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Anayisha Gauldin

Ms. Figueroa

Period 2

8 March 2019

The Corruption of Society

“Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or

corruption or both” (John F. Kennedy). Corruption could lead to many different outcomes. It can

cause people to want more than what they already have. Also, it occurs when there is much

power. In the story Macbeth, corruption was portrayed in the play because Lady Macbeth was

pushing Macbeth to do things to help him become king. Macbeth’s universal theme of corruption

is seen in today’s society in power, greed and remorse.

Power gives people the ability to make changes in the society. Macbeth does not show

fear and he is ready for war. Shakespeare states, “I will not be afraid of death and bane”

( 3.5.59). From this we can understand that he is powerful and that he is ready for whatever

happen. With the hold of power you can sometimes take it too far. Shakespeare emphasizes that,

“Many people in power abuse their positions through authority with manipulation strategies”

(Author unknown). This says that a lot of people take advantage of what they have and do not

think about how unfair it is to others. In conclusion, power is give to people and they abuse it.

Greed can cause many dangerous things to happen in the society. Macbeth just wants his

wishes to become true. As Shakespeare indicated, “For my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires, let

not light see my black and deep desires” (1.4.50-51). From this you could say that he is having

greed about wanting the king to be dead. There may be too much greed in our society today.

Shakespeare states, “Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, that tears shall drown the wind. I
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have no spur to prick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which o’erleaps itself

and falls on th’ other” (1.7.24-28). Macbeth is changing his mind about some greed and thinking

about the situation he could end up in. Furthermore, You should not let greed get in the way of


Remorse has a huge effect on society within people’s actions. If you know that you will

regret what you are going to do then you should not do it. Alder indicates, “One of the greatest

regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself” This tells us

that someone can manipulate you to do everything that they want you to do like in the story

Macbeth, Lady Macbeth manipulates him to do what she wants in order for him to become king.

You should think more about the right action is that should be done. The author states, “Regret

and remorse” is a dialectic issue about what has been done about what should have been done

and about what should not have done” (Pevernagie). This statement shows that there may be

certain things that should not be done if they are not supposed to. After all, you should. think

about the situation and see if you will have remorse in the end.

There are many corruptions of the society such as greed, remorse and power. Power

could relate to Macbeth because everyone wants the hold of power and wants to be in control.

Greed relates to Macbeth because he wants to become king and he does not care what will

happen just as long as he gets what he wants. Remorse relates to Macbeth because after he kills

the king the king he starts to have different thoughts going through his head and thinking about

what he had done. Lastly, the audience can learn that they should think about their decisions and

what it may lead them to.

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Works Cited

Lamberto. “John F Kennedy Communism Has Never Come to Power in a Country That Was

Not.” John F Kennedy Communism Has Never Come to Power in a Country That Was



“Abuse of Power and the Impact It Has on Society Essay | Essay.” BookRags, BookRags,

“TOP 25 CORRUPTION QUOTES (of 1000) | A-Z Quotes.” A,

“Remorse Quotes (161 Quotes).” Goodreads, Goodreads,

“Remorse Quotes (161 Quotes).” Goodreads, Goodreads,

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