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Samantha Frye



OL v F2F

One of the biggest pros of online classes is that the student can set their own pace and

essentially customize how they learn (University of Washington, 2013). As a student who has

taken a full load of classes online before this one, I can attest to this. I was working full time and

the online classes let me work as far ahead as I needed to or do as little as my work schedule

allowed and remain an A student. Right out of high school I was working full time as a cashier in

a Harley-Davidson shop and had Tuesdays and Sundays off. I didn't have much time on my

hands to go to face to face lectures or trying to reread my notes taken in hurried chicken scratch.

The ability to go back and re-watch lecture videos and have a full week to go at my own pace to

complete larger assignments took so much stress off my shoulders. This idea that you can pack

up your classroom and take it to go is what allowed me to go to Colorado to visit my significant

other for his spring break, although it wasn't my spring break. This might be a life saver for that

single mom who has to spend the night in the ER with her sick child, or a saving grace to the

student who has to travel out of state for a family emergency.

However, at the same time, it was so easy to get distracted in my own day-to-day

activities, that a classroom encased my laptop would easily slip my mind (University of

Washington, 2013). This only happened to me once, and I vowed to never let it happen again.

While this idea was listed as a con, students who don't have good time-management could be
learning a whole other lesson simultaneously (University of Washington, 2013). Students who

are taking online classes have to be dedicated students. You have to remember to log on every

day since it’s not literally in your face.

Along with that, some students learn better in the classroom setting simply because of

that added level of human interaction (Key Differences Between Classroom and Online

Learning). Some subjects, like math or another language, some students just cannot grasp unless

another person is standing in front of them teaching it. In a large face to face class, the teacher or

the students themselves can group together based on levels of comprehension or into smaller

groups in general to enhance the classroom management. This is where online courses fall just a

tad short, because they run more smoothly when class sizes are limited whereas a professor can

teach to a class of fifty students with ease (Key Differences Between Classroom and Online


Another huge advantage to online classes, is the cost. Usually, the cost comparison

between an online course to a face to face course is strongly in favor to the online. (Online

Classes vs. Traditional Classes: Pros and Cons). This again ties back into the single mom or the

student who is, as they call it, ballin' on a budget. It's definitely easier on the wallet than

standard, face-to-face, big university charges. Everyone likes the less expensive route. However,

not all majors and not all required courses are offered online (Online Classes vs. Traditional

Classes: Pros and Cons). This can make it tricky to map out degree plans and graduation


At the end of the day, you as the student, has to determine which is better personally for

you and which environment you will thrive in. Both choices offer quality educations that will get
you where your dreams want to take you and both require hard work and some elbow grease. No

one said higher education was easy.


University of Washington (2013). Exploring the Pros and Cons of Online, Hybrid, and

Face-to-face Class Formats.

Retrieved Jan 24, 2019, from

Will, P. (n.d). Key Differences Between Classroom and Online Learning

Retrieved Jan 24, 2019, from (n.d). Online Classes vs Traditional Classes: Pros and Con.

Retrieved Jan 24, 2019, from

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