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Brittney Monson

For my Senior Exhibition Project, I would like to have the opportunity to make
vocabulary videos for incoming ASL students. These videos would benefit students who
missed class (when the unit of vocabulary was taught), students who needed extra help,
and for students who needed to review for unit tests.
I realize that performing this project may involve some concerns for Mrs. Boren.
It could potentially take up too much of your time, my signing won’t be clear, and the
videos may not be useful to your upcoming students. However I will be very cautious
with your time, because I know that it is limited. I will make sure that I know exactly how
you would want the videos, and how they would be most beneficial to you. I would do
this because I took Miss Hill’s class for both levels 1 and 2, and her style of signing is at
variance from yours. For the signing, I will make sure I sign to other students and see if
they understand me, and I will get some constructive criticism so I know how to improve
before I film. I will also check that my signs are precise, and I will re-memorize the
vocabulary before videoing to ensure accuracy. From what I have observed over the
past 3 ½ years of taking ASL, these videos would be very beneficial to the students.
Multiple students come into your class asking for help during Grizzly Opts, every single
day. These videos would provide a way for your students to pull up the videos on their
phones, or computers, and you would have more time to assist more students. In the
long run this project will save both the students, and your precious time while you are
here at school.
The work that will go into this is re-memorizing signs, videoing, watching the
videos, re-filming if needed, and finally uploading the videos online. After I have
checked where and how you would like me to upload these videos, this project will
mostly be completed at my house. I will use my house to film, edit, and upload unless
you specify differently.This project will take approximately 6 hours or greater because of
all of these tasks.
Imagine how beneficial this truly would be for all of the future students who are
going to be involved in your classes. This project would not only benefit your students
next year, but your students for years and years to come. It seems that everyone has
access to at least one device so they would not have to be at school to go over
vocabulary, and get extra practice. The videos would be easy for everyone in your
classes to access, and help preserve time that could be used on other effective things.
I am looking forward to this opportunity to get the opportunity to make these
vocabulary videos, and for the privilege to be able to help you and your future students
here at Copper Hills High School.

Miss Tibbits: Mrs. Boren

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