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TERM 1 2022-2023



Teaching can be defined as engagement with learners to enable their understanding and application of

knowledge, concepts and processes while Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study,
experience, or being taught.

Teaching and learning is an educational setting environment of instructors who providing content,
objectives, and goals; learners whom receiving knowledge, performance, and produce outcomes. The
relationship that recognizes the knowledge that both educators and learners bring to the educational
interactions, which highlights the way that new knowledge and understandings can grow out of
shared learning experiences,


1. Learning is a process of actively constructing knowledge.

Teachers and administrators have a responsibility to create environments and plan experiences that foster
inquiry, questioning, predicting, exploring, collecting, educational play, and communicating. Engage learners
in experiences that encourage their personal construction of knowledge, for example, hands-on, minds-on
science and math; drama; creative movement; artistic representation; writing and talking to learn. Provide
learners with experiences that actively involve them and are personally meaningful.

2. Students construct knowledge and make it meaningful in terms of their prior knowledge and

Therefore, teachers and administrators have a responsibility to:

 Find out what students already know and can do. Create learning environments and plan experiences
that build on learners’ prior knowledge
 Ensure that learners are able to see themselves reflected in the learning materials used in the school
 Recognize, value, and use the great diversity of experiences and information students bring to school
 Provide learning opportunities that respect and support students’ racial, cultural, and social identity
 Ensure that students are invited or challenged to build on prior knowledge, integrating new
understandings with existing understandings.

3. Learning is enhanced when it takes place in a social and collaborative environment.

Therefore, teachers and administrators have a responsibility to:

 Ensure that talk, group work, and collaborative ventures are central to class activities
 See that learners have frequent opportunities to learn from and with others
 Help students to see themselves as members of a community of learners

4. Students need to continue to view learning as an integrated whole.

Therefore, teachers and administrators have a responsibility to:

 Plan opportunities to help students make connections across the curriculum and with the world
outside and structure activities that require students to reflect on those connections
 Invite students to apply strategies from across the curriculum to solve problems in real situations

5. Learners must see themselves as capable and successful.

Therefore, teachers and administrators have a responsibility to

 Provide activities, resources, and challenges that are developmentally appropriate to the learner
 Communicate high expectations for achievement to all students
 Encourage risk taking in learning
 Ensure that all students experience genuine success on a regular basis
 Value experimentation and treat approximation as signs of growth
 Provide frequent opportunities for students to reflect on and describe what they know and can do
 Provide learning opportunities that develop self-esteem


The six laws of learning are suitable for most learning situations. Keeping these laws in mind when planning
instruction will create a better learning atmosphere for students.
1. Law of Readiness: Students learn best when they have the necessary background, a good attitude and
is ready to learn, clear objectives and rational are key.
2. Law of Exercise: Those things most repeated are the best learned. Lots of review and summary
activities serve to help the mind learn.
3. Law of Effect: Based upon the feelings of the learning; learning is stronger when joined with a
pleasing feeling, make it fun and pleasant (start with liking it yourself!!).
4. Law of Primacy: First impressions are strong impressions. Think about how to make the first
impression positive (enthusiasm, organization, appropriate feedback).
5. Law of Intensity: A sharp, clear, or exciting learning experience teaches more than a routine or boring
one, demonstrations, skits, role playing, peer teaching get the students engaged.
6. Law of Recency: Other things being equal, the things learned last will be best remembered. Repeat,
restate, reemphasize the objectives.

Not all laws of learning are in every situation and it’s not necessary to determine which law operates in which
situation. The educator who understands the laws of learning can deal intelligently with motivation,
participation, and individual differences – the three major factors that affect learning.


In some educational institutions, nowadays, some teachers find it impossible to separate themselves from the
textbook. Their every action seems to be guided by textbook prescription. While the textbook is important, it
should only be used as a guide. It should not be seen as the “be all” and “end all” of learning and teaching ,
because it is not. Unlike these teachers rooted in “form”, I endeavor to find creative ways of teaching which
address learner preferences, needs and interests. Since learners have different learning styles and techniques,
it is the responsibility of the teacher to ensure that learners’ learning diversity is embraced. It is clear that no
two learners learn in the same way.


Z. Dörnyei, Attitudes, Orientations, and Motivations in Language Learning: Advances in Theory, Research,
and Applications, Language Learning, 53(1), 2003, 3-32.

J. Biggs, and C. Tang, Teaching for Quality Learning at University (4thed.), Maidenhead: McGraw
Hill/Open University Press/SRHE, 2011.

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