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Elissa Saad, Julianne Walsh, Mason Edwards, Anthony Peters

1. Do all sources have to come from Google Scholar or the from Atkins Library
2. How are we citing our Resources?
3. Are we writing our inquiry project in a specific format?
4. Do we have an specific amount of resources that need to be used?

While discussing about the article we all agree that the author’s structural part is
accurate and her stylistic part is more condescending. We feel that the author is
condescending to high school students in her stylistic part because, as freshman, we
are only doing what we have been taught. At this point, this is really all we know and it
is hard to suddenly change up the way we write.
After reading the structural part of the article, we feel that the author was a little
unclear when talking about quoting and summarizing. In point two and three the author
elaborates on quoting and how we should always put our own thoughts and opinions
behind or with a quote. However, in point five the author talks about summarizing and
how there should be minimum or any at all summarizing done in a paper. So here,
where does putting your own opinion in on the quote and summarizing the quote
When looking at the stylistic section that the author created, she becomes a bit
lost in what she is trying to say and it becomes a bit more confusing. She gives
examples of what words to take out of your writing being “Verbs”, but she never goes in
to detail on how you would replace those words other than using a “Stronger” verb to
shorten your word count. She split verbs into two sections when they both could have
easily become one section since the second serves to be more of the purpose and
reasoning behind the first.

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