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Lab: Initial Setup

1. Create the symbolic link to the lab source directory:

cd ~

ln –s /cad2/lab/CBDC/0401 CBDC

2. Create the lab working directory:

mkdir CBDC_LAB

3. Copy the lab initial file into your home directory:

cp ~/CBDC/BIN/.cshrc ~

4. Source the new initial file to make it effectively:

source ~/.cshrc

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 0-1

Lab: Using the 0.18um Standard Cell Library

Accessing the Databooks

1. Open the first cell library databook:

acroread ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/doc/umc18.pdf &

What is the title of this databook?

What is the target process for the cells described in this databook?

How many Layers of Metal are used in this cell library?

What is the Layout Grid for this cell library?

What is the Vertical Pin Grid for this cell library?

What is the Horizontal Pin Grid for this cell library?

What are the Cell Power and Ground Rail Width for this cell library?

What are the maximum and minimum DC Supply Voltage values for this cell library?

What is the definition of Propagation Delay used for this cell library?

What are the Height and Width of INVX1 and INVX8?

What are the Pin Capacitance for input pin A of INVX1 and INVX8?

What are the Intrinsic Delay for output pin Y rising of INVX1 and INVX8?

What are the Load Multiplier (Kload) for output pin Y rising of INVX1 and INVX8?

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 1-1

2. Open the second cell library databook:

acroread ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/doc/umc18io3v5v.pdf &

What is the title of this databook?

What are the maximum and minimum Core DC Supply Voltage values for this cell library?

What are the maximum and minimum Ring DC Supply Voltage values for this cell library?

What is the cell PCORNER used for?

What is the cell PFILL used for?

3. Open the third cell library databook:

acroread ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/doc/ra1sh_1.pdf &

What is the title of this databook?

What types of output view can be generated by this memory generator?

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 1-2

Accessing the Synthesis Models
4. Change into the source file directory of the synthesis models:

cd ~/CBDC/LIB/orig_lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys

How many source files (*.lib) there? Please record the file name and size below.

ls -alF

How many source binary (*.db) there? Please record the file name and size below.

Take a look at the file: typical.lib

What are the operation conditions (process, temperature, and voltage) for this model?

What is the area cost of INVX1?

What is the capacitance for pin A of INVX1?

What is the function for pin Y of INVX1?

Take a look at the power and delay calculation table for INVX1.

Accessing the Simulation Models

5. Take a look at the Verilog simulation model file for core cells:


Find the simulation model for INVX1 and record it here:

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 1-3

Accessing the Physical Design Models
6. Take a look at the LEF physical design model file for core cells:


Find the definitions for INVX1.

What is the Class of INVX1?

What is the Size (Area) of INVX1?

Accessing the Memory Generator

7. Follow the directions in the High-Speed Single-Port SRAM Generator User Manual to
generate some memory models (e.g. PostScript Datasheet, ASCII Datatable, Verilog
Model, Synopsys Model, VCLEF Footprint).


mkdir 01

cd 01

ra1sh &

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 1-4

Lab: Using the nLint HDL Design Rule Checker
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/02

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/02

3. Copy the example Verilog design files to your lab directory:

cp ~/CBDC/LAB/02/* .

4. Take a look at those two source file:



5. Invoke the nLint by using the following command:

nLint –gui &

The main frame will be shown on the screen:

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 2-1

6. Specify the design files. Select the File > Import Design… menu item in the main frame,
after the Import Design dialog box pops up, click on the From File tab, add
rgb2ycrcb.v and testbench.v to the Design Files field and click on the OK button.
These two files will be listed in the project window, notice that the first file in automatically
shown in the integrated editor window.

7. Edit more then one file at the same time. When you double-click on a file, the file contents
will be shown in the editor window. Click the right mouse button on a file displays a
shortcut menu with an Open command and a Check button. Select the Open command and
the selected file will be shown in another editor window.

8. Invoke the Rule Organizer. Select the Tools > Rule Organizer… menu item in the main
frame, the Rule Organizer window will be shown on the screen:

There are total nine build in groups of rule, by default, the Coding Style, Naming
Convention, and VITAL Compliant groups are disabled. Click the right mouse button on
any Rule Group to enable or disable it. You can get help on a rule by selecting that rule in
Rule Organizer and pressing the F1 key.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 2-2

9. Start checking. In the main frame, select Run > Lint to start the checking process. While
running the process, a progress window will appear.

10. Viewing and editing violations. After the checking process is down, the result will be
reported in the Report Viewer window, which consists of two sub-windows: Tree and
Detail Windows.

You can click on the plus (+) icon to expend the rule, thus showing more details, or click on
the minus (-) icon to collapse, thus hiding the details. When left-clicking on a rule message,
the detailed information will be shown in the detail window.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 2-3

11. Link to the nTrace/nSchema. Double click on a rule message, you will see the nSchema
window is invoked, and the schematic related to the violation will be shown as below.

You may also use the nTrace to trace the source codes.

12. Try to fix some violations and re-invoke the lint process to check the results.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 2-4

Lab: Using the Verilog Simulator
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/03

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/03

3. Edit and save the 16-bit three-stage pipelined multiplier as mult16p3.v

module mult16p3(a, b, clk, p);

input [15:0] a;
input [15:0] b;
input clk;
output [31:0] p;

reg [15:0] a_reg0, a_reg1, a_reg2, b_reg0;

reg [ 7:0] b_reg1;
reg [ 3:0] b_reg2;
reg [23:0] p_reg1;
reg [27:0] p_reg2;

wire [19:0] t1, t2;

assign t1 = a_reg1 * b_reg1[3:0];

assign t2 = a_reg2 * b_reg2;
assign #1 p = {t2, 12'b0} + p_reg2;

always @(posedge clk)

a_reg0 <= a;
b_reg0 <= b;

a_reg1 <= a_reg0;

b_reg1 <= b_reg0[15:8];
p_reg1 <= a_reg0 * b_reg0[7:0];

a_reg2 <= a_reg1;

b_reg2 <= b_reg1[7:4];
p_reg2 <= {t1, 8'b0} + p_reg1;


4. Check the syntax correctness of mult16p3.v:

verilog –c mult16p3.v

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 3-1

5. Edit and save the random pattern generator as pattern.v

module pattern;

parameter TOTAL = 3000;

reg [15:0] a, b;
reg [31:0] p;

integer i, sf;

sf = $fopen("mult16p3.dat");

for (i=0; i<TOTAL; i=i+1)

a = $random;
b = $random;
p = a * b;
$fdisplay(sf, "%b_%b_%b", a, b, p);


6. Generate test patterns:

verilog pattern.v

7. Take a look at the generated pattern file mult16p3.dat.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 3-2

8. Edit and save the testbench as mult16p3.vt

`timescale 1ns/10ps

module test;

reg [15:0] a;
reg [15:0] b;
reg clk;
wire [31:0] p;

integer i, error;
reg [31:0] prod0, prod1, prod2, prod3;

reg [63:0] pattern [2999:0];

reg [63:0] t;

mult16p3 U0 (.a(a), .b(b), .clk(clk), .p(p));

clk = 1'b0;
#2.5 clk = ~clk;

$readmemb("mult16p3.dat", pattern);
error = 0;
for (i=1; i<=3000; i=i+1)
t = pattern[i];
@(negedge clk);
a = t[63:48];
b = t[47:32];
prod3 = prod2;
prod2 = prod1;
prod1 = prod0;
prod0 = t[31:0];
@(posedge clk)
if (p != prod3)
$write("ERROR: %d != %d\n", p, prod3);
error = error + 1;
$write("Error Count: %d / %d\n", error, i-1);
@(posedge clk);

$dumpvars(0, test);


C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 3-3

9. Simulate the design:

verilog mult16p3.vt mult16p3.v

10. Take a look at the Value Change Dump (VCD) file mult16p3.vcd.

11. Invoke the waveform browser:

simvision –waves &

12. In the SimVison:Waveform window, select File>Open Database..., when the Open
Database window pops up, change the Files of type to VCD Files (*.vcd), select
mult16p3.vcd and click Open, when the File Translation window appears, click OK.

13. In the SimVison:Waveform window, select Windows>New Design Browser, when the
SimVision:Design Browser window appears, click test and select all signals under it.
Click the waveform icon and all signals will be added to the waveform window.

14. Try to set the display format of a[15:0], b[15:0], p[31:0]and prod3[31:0] to

15. Try to zoom out the wavrform to make it easier for observation.

16. Check some values shown on the waveform and make sure the results are correct.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 3-4

Lab: Using the VN-Cover Code Coverage Analyzer
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/04

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/04

3. Copy the example Verilog design files to your lab directory:

cp ~/CBDC/LAB/04/* .

Take a look at those source files.

5. Invoke the VN-Cover by using the following command:

vnavigator &

6. Click the Design Entry icon in the main window to display the Design Entry window. Click
the Load button in the Design Entry window, select the monitor.f and click OK. There
are 9 files added to the Verilog Source window.

7. Click the Dynamic Verification VN-Property VN-Cover icon in the main window to
display the Dynamic Verification Flow window.

8. Click on Set Simulator icon in the Flow Manager window, the Select Simulator window
will be opened, click on Cadence Verilog-XL 3.4-4.1 and click OK.

9. Click the Define Coverage Criteria icon to display the Instrument window, clicking on the
Instrument button in the Instrument window, when the Select A Verilog Command File
window pops up, click OK. After the Verilog command file is generated, click OK on the
Instrumentation Completed window.

10. Click on Simulate icon in the Flow Manager window, the Simulate window will be opened,
click on Add button and select Command File, then click OK. Click the Options button,
when the Simulate Options window appears, de-select the Perform Property Checking
button and click OK. Click the Simulate button to start the simulation. When the simulation
finished, click OK on the Note window.

11. Click on Results icon in the Flow Manager window, the Results Summary window will be
opened, click the Load Results Files button, when the Select results File(s) window pops
up, click on vnavigator_results/vnavigator.index and click OK to load the results.

12. Click the Detail buttons under the Code Results Summary and under the FSM Results
Summary field to observe the detailed code coverage analysis results.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 4-1

Lab: Using the HDL and Design Compiler
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/05

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/05

3. Create the synthesis working directory:

mkdir work

4. Invoke the Synopsys Design Compiler Command-Line interface:


5. Set the tool search paths:

search_path = { ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/SynopsysDC } + search_path

6. Map the default working library to work:

define_design_lib WORK – path ./work

7. Define the target technology mapping library:

target_library = { typical.db }

8. Define the symbol libraries (optional):

symbol_library = { umc18.sdb generic.sdb class.sdb }

9. Define the synthetic libraries:

synthetic_library = { dw_foundation.sldb }

10. Define the link libraries:

link_library = { typical.db dw_foundation.sldb }

11. Read and analyze the 16-bit three-stage pipelined multiplier Verilog design file:

analyze –format verilog –library WORK { ../03/mult16p3.v }

12. Elaborate the design:

elaborate mult16p3 –arch verilog –library WORK

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 5-1

13. Set the current design to mult16p3:

current_design mult16p3

14. Perform logic-level and gate-level synthesis and optimization on the current design and do
not preserve any design hierarchy:

compile –ungroup_all

15. Check the resulted design area:


Number of ports =

Number of nets =

Number of cells =

Number of references =

Combinational area =

Noncombinational area =

Net Interconnect area =

Total cell area =

Total area =

16. Check the resulted design timing:

report_timing –path full –delay max –max_path 1 –nworst 1

Startpoint =

Endpoint =

data arrival time =

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 5-2

17. Check the standard cells used in this design:


Total references =

18. Define the properties for clock net:

create_clock –name clk –period 5 –waveform { 0 2.5 } { clk }

set_clock_uncertainty -setup 0.5 clk

set_clock_uncertainty -hold 0.5 clk

set_dont_touch_network find(clock, clk)

set_drive 0 { clk }

set_fix_hold find(clock, clk)

19. Check the resulted clock net properities:


20. Define some design constraints:

set_load 0.075 all_outputs()

set_max_transition 0.5 find(design, mult16p3)

set_fix_multiple_port_nets -feedthroughs

21. Re-synthesis and optimize the design with high mapping effort:

compile –map_effort high

22. Check the area for the re-optimized design:


Number of ports =

Number of nets =

Number of cells =

Number of references =

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 5-3

Combinational area =

Noncombinational area =

Net Interconnect area =

Total cell area =

Total area =

23. Check the timing for the re-optimized design:

report_timing –path full –delay max –max_path 1 –nworst 1

Startpoint =

Endpoint =

data arrival time =

24. Check the standard cells used in the re-optimized design:


Total references =

25. Change the naming rule to Verilog:

change_names –rule verilog –verbose -hierarchy

26. Define some attributes for Verilog netlist exporting:

verilogout_no_tri = TRUE

verilogout_single_bit = FALSE

verilogout_show_unconnected_pins = TRUE

27. Export the resulted Verilog netlist:

write –format verilog –hierarchy –output mult16p3_gate.v

28. Exit the Design Compiler Command-Line Interface:


29. Take a look at the saved Verilog netlist file mult16p3_gate.v.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 5-4

Lab: Gate-level Design Analysis

Delay Calculation
1. Create and change the working directory to the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/06; cd ~/CBDC_LAB/06

2. Invoke the Synopsys PrimeTime Command-Line interface:


3. Set the search paths:

set search_path {. ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/SynopsysDC}

4. Set the link paths:

set link_path {* typical.db}

5. Read the Verilog netlist:

read_verilog ../05/mult16p3_gate.v

6. Link the design:

link_design mult16p3

7. Specify the driving cell at the design input ports:

set_driving_cell –lib_cell INVX1 [all_inputs]

8. Specify the capacitive load at the design output ports:

set_load –pin_load 0.075 [all_outputs]

9. Specify the capacitive load at the design output ports:

set_wire_load_model –name UMC18_Conservative

10. Export the SDF file:

write_sdf -no_edge mult16p3.sdf

11. Exit the pc_shell:


12. Take a look at the saved SDF file mult16p3.sdf.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 6-1

Gate-level Simulation
1. Edit and save the Verilog gate-level testbench file as mult16p3_gate.vt

`timescale 1ns/10ps

module test;

reg [15:0] a;
reg [15:0] b;
reg clk;
wire [31:0] p;

integer i, error;
reg [31:0] prod0, prod1, prod2, prod3;

reg [63:0] pattern [2999:0];

reg [63:0] t;

mult16p3 U0 (.a(a), .b(b), .clk(clk), .p(p));

$sdf_annotate("mult16p3.sdf", U0, , "mult16p3_sdf.log");

clk = 1'b0;
#2.5 clk = ~clk;

$readmemb("../03/mult16p3.dat", pattern);
error = 0;
for (i=1; i<=3000; i=i+1)
t = pattern[i];
@(negedge clk);
a = t[63:48];
b = t[47:32];
prod3 = prod2;
prod2 = prod1;
prod1 = prod0;
prod0 = t[31:0];
@(posedge clk)
if (p != prod3)
$write("ERROR: %d != %d\n", p, prod3);
error = error + 1;
$write("Error Count: %d / %d\n", error, i-1);
@(posedge clk);

$dumpvars(0, test);


C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 6-2

2. Create the simulation control file run.f



-v ../../CBDC/LIB/CIC/Verilog/umc18.v





3. Perform the gate-level simulation:

verilog –f run.f

4. Take a look at the SDF annotation log and VCD files.

5. Check the simulation waveform.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 6-3

Power Analysis
1. Invoke the Synopsys PrimePower Command-Line interface:


2. Set the search paths:

set search_path {. ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/SynopsysDC}

3. Set the link libraries:

set link_library {* typical.db}

4. Read the Verilog netlist:

read_verilog ../05/mult16p3_gate.v

5. Define the current design:

current_design mult16p3

6. Read the VCD file:

read_vcd -strip_path test/U0 mult16p3_gate.vcd

7. Calculate power:


8. Report power information:


Total Power =

Dynamic Power =

Leakage Power =

Switching Power =

Internal Power =

X-tran Power =

Glitch Power =

9. Exit the PrimePower Command-Line interface.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 6-4

Lab: Using the DFT Compiler

Scan Insertion
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/07

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/07

3. Invoke the Design Compiler Command-Line Interface:


4. In the dc_shell, set the target library:

target_library = { ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/SynopsysDC/typical.db }

5. Set the link library:

link_library = { ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/SynopsysDC/typical.db }

6. Read in the Verilog netlist:

read –format verilog ../05/mult16p3_gate.v

7. Explicit link the design:


Write out the pre-scan area and timing information:

report_area > area.rpt

report_timing > timing.rpt

8. Select the scan style as multiplexed Flip-Flop:

test_default_scan_style = multiplexed_flip_flop

9. Check the test design rules:


How many valid scan cells are reported?

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 7-1

10. Build the scan chain:


11. Recheck the test design rules:


12. Report the details of test ports:

report_test –port

What is the port name for “test_scan_out”?

What is the port name for “test_scan_enable”?

What is the port name for “test_scan_in”?

13. Report the details of cells on the scan-path

report_test –scan_path

What is the start point of the scan path?

What is the end point of the scan path?

14. Write out the post-scan area and timing information:

report_area > area_scan.rpt

report_timing > timing_scan.rpt

15. Write out the scan-inserted Verilog netlist:

write –format verilog –hierarchy –out mult16p3_gate_scan.v

16. Exist the dc_shell:


C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 7-2

17. Check the area and timing reports (area.rpt, area_scan.rpt, timing.rpt,

Pre-Scan Post-Scan Overhead (%)

Number of ports

Number of nets

Number of cells

Number of references

Combinational area

Noncombinational area

Net Interconnect area

Total cell area

Total area

Pre-Scan Post-Scan



data arrival time

18. Check the Verilog netlist without scan insertion to see how many FFs includes:

grep DFF ../05/mult16p3_gate.v

then apply the same command on the scan inserted Verilog netlist:

grep DFF mult16p3_gate_scan.v

Any thing different between these two netlists?

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 7-3

Lab: Using the Conformal LEC
1. Create the lab directory:

mkdir ~/CBDC_LAB/08

2. Change the working directory to the lab directory:

cd ~/CBDC_LAB/08

3. Invoke the Conformal LEC:

lec &

4. Read in the cell library, in the CONFORMAL-LEC window LEC> prompt, type:

read library – Both – sensitive – Verilog ~/CBDC/LIB/CIC/Verilog/umc18.v

5. Read in the golden (pre-scan) design, type:

read design ../05/mult16p3_gate.v – Verilog – Golden – sensitive

6. Read in the revised (scan inserted) design, type:

read design ../07/mult16p3_gate_scan.v – Verilog – Revised – sensitive

7. Change to the LEC System mode, type:

set system mode lec

8. Viewing unmapped and mapped points. Select Tools > Mapping Manager, when the
Mapping Manager window opens, you will see some Unmapped Points there.

9. Performing comparison, with the Mapping Manger window, add all the mapped points as
compared points for the comparison process, left-click the add all compared points icon

. To perform comparison, left-click the compare icon . Left-click the class icon

in the Compared Points section and de-select the Equivalent toggle switch on the
pop-up menu.

10. Performing diagnosis, left-click to select any non-equivalent compared points, right-click
and select Diagnose from the pop-up menu to open the Diagnosis Manager window. With
the Diagnosis Manager window, left-click the Schematic button and select Open from the
pop-up menu, take a look at the two schematics and think about what makes them
non-equivalent. Close the schematic and Mapping Manager windows.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 8-1

11. Change to the Setup System mode, in the CONFORMAL-LEC Window, type:

set system mode setup

12. Add some pin constraint to make designs equivalent.

add pin constraints 0 test_se –revised

13. Repeat step 7-9 to compare the two designs again, make sure these two designs are
equivalent now.

C. M. Huang / CIC-CBDC / 01.2004 Lab 8-2

Apollo Laboratory Exercise

Apollo version 2003.06

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 1
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Lab 1

Start Using Apollo

1. Change to the working directory of lab1.
Unix% cd ~/lab1
2. Invoke Apollo. The result is as shown in Fig. 1.
Unix% Apollo &

Fig. 1
3. Choose “Library > Open” from the menu banner.
4. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. (Use the left mouse button to
select commands or objects) “Open library successfully” will be shown on the Input/Message
Library Name c4msram32x4s_fr
Library Path
5. Choose “Cell > Open”. The “Open Cell” form will pop up.
6. Click Browse in “Open Cell” form to select the cell we want to open. The “Browse Cell“ form
will pop up.
7. Click c4msram32x4s in the left column of “Browse Cell” form. Note that it will be displayed in
“Cell Name” field of “Open Cell” form.
8. Click OK. The cell window will pop up.
9. Move the cursor on the cell window to see if the current coordinate shown around the upper-left
corner changes when you move the cursor.
10. Place the cursor right above the view command short-cut buttons to display a tag that tells you
what the button does.
11. Find “zoom out 2X” button and click it.
12. Find “previous view” button and click it.
13. Find “next view“ button and click it.
14. Find “zoom in 2X” button and click it.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 2
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
15. Find “zoom to area” button and click it.
16. Define the zoomed area by drawing a rectangle.
17. Find “fit cell” button and click it.
18. Find “fit with margin” and click it. (You can also type the hotkey “f” to fit with margin)
19. Key in load “zo1.lab1" in the Input/Message area.
20. Click “Select-point” button and then click the text VDD in the window. Is the text VDD
21. Click “Query-object” button. Check what is shown in the Input/Message area.
22. Click “Deselect-all” button.
23. Click “Ruler” button. Measure the length of the text VDD?
24. Choose “Cell > Create” and click the Help button in “Create Cell” form. The online document
pops up.
25. Close Documentation Browser and cancel Create Cell form.
26. Key in help “geCreateCell" in Input/Message area. The same online document as above pops
27. Choose “Tools > Quit” to quit from Apollo.
28. Invoke Apollo.
Unix% Apollo &
29. Choose “Library > Open”.
30. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Library Name stdcell
Library Path
31. Choose “Cell > Open”.
32. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. The cell window pops up.
What view is opened now? Check the upper left corner of the window to find the answer.
Cell Name ad01d0
33. Using “Query-object” button to find the answers of the following questions:
A. What is the layer name and number of the rectangle with red border?
B. What is the layer name and number of the light blue polygon?
C. What is the layer name and number of the dark blue rectangle?
D. What is the layer name and number of the rectangle with yellow dashed border?
34. Choose “Cell > Close”.
35. Click “Discard All” button and OK to close the cell window without save.
36. Choose “Cell > Open”, Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. The
cell window pops up. What view is opened now? Check the upper left corner of the window to
find the answer.
Cell Name ad01d0.FRAM
37. Click the “Layer panel” button and “Layer Panel” window appears. The PRBoundary layer is
covered completely by boundary layer. Show PRBoundary layer in the cell window by disabling
the visibility of boundary layer.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 3
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
38. Use Ruler to measure the width and height of this cell. Write down the cell width and height.
39. Choose “Cell > Close”. Click “Discard All” button and click OK to close the cell window without
40. Choose “Cell > Open” from menu banner, and fill the fields in Open Cell form as shown below
Click OK.
Cell Name unitTile
41. Use Ruler to measure the width and height of this cell.
42. Click “Window Options” button. Select wire track in Visible Objects group and then click Apply
and Redraw. The METAL1, METAL2, METAL3, METAL4 tracks all appear.
43. Select “Tools > Quit” to quit from Apollo.

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Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Lab 2

Physical Design of a 2x2 Multiplier

In this laboratory exercise, the gate-level netlist (including IO pads) of a 2x2 multiplier is given.
Follow the instructions in the proceeding paragraphs to complete the physical design. The IO pads
used are listed in Table I and the desired floor plan is shown on Fig. 1.
Table I
Type Master Name Instance Name(s)
INPUT P2A ipad_CLK,ipad_RESET,ipad_IN1_0
OUTPUT P8A opad_OUT_0,opad_OUT_1
Corner PCORNER cornerLL,cornerLR,cornerUR,cornerUL

Fig. 1

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Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
1. Change to the working directory of lab2.
Unix% cd ~/lab2
2. Invoke Apollo.
Unix% Apollo &
3. Translate Netlist
A. Choose “Tools > Data Prep”.
B. Choose “Netlist In > Verilog In”.
C. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Verilog File Name
Verilog List File Name
Library Name mul
Tech File Name
Bus Naming Style [%d]
Verilog Model Directory
Model File Extension
Net Name for 1’b0 GND
Net Name for 1’b1 VDD
Hierarchy Separator .
Bus Name Append
Multiple PG Nets Disable
Set Case Sensitive Enable
No Backslash Insertion to avoid Hier Name Collisions Enable
Remove First Backslash Of All Escaped Identifiers Disable
Create Bus For Undefined Cells From Connection
D. A library named “mul” is created. Now the library contains only NET view. Under UNIX
command prompt, type ls mul, you should see the sub-directory “NETL”.
4. Add Reference Library
A. Choose “Library > Add Ref”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click Apply.
Library Name mul
Ref Library Name umc18_fram
C. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Library Name mul
Ref Library Name umc18io3v5v_5lm
5. Expand Netlist
A. Choose “Netlist In > Expand”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click “Global Net Options”.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 6
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Library Name mul
Unexpanded Cell Name CHIP.NETL
Expanded Cell Name CHIP.EXP
Precede hierarchical names with “/” Disable
Expand netlist cell with no instance Enable
Stop at FRAM view cells only Disable
Print out net has a pin but no connections Disable
C. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click Apply.
Mode Add
Net Name VDD
Port Pattern VDD
D. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click Apply. Then click Hide.
Mode Add
Net Name GND
Port Pattern GND
E. Click OK. The EXP view will be created.
6. Open Library
A. Choose “Tools > ApolloII”.
B. Choose “Library > Open”.
C. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Library Name mul
Library Path
7. Create an Empty Cell
A. Choose “Cell > Create”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. A cell window will pop
Cell Name CHIP
8. Bind Netlist and Layout
A. Choose “Design Setup > Bind Netlist”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
C. Click the cell window and press “f”. A number of standard and IO cells should be seen
inside the cell window.
9. Specify Global Net Connections
A. Choose “PreRoute > Connect Ports to P/G”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click Apply. Do you know what’s
done in this step?

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 7
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Net Name VDD
Port Pattern VDD
Cell Master Pattern .*
Cell Instance Pattern .*
Net Type Power
Net SubType Core Pad
Cell Types Std / Module Cell
Update Tie Up/Down Disable
Mode Connect
C. Click OK on the dialog box that pops up.
D. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. Do you know what’s
done in this step?
Net Name GND
Port Pattern GND
Cell Master Pattern .*
Cell Instance Pattern .*
Net Type Ground
Net SubType Core Pad
Cell Types Std / Module Cell
Update Tie Up/Down Enable
Mode Connect
E. Click OK on the dialog box that pops up.
F. You should see the following messages on the Input/Message area.

G. Choose “Cell > Save”.

H. Choose “Cell > Save As”.
I. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Cell Name CHIP_connpg
overwrite Enable
10. Load the TDF File (IO Constraints)
A. Choose “Design Setup > Load TDF”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 8
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Cell Name
TDF File Name io.tdf
11. Setup the Floor Plan
A. Choose “Design Setup > Set Up Floorplan”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Control Param aspect ratio
Core Utilization 0.7
Row/Core Ratio 1
Core Aspect Ratio(H/W) 1
Horizontal Row Enable
Double Back Enable
Start First Row Disable
Flip First Row Enable
Core To Left 60
Core To Right 60
Core To Bottom 60
Core To Top 60
Keep Macro Place Disable
Keep Std Cell Place Disable
Min Pad Height Disable
Pad Limit Disable
C. Choose “Cell > Save”
12. Create P/G Rings
A. Choose “PreRoute > Rectangular Rings”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. Check the cell window
to see if the P/G ring is created successfully.
Around Core
Net Name(s) VDD, GND
Skip Side(s)
L-Width / L-Layer 25 / 48
R-Width / R-Layer 25 / 48
B-Width / B-Layer 25 / 50
T-Width / T-Layer 25 / 50
Offsets Are Absolute
Offsets Left 5
Offsets Right 5
Offsets Bottom 5
Offsets Top 5
All other options Default value

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 9
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
13. Create P/G Straps
A. Choose “PreRoute > Straps”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK. Check the cell window
to see if the P/G strap is created successfully.
Direction Vertical
Start Y 315
Start X 315
Net Name(s) VDD, GND
Width 10
Layer 48
Low Ends At First Targets
High Ends At First Targets
All other options Default value
14. Pre-route Macros & Pads
A. Choose “PreRoute > Macros/Pads”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Instance Type(s) Pad
Select Pins Automatically and Route Only Those on Pin Layer 48
All other options Default value
C. Check if “core_vdd1” is connected to the power ring and “core_vss1” is connected to the
ground ring.
D. Choose “Cell > Save”.
E. Choose “Cell > Save As”.
F. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Cell Name CHIP_preroute
overwrite Enable
15. Automatic Placement
A. Choose “Place > Design Placement”.
B. Click OK and check if the standard cells are placed.
C. The following message should be shown in the Input/Message area.

D. Check the 1D congestion map. Zoom in until you can see the numbers on it. Do you know
what the numbers mean?
E. Choose “Cell > Save”.
F. Choose “Cell > Save As”.
G. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Cell Name CHIP_place
overwrite Enable
16. Clock Tree Synthesis

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 10
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
A. Choose “Clock > Specify Clock Net”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Net Name(s) From Window
Net Name(s) i_clk
File Name
Net Type Clock
C. Choose “Timing > Timing Setup > Timing Model > Delay Model”.
D. Set “Cell Delay Model” to “Table Look Up” and “Net Delay Model” to “AWE”.
E. Click Apply and then click Hide.
F. Choose “Timing Spec > Load TDF”.
G. Set “TDF File Name” to “clk.tdf” and click OK.
H. Choose “Clock > Auto. (Gated) Clock Tree”.
I. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Net Name(s) i_clk
Delay Cell(s) DLY1X1, DLY2X1, DLY3X1, DLY4X1
Name Separator _
All other options Default value
J. View the file “CTS.clockTree”, how many clock buffers are added?
K. Choose “Cell > Save”.
L. Choose “Cell > Save As”.
M. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Cell Name CHIP_cts
overwrite Enable
17. Add Core Fillers
A. Choose “PostPlace > Add Core Fillers”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Master Cell Name(s) FILL64, FILL32, FILL16, FILL8,
respect placement blockage Enable
between std cells only Enable
Connect to Power Net (optional) VDD
Connect to Ground Net (optional) GND
All other options Default value
18. Add IO Fillers
A. Choose “PostPlace > Add Pad Fillers”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 11
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
Overlap Filler PFILL_01
All other options Default value
19. Route Standard Cell P/G
A. Choose “PreRoute > Standard Cells”.
B. Click OK and check if the power and ground nets of the standard cells are connected.
20. Since there are no buffers added in CTS stage, it’s not necessary to route clock nets here.
21. Auto Route
A. Choose “Route > Auto Route”.
B. Click OK.
C. The Total Violations are shown in the Input/Message window now. Are there any violations?
22. Optimize Routing
A. Choose “Query > List PR Summary” to find the P&R statistics.

B. Write down the Total Wire Length & Total Number of Contacts.
C. Choose “Route > Optimize Routing”.
D. Click OK.
E. Choose “Query > List PR Summary” again.

F. Compare the Total Wire Length & Total Number of Contacts to the previous values. Is there
any improvement?
G. Choose “Cell > Save”.
H. Choose “Cell > Save As”.
I. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Cell Name CHIP_route
overwrite Enable
23. Write SDF Timing Information

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 12
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
A. Choose “Timing > SDF Write” and click OK.
B. “CHIP.SDF” will be generated.
24. Create Hierarchical Netlist
A. Choose “Tools > Data Prep”.
B. Choose “Output > Create HNET”.
C. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Library Name mul
Cell Name CHIP.CEL
Reference Netlist Cell Name CHIP.NETL
Output Cell Name CHIP.HNET
All other options Default value
D. Choose “Output > Hierarchical Verilog Out”.
E. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Library Name mul
Verilog Out Data File
Output Wire Declaration Enable
Output 1’b1 for Power(VDD, vdd, …) and Enable
1’b0 for Ground(VSS, gnd, …)
Output Bus As Individual Bits Disable
Reference Top NETL Cell to Output Bus CHIP.NETL
All other options Default value
F. Compare “” with “”, they should be almost the same.
G. Choose “Library > Close” and click OK.
H. Select “Save All” and click OK.
I. Choose “Library > Open” to open the library “mul”.
J. Choose “Cell > Open” to open the cell “CHIP”.
25. Fill Notches and Gaps / DRC / LVS
A. Choose “Tools > ApolloII”.
B. Choose “Route Utility > Fill Gap/Notch”.
C. Click OK.
D. Choose “Verify > DRC”.
E. Select “List Error Summary Immediately” and click OK.
F. Check the error summary. Are there any violations?
G. Choose “Verify > LVS”.
H. Select “List Error Summary Immediately” “Include existing Notch/Gap Fill Cell” and click
I. Check the error summary. Are there any violations?
J. Use “Verify > Show First Error” and “Verify > Next Error” to find the violations. What
are the violated nets?

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 13
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)
26. Export Physical Data
A. Choose “Tools > Data Prep” & “Output > Stream Out”.
B. Complete the form based on the settings listed below and click OK.
Stream File Name CHIP.gds
Library Name mul
Layer File
Child Extraction Depth 20
Convert Specified Cell
Cell Name CHIP
Convert Reference Lib Child Cells Enable
Text Conversion Factor 1.000
Text Width 0.000
Flatten Devices & Device Arrays
Force output outdated Fill Cell Disable
Merge Additional Views Disable
Generate Instance Name As Prop Disable
Generate Geometry Property Disable
Strip Backslash from Instance/Net Names Disable
Pin/Net Options > Output Net As Text
C. Check if fill data is transferred.
D. Check if “CHIP.gds” is generated.
E. Choose “Tools > Quit” to quit from Apollo.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen 14
Cell Based IC Physical Design (Apollo)

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