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Art Education Lesson Plan Template

1.) Book Sculpture /11-12 Grade /7 days project

2.) Goals:
○ Students will explore the concept of identity, through sculptures they will create.
Students will create their own book sculpture based on their identity and what
resonates with them. Students will investigate and research ways to create identity
sculptures out of unwanted books.

3) Objectives:

● Students will have the opportunity to take different approaches while designing their
identity sculptures as a way to build creative. (VA:Cr1.1.Ia) (Envision, Express)

● Students will analyze the artist presented and research at least 3 others that they find
inspiring (which means their artwork sparked an idea not a model of what to copy) for
their own artwork. (VA:Cr3.1.Ia) (Understand the Art World)

● Students will explore and experiment the use of a book as an art medium rather than the
true intention for books. (VA:Cr1.2.Ia) (Stretch & Explore, Develop Craft)

● Students will record their ideas and their overall plan for their project in their sketchbook.
(VA:Cn10.1.Ia) (Observe, Reflect)

● Students will participate in a gallery walk halfway through the project and will assess
their peer’s work with feedback giving them others point of view of how the project is
being perceived. (VA:Re.7.1.Ia & VA:Pr4.1.Ia) (Observe, Reflect)

● Students will evaluate and reflect on their identity sculptures and how they portrayed
their identity through their sculpture by writing an artist reflection. (VA:Re.7.2.Ia)
(Reflect, Observe)

4.) Prerequisites:

Students may need experience with sculpture and making 3 dimensional sculptures. Experience
with x-acto knives or at least have a reminder of how to use them safely.

5.) Materials:
Sketch books
X-acto knives
Paint: optional
Accessed to Computer: research

​6.) Safety Hazards:

While using our sharp tools: x-acto knives, remember to be responsible. The use of x-acto knives
are only used on your project. Any use of the x-acto knives in an inappropriate way will result
lossing permission to use knives in the classroom for that student.
While doing peer feedback, remember to be respectful in you feedback to each other. Using
harsh or inappropriate comments are not acceptable. You will give one positive compliment and
one piece of constructive criticism.

7.) Vocabulary:
● Inspire: ​fill (someone) with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do 
something creative.

8.) Interdisciplinary Connections:

This lesson connects to reading and writing strategies because students will journal their process
throughout the project and in the reflection at the end. During the peer review halfway through
the project they will have to write comments on sticky notes about each other’s artwork. To help
students make the connection between their reflections and artwork.

9.) Artist (at least 3 images)/Other Resources :

Alexi Francis: 

Phiona Richards 
Liu Wei

Nicholas Galanin

10.) Lesson Procedure (most important part- be clear!!!!!)

Day 1
Introduction: Identity
1.) (Would be nice to do day 1 when we finish a project earlier than expected)
2.) Today we will be discussing identity. ​How do you identify yourself? And, what is the
most important part of your identity? Is it your sex, your race or ethnicity, your sexual
orientation, your class status, your nationality, your religious affiliation, your age, your
physical or cognitive abilities, your political beliefs? Is there one part of your identity that
stands out from the rest, or does your identity change depending on who you’re with,
what you’re involved in, where you are in your life?
3.) Start by writing things that you feel are parts of you to make up your identity. I want you
to at least have 10.
4.) When you are done, take a few minutes to discuss with your table, maybe there are
something you left out.
5.) Now take your list and visually describe it. On the next page or on the same page as your
list, create drawings of elements from your list. For example, maybe I draw a farm or
parts of a farm because part of my identity has to do with growing up on a farm.
6.) ( 1-4 of day 2 unless we don't have enough time)
7.) Next time we will be applying our identity into a sculpture, be thinking of how you may
transform your list or parts of your list into a sculpture about your identity.
8.) Next time I will be checking for your 10 item list and at least 3 drawings, so if you
haven’t make sure you do so. Close your eyes, thumbs up if you understand, thumb
sideways if you are unsure and thumbs down if you don’t understand. Alright thank you!
It is time to go, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Day 2
Introduce: Project
1. Today we will be taking your list and drawings of your identity and transforming them
into a sculpture.
2. We will be primarily using these unwanted books but you can also use other supplies, just
mention that we meet to talk about your idea. I also have a boat load of recycle material if
any of those things are appealing
3. Show powerpoint inspiration: Notice the way artists are using books, they are
transforming the way you see them and when I look at them they no longer remind me of
a book but rather the new form that has been created.
4. I have shown you some contemporary artist, now you all will do your own research on
your tablets/ computer. I want you to find at least 3 works of artworks that you find
inspiring for your project. Send the images to me and I can print them out for you to glue
them into your sketchbook. Now when I say inspiring ​that means the artwork sparked an
idea not a model of what to copy. When you glue them in your sketchbook write off to
the side what inspired you and how you may incorporate that into your own project.
5. When you are ready and have your idea, raise your hand and I will come around and give
you an ok to get started (and possible suggestions on the method of creating).
6. Any questions?
7. After a while I will walk around and check for understanding, ask/answer any questions,
and give students feedback on their initial designs.
8. Alright, be considering how you will transform your book. The sooner you have an idea,
the sooner you can get started. Next time, I would like you all to have an idea for your
sculpture so you can begin.
9. As an exit ticket today you will be putting you name and how you feel about your project
idea. Do you feel really good and ready to get started or do your feel lost trying to find an
idea. Please include any other concerns you may have. Write them down and hand them
into the black basket as you leave. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Day 3
1.) Today we will be finishing your initial brainstorming and getting started with your
design. Now all of you may take a different approaches so may be helpful to hear what
your peers are doing and it may inspire something, but remember that does not mean
2.) Take the next 5 minutes to share what you are doing with a neighbor or with your table
and listen to what they may be working on.
3.) Alright those that have been ok, can started. Also do not forget about your inspiration
from last time, some of those things you noticed may help you to get started. Those that
have not, make sure you come and get your idea ok by me by the end of class.
4.) If you have any questions please come up and we can talk.
5.) I will continue to observe and make sure everyone is on the same page. (I will take note
of any methods of constructing that many students have common in their idea and
possibly make an example to help with constructing for next time)
6.) Those that have not turned in an idea, please do so in the next 10 minutes.
7.) Alright I hope you all have a wonderful day
Day 4
1. Today I am going to start with a short demo at this table. Here, I have started to make my
own identity sculpture. Notice that when I … (depends on what I find most students will
be needing help with)
2. The rest of today you will be having a work day on your sculptures. Please take this time
to work and ask questions.
3. Next time we will be starting with a mini progress critique, so do try to get a good started
today and if you do not have much of a start make sure to at least have your idea
conveyed in your sketchbook.
4. I will continue to walk around and observe students getting started or continuing their
5. Last 5 minutes, There is a secret scrap today, as you work on cleaning up. Alight, I hope
you all have a wonderful day.

Day 5
1) Today we will be having a mini progress critique, so get your start of your
sculpture and you sketchbooks out. You all will be taking 2 sticky notes to write
one positive note and one constructive criticism. Remember when we right
constructive criticism, we don’t write this work sucks, write something like I
understand what you are trying to do by ​blank​ but by doing it this ​blank​ the
artwork may convey more of ​blank​ to the viewer. Take the next 10 minutes to
walk around and look at the progress and the ideas in the sketchbooks. Make sure
everyone gets at least one constructive criticism and one positive comment.
2) Alright we can all go back to our seats and take your project and notes. Do make
sure to read them and consider if you will be taking that criticism and applying it
to your sculpture or maybe the criticism just sparks an idea to tweak your design a
3) The rest of today is a work day on your sculptures. Please take this time to work
and ask questions.
4) I will continue to walk around and observe students getting started or continuing
their sculptures.
5) Next time will be the last work day, so if you feel like you need to come in out of
class make sure to talk to me about when.
6) Last 5 minutes: There is a secret scrap today, as you work on cleaning up.
7) Alight, I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Day 6
1) Just a reminder, today is the last day to work in class. Don’t forget about your inspiration
and how it could impact your sculpture. Also consider how the viewer may interpret your
identity sculpture.
2) I will continue to observe and help where it is needed
3) Next time, we will be having a gallery walk, with brief critiques and discussion on
artwork and will be writing a reflection. So make sure your artwork will be ready and
please talk with me if you need some outside the classroom time to work and we can talk
about when.
4) There is another secret scrap today.
5) Alright, Have a good day!
Day 7
1) Today we will be having our gallery walk. Everyone will write at least 2 comments one
positive and one constructive criticism by each of the works. Everyone should have at
least one positive or constructive criticism. Let's first start with an overall discussion
about the process of creating your identity sculptures. What were some struggles? What
went well?
2) Students place sticky notes.
3) When done students will write a brief reflection of the project. If you are not done with
your reflections, make sure they are done by the beginning of next class, so we can start
our next project.

11.) Student Artwork Display Blurb

Often times books are discarded because they are no longer needed with the internet at our
fingertips. Students have found a use for these unwanted books by transforming them into
sculptures of their identity. Students analyzed their identity and transformed those things into
visuals, as a way to visually interpret their identity.

12.) Assessment/Evaluation (your assessment must match your objectives!)

Student Sketchbook – Students will have a record of ideas, sketches and reflection within their
sketchbooks that show an understanding of the topic and concept. I will be reviewing the entry
to see if the student has gained an understanding of the topic or concept that was taught.

Gallery Walks - Students will display their artwork and the other peers will be observing and
making constructive comments. Students will place those comments next to works ( more than
just good job). Then discuss what they see and highlight them in the discussion.

Reflective Artist Statements with Teacher Evaluation-

Students will fill out a questionnaire, with questions like: What went well?, What didn’t go well?
What parts are you proud of?, What would you change if done again? What was Special about
today’s activity? How did you make a difference? What new things have you discovered about
yourself through this experience?


SEE Rubric

Outline of Project: For Students

I CAN Statements
● I can analyze how I may visually describe my identity.
● I can explore different ideas with the help of contemporary art inspiration (presented and
my individual research.)
● I can experiment with a new medium (book) and know the impact of finding another
function for an unwanted book rather than the trash.
● I can participate in a gallery walk halfway through the book project and assess my peers’
work with feedback.
● I can record my design and the process of the project within my sketchbook.

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