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Monsters Under My Bed

by Shamil Usrah
Hello everyone.
My name is Salihin, and Salihin is my name.
My name is Airil, and Airil is my name.
Today we are going to recite a poem entitled “Monsters Under
My Bed”
Written by: Mr. Shamil Usrah. Please enjoy.

The sky is dark, and the ground is white To look under my bed, I summoned all my courage,
The world is peaceful in this wintry night, To my surprise, my fear was just a pile of garbage,
No one around, not a sound to be heard, For a moment, it was just the snowflakes and me,
Not a laugh, not a car, not even a chirping bird. There was nothing, I smiled, and I felt so free.

Suddenly, I heard a strange sound, The monsters were never under my bed
“Maybe from the kitchen?”, so I went down Because the monsters were inside my head
The sound moved towards my dumpster, I fear no monsters, there’s nothing I could see
And I thought “It must be a monster!” Because all this time, the monster has been me.

It rattled a lot of objects in my cellar, Now I know, that imagination is powerful

I woke my mom up, I wanted to tell her I have to use it wisely and not be a fool
“Wake up mom!” I SHOUTED in fear, Because right now, everything is crystal clear
But she slept / soundly, she couldn’t hear I must be strong and conquer my fear

I rushed to my bedroom, covered in my blanket [A] That’s all from us.

The thunder roared loudly, the pillows were my jacket, [S]
Something very evil was walking upstairs [A] Thank you and goodbye everyone!
“Could it be monsters, or could it be bears? [S]

The light was off, the door was shrieking, [S]

As I prayed to God, as fast as lightning, [A]
The sound of the footsteps getting closer and closer [S]
I cried and shivered like a total loser [A]

Sluggishly I exposed my eyes really really slow

I saw such a huge and terrifying shadow
Extremely sharp fangs, two horns, and long claws
I could not escape the bedroom, I was at loss

The shadow split into 5, with 5 sets of teeth

They shook my bed hard, so very savagely
It’s like they were furious and I was their meal
I was afraid that I might be killed

But I didn’t want to be scared again,

I wanted to fight them with my own hands
“Go away monsters!”, they went under my bed
A complete silence, I thought they were dead

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