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Person Health Environment Nursing

Nola Pender- Health Have physical, emotional, purpose of nursing is included in “planning art and science that molds
Promotion Theory socio-cultural needs. services. for optimum health on the attitudes
dynamic pattern of local, state, and ability to help people, sick
functioning whereby or well
international levels.”
there is a continued
interaction with internal
and external forces
Henderson Have basic needs Balance in all realms of supportive environment assist the individual, sick or
Nursing need Theory sum of parts with human life conducive for health is one well, in the performance of
biopsychosocial needs Independence or ability to of the elements of her 14 those activities contributing
Require assistance to perform activities without to health
activities for client
achieve health any aid in the 14 assistance.
components or basic human external elements that help
needs. to mold and shape an
organisms life and physical

Nola Pender- Health primary focus of the positive high-level state physical, interpersonal, and Raising consciousness
Promotion Theory model A person’s definition of economic circumstances Promoting self-efficacy
unique personal health for himself or herself absence of toxic substances, Controlling the environment
characteristics and is more important than any availability of restorative to support.
experiences general definition of health experiences, and
learn health behaviors accessibility. Enhancing the benefits of
within the context of the change
family & the community
caring and to be capable of state of well-being that is Worldview is the way in learned humanistic and
Madeleine Leininger - being concerned about the culturally defined, valued, which people look at the scientific profession and
Transcultural Nursing needs, well-being, and and practiced, and which world, or at the universe discipline which is focused
Theory or Cultural survival of others. Cultural and social structure on human care phenomena
reflects the ability of
dimensions are defined as and activities ) in culturally
Care Theory individuals (or groups) to involving the dynamic meaningful and beneficial
perform their daily role patterns and features of ways
activities in culturally interrelated structural
expressed, beneficial, and Environmental context is
patterned lifeways the totality of an event,
situation, or particular
experience that gives
meaning to human
expressions, interpretations
unitary, that is cannot be fusion on one state of being universe of open systems” caring in the human health
Margaret Newman - divided into parts (disease) with its opposite experience
identified by their patterns (non-disease partnership between the
Health as of consciousness” nurse and client,
Expanding person is consciousness
centers of consciousness
Kristen Swanson - Theory wholeness is made manifest Releasing inner pain, context that influences or is informed caring
of Caring in thoughts, feelings and establishing new meanings, influenced by the designated
behaviors restoring integration and client
emerging into a sense of
renewed wholeness

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse - Open being Open process of being and Everything in the person and Human science and art that
Human Becoming Theory Greater than the sum of its becoming. Involves synthesis his experiences uses an abstract body of
parts of value Everything in the person and knowledge to serve people
his experiences
Inseparable, complimentary
to and evolving with the
valued person to be cared unity and harmony within some people who have a human science of
for, respected, nurtured, the mind, body, and soul; cared for others. A caring persons and human
understood, and assisted; health is associated with attitude is not transmitted health-illness experiences
Jean Watson Philosophy in general a philosophical the degree of congruence from generation to that are mediated by
and Theory of view of a person as a fully between the self as generation by genes professional, personal,
Transpersonal Caring functional integrated self perceived and the self as scientific, aesthetic and
experienced. It is defined ethical human care
as a high level of overall transactions.
physical, mental, and
social functioning; a
general adaptive-
maintenance level of daily
functioning; and the
absence of illness, or the
presence of efforts
leading to the absence of
Patricia Sawyer Benner - does not come to the lived experience of being social environment with enabling condition of
Novice to Expert world predefined but gets healthy and ill social definition and connection and concern
defined in the course of meaning
living life
Katie Eriksson suffering human being or soundness, freshness, and caring culture concepts; Caritative Care Ethics
Caritative Theory of a human who suffers and well-being; Health implies characterizes the total makes a basic distinction
Caring and Caring Science patiently endures being whole in body, soul caring reality based on between caring and
and spirit. cultural elements; nursing ethics. Caring
preserving respect, ethics, the core of nursing
dignity, and holiness of ethics, deals with patient-
human being nurse relationship Caring
nursing represents a kind
of caring without
prejudice that emphasizes
the patient and his or her
suffering and desire
Martha Rogers Science of open system continuously determined by the Irreducible, pan Both an empirical science
Unitary Human Beings connected to the interaction between dimensional sharing of and art. Purpose is to
environment. A person energy fields energy and patterns with promote health and well-
cannot be viewed as humans through being for all persons.
parts, it should be synchronous interactions
considered as a whole
Dorothea Orem The Self individual, who is with the soundness or wholeness environmental factors, intellectual quality of the
Care Deficit Nursing capacity for self of bodily structure and environment elements, individual nurse; this
Theory knowledge, who can functions; illness is its environmental conditions quality is related to
engage in deliberate opposite (external physical and creativity as well as
action, interpret psychological analysis and synthesis of
experiences, and perform surroundings) and information, all of which
beneficial actions developmental contribute to
environment development of nursing
-positively or negatively systems to assist
affects the person’s ability individuals or multiperson
to provide self care units

Imogene King Goal Social beings who are dynamic state in the life Internal environment: process of action,
Attainment General rational and sentient cycle; illness interferences transforms energy to reaction, and interaction
Systems Framework - open systems constantly with that process enable person to adjust to whereby nurse and client
Nursing Conceptual interacting with their - implies continuous continuous external share information about
environment adjustment to stress in environmental changes. their perceptions in the
- the internal and external External environment: nursing situation. The
environment involves formal and nurse and client share
informal organizations. specific goals, problems,
Betty Neuman Systems open system that the condition or degree of vital arena that is define the appropriate
Model interacts with both system stability and is germane to the system action in situations that
internal and external viewed as a continuum and its function. The are stress-related or in
environment forces or from wellness to illness. environment may be relation to possible
stressors. The human is in When system needs are viewed as all factors that reactions of the client or
constant change, moving met, optimal wellness affect and are affected by client system to stressors.
toward a dynamic state of exists the system
system stability or toward
illness of varying degrees.
Callista Roy Adaptation Bio-psycho-social being in A state and process of conditions, circumstances promote adaptation for
Theory constant interaction with being and becoming an and influence surrounding individuals and groups in
a changing environment integrated and whole that and affecting the the four adaptive modes,
reflects person and development and thus contributing to
environment mutuality behavior of a persons health, quality of life, and
dying with dignity by
assessing behavior
Dorothy Johnson Behavioral system with elusive, dynamic state factors that are not part external force acting to
patterned, repetitive and influenced by biological, of the individual’s preserve the organization
Behavioral purposeful ways of psychological, and social behavioral system, but and integration of the
behaving that link the factors that influence the system patient’s behavior to an
System Model person with the optimal level by means of
environment imposing temporary
regulatory or control
mechanisms or by
providing resources while
the patient is experiencing
stress or behavioral
system imbalance
Hildegard Peplau organism that “strives in word symbol that implies Existing forces outside the A significant therapeutic
Interpersonal Relations its own way to reduce forward movement of organism and in the interpersonal process. It
Theory tension generated by personality content of culture. functions cooperatively
need with other human
processes that make
health possible for
individuals in
Ida Jean Orlando humans in need are the replaced by a sense of NA unique and independent
focus of nursing practice helplessness as the in its concerns for an
- Deliberative initiator of a necessity for individual’s need for help
Nursing Process nursing in an immediate situation.
The efforts to meet the
Theory individual’s need for help
are carried out in an
interactive situation and
in a disciplined manner
that requires proper

Joyce Travelbee A human being Subjective health—is an human conditions and life interpersonal process
individually defined state experiences encountered whereby the professional
Human to of wellbeing in accord by all men as sufferings, nurse practitioner assists
with self-appraisal of hope, pain and illness. an individual, family or
Human physical-emotional- community to prevent or
spiritual status. cope with experience or
Relationship Objective health—is an illness and suffering
Theory absence of discernible
disease, disability or
defect as measured by
physical examination,
laboratory tests and
assessment by spiritual
director or psychological
Lydia Hall Care, 16 years of age or older self-awareness with a dealt with in relation to consisting of participation
and past the acute stage conscious selection of the individual. in the care, core, and cure
Cure, Cure of long-term illness behaviours that are aspects of patient care
optimal for that individual
Florence Receiving care innate process could be altered to Nurses help patients
Having physical, experienced as part of the improve conditions retain their own vitality
Nightingale intellectual, emotional and person’s path
able to use well every
empirical observation by meeting their basic
spiritual components that poor or difficult needs through control of
Environmental ability and the power we have to use”
environments leads to the environment
responsibility to alter augmented through
Theory innately good education and the poor health and Nursing activities were
closer to God improvement of unsanitary disease. to be based not only on
conditions compassion, but on
Disease reparative observation and
process/ is more experience, statistical
accurately portrayed as data, knowledge of
disease or the absence of sanitation and nutrition,
and administrative skills
An opportunity to gain
spiritual perspective
Not only to be well

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