrics that could potentially be improve.
included in a portfolio or personal appraisal system; see † Level 3: Skills and behaviours: post-training participants
the Priority 2 section) is also typically not carried out as should be able to do things that they were not able

Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and perioperative care BJA

Table 1 Key elements of team leadership60

Element of Definition Time horizon Tasks for the team leader

Leading Provision of a strategic direction Long-term: years – Create a real ‘team’

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and vision to the team – Communicate a direction for the team’s work (team
– Design the team so that it can achieve its vision
– Negotiate and gain organizational support for the team
– Use team interventions judiciously

Managing Planning and clarifying Medium-term: – Set clear team objectives

the team’s objectives months – Clarify team-members’ roles/responsibilities
– Manage team-members so they each have an individual
role within the team
– Evaluate individuals’ contributions
– Provide feedback on team’s performance
– Periodically review team’s processes and objectives

Coaching The leader’s daily (often informal) Short-term: days – Listen what the team-members have to say
interactions with team-members – Recognize and address emotions within the team
– Provide individual feedback
– Agree goals with individual team-members

to do pre-training (e.g. their communications skills to level 1 or 2. This does not mean that they are not useful—
should improve). but they are a first of many steps that need to be carried out
† Level 4: Organizational outcomes: regular team training to improve patient outcomes in the long run.
should improve organizational effectiveness (e.g. fewer
accidents or near misses, better safety processes).
Where next? Healthcare teams for the 21st century
The preceding discussion shows that over the past few years,
Recent reviews and meta-analyses show that team training
with the advent of early simulators and CRM-styled training,
within aviation does achieve positive effects at levels 1 –3,
healthcare has made some steps towards improving team
but there is no evidence for the ‘holy grail’ of fewer accidents
effectiveness and team skills. Here we identify what we
at level 4.64 79 80
believe are some critical priorities for the healthcare industry
Within healthcare, there have been multiple reviews on
in the coming 5 –10 years to consolidate and accelerate
the impact of team training.81 82 Overall, until recently, the
findings mirrored those of the aviation industry—healthcare
providers who attended team training sessions found them
beneficial and relevant to their work, showed learning and Priority 1: Embedding simulation into training and
improved attitudes post-training, and learned some addition- practice
al skills.83 – 86 The biggest study, to our knowledge, to evalu- Traditional medical and nursing education has relied on the
ate the impact of team training on level 4 outcomes within treatment of real patients in actual clinical settings. In the
perioperative care is that by Neily and colleagues87 published light of the expanding evidence-base that simulation-based
in 2010. This was a large-scale RCT across 108 Veterans practice of technical and team skills improves performance
Affairs Hospitals in the USA (74 in the team intervention and safety and with increasing availability of simulators,
arm and 34 in the control arm), which documented an there is a paradigm shift occurring in many universities and
overall 18% reduction in postoperative mortality in the inter- training programmes internationally. Numerous simulators
vention hospitals. The intervention was substantial and are currently available across all interventional special-
clearly costly—including a 2 month preparation period per ities—including anaesthesia, surgery, and obstetrics. These
site, 1 day on-site training sessions87 with theatres closed range from simple bench-top models to task simulators,
on the day, and quarterly telephone follow-ups with the entire procedure simulators (e.g. virtual reality simulators),
local lead for 12 months. The impressive findings of that and simulated operating or labour suites for training and as-
study suggest that team training can improve outcomes. sessment of entire clinical teams. Many, if not most, medical
‘Light-touch’ team training sessions—for example, including and nursing schools and hospitals have purchased simulators
introduction to human factors and teamworking concepts— and there are various attempts to use them in undergradu-
can be beneficial. However, their impact will likely be limited ate and postgraduate education.88 89 Although these are

BJA Sevdalis et al.

positive steps, we believe that much remains to be done. Im- development of numerous assessment tools designed to
plementation of simulation-based education and training is capture these skills. Efforts have concentrated on ensuring
often person-driven and hence at risk of collapsing when that these tools are psychometrically robust (i.e. reliable
the interested and knowledgeable faculty member changes and valid)—a selection of tools with psychometric evidence
institution or job role. Institutions often see their involvement is presented in Table 2. While this is a critical step in embed-

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with simulation-based training limited to purchasing the ding training and improving these skills, at present any
equipment—whereas in fact this is only the first of many standardization of assessment is lacking. This is in stark con-
steps, most of which involve the human resource that is trast to the training and assessment of such skills in other
required to run simulations that are regular, systematic in high-risk industries, most notably the aviation industry.68
their assessment and feedback processes, and thus mean- The lack of standardized assessment in healthcare presents
ingful to clinical learners.90 a significant challenge; although there is a large degree of
We propose that all invasive procedures, whenever feas- overlap between the available assessment tools in relation
ible, should first be routinely practiced on a simulator to the core skills assessed the rating scales vary considerably,
before a physician or nurse performs them on a patient. and there is no systematic benchmark against which to
Advances in simulation technologies have rendered assess or compare performance. We advocate that evidence
simulation-based training an ‘ethical imperative’—as Ziv regarding the psychometric robustness of assessment tools
and colleagues91 commented a decade ago ‘patients are and the aims of the assessment process should guide tool
not commodities to be used as conveniences of training’. selection (Box 1). Further research within clinical settings
Our own view (which remains to be supported by evidence) on optimal application of assessment tools to improve per-
is that no doctor or nurse should perform an invasive proced- formance and on developing performance benchmarks is
ure on a patient before showing successful completion of needed.
their learning curves on a well-validated simulator. Simula-
tion allows the development of personalized, proficiency-
based (rather than time-based) training curricula—in fact Priority 3: Training and quality assurance of faculty
curricula for the training of complex laparoscopic procedures Many of the assessment measures that have been developed
have been developed and validated and are currently avail- are widely available, via peer-reviewed publications and
able.92 93 Laparoscopic surgeons are setting the tone in online resources, and thus are available to any individual
this field—as of October 2012, the ‘Fundamentals of Laparo- that desires to access them. The potential problem here is
scopic Surgery’ (FLS) course, endorsed by the American that non-technical and team skill assessment tools appear
College of Surgeons and a prerequisite in many surgical train- deceptively simple and straightforward to use. Such assess-
ing programmes in North America, will require recertification ments, however, require training to be done well, otherwise
every 10 years (i.e. including laparoscopic experts; see www. they are unreliable.97 98 Thus, a crucial factor in implement- ing such assessments into healthcare is the formal, struc-
We advocate a multi-stage approach, where trainees start tured training of faculty that provide assessments. The lack
from bench-top and task trainers, followed by procedural of guidelines regarding assessment tool application is in
simulation of more complex procedures appropriate for stark contrast to the regulations enforced by other industries.
their level of training/proficiency.88 89 Such simulation-based Such regulations are in place to ensure that assessments are
training should be integrated into clinical work: an emerging fair, reliable, valid, and feedback is provided in an effective
evidence-base is showing that ‘warm up’ physical and and sensitive manner. Faculty and trainers are required to
mental practice just before a procedure may be beneficial undertake extensive training, demonstrate a minimum level
for trainees,94 95 who can use the equipment within the hos- of proficiency, and hold an accreditation to apply these mea-
pital but more so in their home environment at relatively sures in practice. For example, the aviation and military in-
minor cost.96 The next step in this evolution of medical train- dustries have long recognized the need for training faculty
ing will involve actual members of multi-disciplinary teams to assess and debrief non-technical performance as a key
(e.g. nurses, surgeons, anaesthetists) training together in a characteristic of high-reliability operations. Specific faculty
simulated operating theatre environment, where effective training programmes have been developed that focus on
responses to catastrophic and/or rare crises can be rehearsed teaching ‘novice’ faculty to identify and assess non-technical
and perfected and novel interventions like the WHO Checklist performance in the same way as highly experienced asses-
can be introduced.74 – 77 Many anaesthetic emergencies (e.g. sors.68 Thus, integrating effective and robust non-technical
failed intubation, anaphylaxis, embolism) require practiced and team skills training and assessment is dependent on
actions not only of the anaesthetist, but of the entire the development of programmes targeted at faculty to
theatre team. Practice as a team, therefore, is essential. ensure that they are competent to train and assess such skills.
A recent expert-consensus study established guidelines
for such faculty training programmes (Box 2)99—which can
Priority 2: Improving and standardizing assessment now be developed with the aim of improving how team
The increased focus on non-technical and team skills to skills and performance are assessed and trained, and ultim-
reduce errors and improve patient safety has triggered the ately of creating highly performing teams.

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Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and perioperative care
Table 2 Non-technical skills and teamwork assessment tools

Tool Elements assessed Clinical speciality Reliability Validity evidence Notes on practical implementation
Observational Teamwork Global operating theatre team It can be used for surgical, Inter-rater Content, OTAS can be used by both clinical and
Assessment for Surgery performance anaesthetic, and nursing personnel reliability concurrent, and non-clinical assessors
(OTAS)112 – 115 1. Communication It can be used to evaluate construct validity It assesses/debriefs team
2. Cooperation/back up behaviour individual’s skills and behaviour and performance in routine and crisis
3. Coordination also global team performance situations
4. Leadership It captures performance at three It captures performance and skills of
5. Team monitoring/situation awareness stages: before operation, professional subteams within the
intraoperatively, and after operation operating theatre and also of the
global theatre team
OTAS comes with validated training
programmes for novice users

Revised Non-Technical Skills Non-technical skills It can be used for surgical, Internal Construct validity Revised NOTECHS can be used by
(Revised NOTECHS)75 116 117 anaesthetic, and nursing personnel consistency both clinical and non-clinical
1. Communication/interaction It captures performance The tool is particularly applicable to
2. Situation awareness intraoperatively assessing/debriefing behaviours in
3. Cooperation/team skills crisis situations
4. Leadership/managerial skills
5. Decision-making

Oxford Non-Technical Skills Non-technical skills It can be used for surgical, Inter-rater Predictive, Oxford NOTECHS can be used by both
(Oxford NOTECHS)118 119 anaesthetic, and nursing personnel reliability concurrent, and clinical and non-clinical assessors
1. Communication/interaction It captures performance convergent The tool captures team performance
2. Situation awareness intraoperatively validity in routine and non-routine situations
3. Cooperation/team skills
4. Leadership/managerial skills
5. Decision-making

Trauma Non-Technical Skills Non-technical skills during trauma calls It can be used for any speciality Inter-rater Construct validity T-NOTECHS can be used by clinical
(T-NOTECHS)120 121 attending a trauma call reliability (doctors and nurses) and non-clinical
assessors (researchers)
1. Communication/interaction It captures performance during the Internal The tool assesses/debriefs
2. Situation awareness/coping with stress trauma call consistency performance during simulated and
3. Cooperation/resource management real-life trauma calls
4. Leadership
5. Assessment/decision-making
Assessed skills based on OTAS and revised


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Table 2 Continued

Tool Elements assessed Clinical speciality Reliability Validity evidence Notes on practical implementation
Non-Technical Skills for Non-technical skills Designed to be used only for Inter-rater Convergent NOTSS is designed to be used by
Surgeons (NOTSS)122 – 124 surgical personnel reliability validity senior surgeons
1. Communication/teamwork It captures performance It focuses on the operating surgeon
2. Leadership intraoperatively
3. Situation awareness
4. Decision-making

Anesthesiologists’ Non-technical skills Designed to be used only for Inter-rater Content validity ANTS is designed to be used by senior
Non-Technical Skills anaesthetic personnel reliability anaesthetists
(ANTS)125 – 127 1. Teamworking It captures performance It focuses on the anaesthetist in
2. Task management intraoperatively charge of the patient
3. Situation awareness
4. Decision-making

Scrub Practitioners’ List of Non-technical skills Designed to be used only for scrub Inter-rater Content validity SPLINTS is designed to be used by
Intra-operative Non-Technical nurses or scrub practitioners reliability senior nursing/related personnel
Skills (SPLINTS)36 128 1. Communication/teamwork It captures performance It focuses on the scrub nurse/
2. Task management intraoperatively practitioner in charge; it does not
3. Situation awareness address other nursing personnel (i.e.
circulating nurse)

Ottawa Crisis Resource Non-technical skills and global CRM Designed for use across medical and Inter-rater Construct validity The Ottawa GRS is not specific to the
Management Global Rating performance surgical specialities reliability OR environment; it is broadly
Scale (Ottawa GRS)129 applicable to healthcare teams in
acute settings
1. Problem solving It captures CRM-related Internal It has been evaluated in the context
2. Situational awareness non-technical skills during a training consistency of resuscitation and management of
3. Leadership episode critically ill patients
4. Resource utilization It is aimed at assessing the effect of
5. Communication simulation-based training modules
on participants’ relevant skills

Sevdalis et al.
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Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and perioperative care
Mayo High Performance 8 compulsory and 8 elective items that Designed based on anaesthesia Inter-rater Construct validity The MHPTS is not specific to the
Teamwork Scale (MHPTS)130 reflect CRM-related non-technical skills CRM training modules reliability operating theatre environment; it is
broadly applicable to healthcare
teams in acute settings
Compulsory items It captures CRM-related Internal It has been evaluated in the context
non-technical skills of doctors and consistency of CRM training (pre-training vs
nurses during a training episode post-training scores)
1. A leader is clearly recognized by all team It is aimed at assessing the effect of
members CRM training modules on
2. The team leader assures maintenance of participants’ relevant skills
an appropriate balance between
command authority and team member
3. Each team member demonstrates a
clear understanding of his or her role
4. The team prompts each other to attend
to all significant clinical indicators
throughout the procedure/intervention
5. When team members are actively
involved with the patient, they verbalize
their activities aloud
6. Team members repeat back or
paraphrase instructions and clarifications
to indicate that they heard them correctly
7. Team members refer to established
protocols and checklists for the procedure/
8. All members of the team are
appropriately involved and participate in
the activity

Observational Skill-based Non-technical skills and global It can be used for anaesthetic, Inter-rater Content and OSCAR can be used by doctor and
Clinical Assessment tool for performance of a resuscitation team medical, and nursing personnel who reliability convergent resuscitation officer assessors
Resuscitation (OSCAR)131 132 make up a resuscitation team validity
(1) Communication It can be used to evaluate It assesses/debriefs individual and
(2) Cooperation/back up behaviour individual’s skills and behaviour and global performance during a
(3) Coordination also global team performance resuscitation
(4) Leadership during a resuscitation episode
(5) Team monitoring/situation
(6) Decision-making

Assessed skills based on OTAS, ANTS, and


BJA Sevdalis et al.

Box 1 Characteristics of a good non-technical/team Box 2: Expert-derived recommendations for training

assessment tool133 faculty to assess non-technical and team skills99

Validity: in relation to performance outcome/s (e.g. 1. Trainers: Who should deliver the ‘Train-the-Trainers’
patient outcomes) programme?

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Reliability: inter-rater reliability, internal consistency † Multi-disciplinary team consisting of clinicians and
Sensitivity: in relation to levels of performance (i.e. distin- psychologists/human factors experts.
guishing poor from good performers) 2. Faculty: Who should receive the ‘Train-the-Trainers
Transparency: people assessed understand the perform- programme?
ance criteria against which they are being rated; availabil- If the aim is to provide performance feedback within
ity of reliability and validity data clinical practice:
Usability: simple framework, easy to train, easy to under- † Senior clinicians (consultant/attending-level sur-
stand, easy to observe, domain-appropriate language, geons/anaesthetists, senior theatre nurses)
sensitive to rater workload † Clinicians and psychologists/human factors experts
Can provide a focus for training goals and needs (alongside clinicians)
Baselines for performance criteria are available and can If the aim is to provide high-stakes assessments (e.g.
be used appropriately by raters selection or revalidation/recertification):
Minimal overlap between assessment components † Senior clinicians (consultant/attending level sur-
geons/anaesthetists and senior theatre nurses)
† Clinicians that regularly provide training and
Priority 4: Selection assessment
Healthcare is rather unique among many industries, in that 3. Proficiency/revalidation
little effort goes into job-person fit. The key premise of select- Proficiency
ing clinicians or nurses using scientific methods is that selec- † To provide performance feedback within clinical prac-
tion affords the organization the opportunity to select new tice: Minimum intra-class correlation coefficients
recruits who have the technical competencies but also with expert’s scores of 0.61 –0.70
team skills to fit into existing teams, and thus expand opera- † To provide high-stakes assessments: Minimum intra-
tions successfully. Organizational and team leadership class correlation coefficients of 0.71 –0.80
involves significant investment in developing personnel to Revalidation: Faculty should be reassessed annually if
take on roles of increasing complexity and responsibility in- providing high-stakes assessments
ternally, but also to select new people/talent to join the 4. Training programme content
team/organization externally. In healthcare, selection is † Theoretical background on non-technical skills and
minimal in some specialities and totally absent in others, human factors applied to healthcare/surgery
whereas new trainee/residents recruits change-over en † Introduction to non-technical/team skill assessment
masse at certain time points potentially without enough tools
time to get integrated into their new teams/organizations. † Training in the recognition of non-technical/team
Furthermore, selection procedures typically involve an inter- skills
view—which has the worst predictive validity of all selection † Practice in skill rating
methods (although it is the least expensive). ‘Assessment/se- † Training in providing feedback/debriefing following
lection centres’, where candidates are assessed on a series of assessment
tasks and simulations that reflect the duties that they will be † Limitations of skill assessments (e.g. biases and
carrying out (if selected) for an organization, have better pre- errors in assessment)
dictive validity for future on-the-job performance, but they † Implications of skill assessments
are the most expensive personnel selection method.100 5. Training programme delivery
These practices are not without consequences. In the UK, † Methods: Video clips for practicing skills observation
a recent large-scale epidemiological study carried out using and rating
data from 175 acute hospitals between 2000 and 2008 † Duration: Two full-days, proficiency/competency-
found that emergency patients admitted in these hospitals based training, support after initial training, and re-
during the so-called ‘change-over week’ (i.e. the first week fresher course(s)
of August when the new trainees arrive) had 6–8% higher
mortality risk than patients of the same disease/sociodemo-
graphic profile admitted to the same hospitals during the the lack of team stability in theatres has been reported as
previous week.101 The year-end change-over has also been a key stressor for theatre personnel103 and also as a key
reported from American hospitals where it has been reported reason contributing to the inability of the theatre team to
that mortality increased and efficiency decreases because of reach expert status—as with constant new team-members
year end change-overs—termed the ‘July effect’.102 Further, the team restarts their learning curve far too often.

Improving patient safety in the operating theatre and perioperative care BJA
Evidence-based selection, using appropriately validated which is funded by the National Institute for Health Research,
tasks and the concept of assessment/selection centres, is UK.
feasible across specialities, including acute care,104
surgery,105 106 and anaesthesia.107 108 Gale and collea-
gues,107 specifically, have shown correlations between per-

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