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Hola a todos,   

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to join us for Friday’s “Puertas 
Abiertas.” The students were so excited to share with you and show off what they 
know. Please know your participation in events like these is so special to your child 
and to us!  
This week we have our field trip to Mass Audubon’s Wildlife Sanctuary in Natick! It 
looks like it will be a mild morning but please dress your child accordingly. We will 
go rain or shine. Students will need a disposable water bottle and snack in a paper 
bag. We don’t want any tupperware getting lost or left behind. We will be back to 
campus by lunchtime. Although we will check students at the end of our walking 
tour, it will be important to double-check your child for ticks when they get home. I 
will include an attachment in tonight’s email about how to effectively do this. Let me 
know if you have any further questions!  
Also, thank you to Courtney Conery for organizing and for everyone who was able to 
send in some needed supplies so quickly! We should be set for the rest of the year 
and appreciate your generosity!  
La contraseña secreta (secret password) to come into the classroom this week will 
be ​ ​“¿Cómo te llamas?” (what is your name).  
A peek at our  In ​Spanish Language Arts​, we will practice words with vowel 
week  “i” as well as build on our prior knowledge of words and 
sentences with vowels “a” and “e.”  
Palabras con poder: puedo, ver, las, nos, dan  
In ​Math​, we will continue to explore addition and subtraction 
concepts in our small group rotations.  
In ​Social Emotional learning​, as part of our Open Circle 
curriculum, we will talk about making mistakes.  
Friendly  We are still missing a few field trip forms! Please get these in 
Reminders  ASAP. Our parent chaperones will be Courtney Conery and 
Allison Chatalbash - thank you to everyone who volunteered!  

Action items  Many students already have personal headphones at school 

but not all. I was able to borrow a few pairs from our tech lab 
but do not have enough for the students who do not have 
their own. If you could check with your child and please send 
in headphones for them to use, it would be greatly 

Incorporating  Many card and board games can easily be adapted to be 
more Spanish at  played in Spanish. Some classroom favorites are: Uno, 
home  Monopoly, and Go Fish (a pescar).  
Encourage students to use the past “contraseñas secretas” 
with you at home! Previous contraseñas: Gracias, por favor, 
buenos días, puedo ir al baño, puedo tomar agua, permiso, 
buenas tardes, me gusta, no me gusta, feliz año nuevo, yo 
tengo hambre, tengo sed, hace frío, hace calor, día del amor y 
la amistad, día del presidente, lectura por toda América, 
buena suerte, hola primavera, hola abril, gracias por venir, 
feliz día de la tierra   
Palabras con poder (high frequency words)  
Week 1: quiero, él, en, ir, tiene 
Week 2: quiere, voy, sé, gusta, ella 
Week 3: eres, una, hay, el, está 
Week 4: veo, allí, tengo, un, esa  
Week 5: este, es, estoy, con, del  

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