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Who is rich? Who is poor? How much is enough with an unlimited ends with limited means?

The law of diminishing marginal utility states that other things being equal, the marginal utility
derived from successive units of a given item goes on decreasing. Hence, the more we have of
something, the less its utility value. The only exception to this rule is MONEY!

An Indian sage once advised Alexander the Great on the difference between a natural and contrived
desire. The natural desire is fulfilled when you get what you seek. Water quenches thirst, food
satiates hunger etc.. The desire for wealth and fame is contrived when it is never quenched but
always hungry for more.

A young man who was about to become a father had a bout of stomach pain. He stepped out to a
pharmacy and picked up an OTC drug to alleviate the pain. The pain persisted through the day to
such an extent that he had to be hospitalised. He got the news on the birth of his daughter while he
himself lay on a hospital bed. He went to sleep that evening with uplifting thoughts about his new
born child but never woke up again as his liver gave way.

I went to see the young woman, Raji, who became a mother and a widow on the same day. Her pain
cannot be described as it went beyond the threshold that we are designed to bear. Sitting in silence
and holding her hand was the only expression of empathy available. The elderly mother came to the
door to thank me for my visit. I asked why the young woman had removed her earrings and bangles,
since I felt it was not necessary in this day and age. I was told she had sold it to clear the hospital
bills for herself and her husband. He was the sole bread winner and there was a stark financial
dimension to her loss that I did not even consider until then.

The mother said that her daughter would look for a job in the weaving section in Tirupur in
Tamilnadu. I offered to send Rs 10,000 until she found a suitable job. The first cheque I sent was
rejected due to a signature mismatch. I immediately called my brother who lives in Chennai and
requested him to send her cash. Shortly after he handed over the cash, my cheque was also
honoured. She immediately called my brother and requested him to take back the cash. Under the
circumstances, my brother felt that it was the cosmic will that she should keep the money.
I was grateful for this ‘Lila’ of the divine. Raji called me two months later to say that she has got a job
as a weaver, acknowledged my support and requested me to stop sending her money as her wages
would take care of her requirements.

There was so much she could have done with the extra money, but her dignity seemed to override
those opportunities. I was inspired by her innate goodness.

Raji was richer than most people I knew.

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