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The project is planned to be about researching and presenting information about

unconventional and unusual, yet fascinating weapons from history. The plan is to go over the

history of some of these weapons and how the idea came about, as well as how it turned out after

being produced. It will be a bit of an overview of the weapons essentially. Why we decided on

this topic is because we thought it was fascinating since the weapons are bizarre and would not

work for a conventional situation. We were also interested in seeing the history behind the

weapons and how it was received by others at the time.

Project Plan:

The plan for the project is to make a presentation to better show the visuals of the

research as well as to better present the information. We will research information from the

campus library to see if there is any useful information. We will also look for information online

to find information on the particular weapons. Youtube videos can also provide some critical

information on the subject matter. The plan for our research is to list some of the interesting

weapons we find into a list and use the ones with the most information about them in our

presentation. The information we find will be integrated into the powerpoint presentation, which

will include include both the information and some visuals.


This plan is appropriate because a good deal of research is necessary to give a

presentation on the topic. It is effective because it will allow us to maximize the amount of time

spent researching the topic, and it will keep the audience interested and engaged when we

present the information to them. Firearms are essential to the history and culture of the United

States through our founding as a sovereign nation, and it’s still relevant with the 2nd
Amendment. Nothing is made perfect on the first attempt, so these firearms should not be

overlooked in the modern era of combat and weaponry. It should be interesting to the audience

because of how unconventional the firearms are and the interesting history that comes from


Roles and Responsibilities:

We will look for information and sources regarding the project and the weapons that we

find. The two of us will split the workload throughout. Andrew will pinpoint the weapons to get

started and then the both of us will look into them and use the information that is pertinent to the

project. James will also do most of the work on the presentation and make sure that the

powerpoint looks presentable and that the information and visuals look nice and ready for the



We will start the first two weeks doing some research and share sources in a Google doc.

We will then decide on and eliminate some of the choices of weapons to research or not research

and then expand some more information on the remaining weapons with anything relevant we

can find. Then the decision will be made among those weapons and we will finalize what

weapons we are presenting on by the third week. Those will be the ones that we decide to do the

full research on and will eventually present for the project. During the remaining weeks we will

make the presentation itself and make sure that the information is presented well and is accurate,

as well as finding any more pertinent information that we can on the weapons we will be


We will end the presentation with the message that innovation is a key to every industry.

To make innovation one must be different and make changes. We shouldn’t be scared to make a

bad idea real regardless of how dumb it may seem to be. Failure will eventually lead to success,

as long as you learn from your failures. Don’t shy away from doing something new, even if

others may not consider it worth the time and effort.

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