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Daily Advanced Word List – 21st Feb 2018,

English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

quaint [ kweynt ]
[ adjective ]


1. oddly pleasant or charming, esp. in an old-fashioned way,

2. strange or peculiar, usu. in a pleasing, interesting way,

3. skilfully or artfully made,

4. (obsolete) skilled; expert; wise

canker [ KANG-ker ]
[ noun, intransitive verb, transitive verb ]


1. (n.) to lead, tend or contribute to a particular outcome or result.,

2. (n.) any of various disorders in animals marked by chronic inflammatory changes,
3. (n.) a source of corruption or decay
4. (tr.v.) to corrupt; destroy slowly
5. (intr.v.) to become infected with or as if with canker

apex [ EY-peks ]
[ noun ]


1. the tip or the summit

2. the vertex or peak
3. climax

congeal [ kuh’ n-JEEL ]

[ intransitive verb, transitive verb ]


1. (intr.v.) to solidify

2. (intr.v.) to jell or coagulate,

3. (tr.v.) to cause to coagulate

faction [ FAK-shuh'n ]
[ noun ]


1. (n.) a group of persons forming a contentious minority within a larger group

2. (n.) literature with a mix of fact and fiction, (n.) internal conflict

Daily Advanced Word List – 22nd Feb 2018,

English Language, Meaning, Pronunciation

clangor [ KLANG-er, KLANG-ger ]

[ noun, intransitive verb ]


1. (n.) a loud resonant sound, a din

2. (intr.v.) to make a clangor, clang

countenance [ KOUN-tn-uh’ ns ]
[ noun, transitive verb ]


1. (n.) appearance, visage esp. one's facial expression

2. (n.) composure ,
3. (n.) sanction or approval
4. (tr.v.) to approve, allow or permit
5. (tr.v.) to encourage or support

throes [ throh ]
[ noun ]


1. (n.) a painful spasm or a pang

2. (n.) the agony of or violent convulsion
3. (n.) a sharp attack of emotion

aberration [ ab-uh'-REY-shuh'n ]
[ noun ]


1. the act of turning away from the proper, normal, or expected course

2. the act of deviating from the truth

3. a lapse or temporary mental disorder

4. a defect in focusing causing a blurred image

askew [ uh'-SKYOO ]
[ adjective, adverb ]


1. (adv.) to one side, in a crooked position or out of line

2. (adv.) with scorn, contempt or disapproval
3. (adj.) crooked or awry

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