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International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences

Bringing harmony in life………………….

3/18, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17, Raj., INDIA, Mobile: +91 9414044559, 9829021309
E-mail :, Web. :,,

About International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences

International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences is a non-profit making institution.
We have a group of learned Astrologers, Spiritual Masters, Palmists, Vastu Consultants,
Tarot Reader, Healers, Ramal experts all are working together for development of Vedic
and occult Sciences. Scholars are conducting research and applying these mystic and
wonderful principles for the welfare of the society.

Our Aim : || Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinaha, Sarve Santu Niraamayah. Sarve

Bhadrani Pasyantu, Maa Kaschid Duhkha Bhaag Bhavet ||

Meaning : May all be happy; May all be without disease; May all have well-
being; May none have misery of any sort.

We committed for good education. We provide you divine studies for everyone’s goodness. “We
believe in growth of everyone”.

We pray and bow our head to the Goddess Saraswati, goddess of knowledge
ljLorh egkHkkxs fo|;s dey ykspusA fo|k:is fo’kkykf{k fo|ka nsfg ueksLrqrsAA
Oh! Goddess you are the most lucky and full of knowledge, you have Lotus like big and
beautiful eyes. You are the giver of knowledge. Oh! Goddess Saraswati I bow may head
to thee, please give me knowledge and Vidya.


International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences
Bringing harmony in life………………….
3/18, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17, Raj., INDIA, Mobile: +91 9414044559, 9829021309
E-mail :, Web. :,,

Course Name : Tarot Card Reading

About Mentor: Dr. Himani J

"We are an intelligent spices and the use of our intelligence quite
properly gives us pleasure"... said by Carl Sagan.

If we choose our profession as per our desires, our soul gets

satisfaction and at this level of satisfaction we are the "REAL
ACHIVERS". I exactly did this and I choose "TAROT CARD
READING" for myself and I know I am a "REAL ACHIVER". As a
woman I am a very simple woman as like others and I am a proud
mother of a darling daughter. My husband Acharya ji is my mentor
and spiritual guide. I couldn't do anything without his support and
motivation; he is a divine PROPHET for me. I born in a family where
my grand father and other senior generations did very tough spiritual
practices: Where we learn spiritual and our Hindu rituals by birth. We
belongs a very secret cult and we practice "TANTRA MANTRA" like a
child who plays with a toy. We communicate with souls like humans,
we help them and we take guidance from them.

My parents both are astrologer and practicing from last many years.
My father is a very good mathematician that's why he is very good in
astrology calculations and my mother: she is very much intuitive and
sensitive with the energies and offcourse she is a very good
astrologer too. My grand father and my uncle did so many secret
practices with a great "SHANKRACHARYA" and "NATH YOGIS";
here I am not allowed to open this secret more. This respectful
education is floating in our blood, we don't need to learn from outside


International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences
Bringing harmony in life………………….
3/18, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17, Raj., INDIA, Mobile: +91 9414044559, 9829021309
E-mail :, Web. :,,

because our home is a hub of spiritual education. My maternal grand father practicing about the "CHAKRA EDUCATION" with a
very respected and owner able "GURU JI". I learnt so many secrets from him about this subject. So I got a wonderful family
where I learnt everything without any tough efforts.

I remember the day when I first time saw my love and my passion "TAROT CARDS". It was January 23, 1997. I was in Delhi
and it was a book exhibition. I saw a Tarot deck it was attracting me and unfortunately I had not sufficient amount to buy that.
My friend gave me some credit and I bought that. It was a major change in my recent life. When I bought that, my mother was in
my mind and I was excited to give this deck to her. In 1997 Tarot card reading was a very rare method to predict future and I
wanted that my mother should read about it. But "DESTINY WAS BUSY IN WRITING SOMETHING ELSE".... It was "ME" who
was chosen for this. When I gave this gift to my mother she said that I am not comfortable in English literature it will be good that
you read and translate this subject for me.... Oops.. Now a new responsibility was on my shoulders, I said myself: "well I will do
this". I couldn't teach my mother till now but I am teaching TAROT CARD READING from 2002. Thousand of students learnt this
beautiful science from me and doing pretty well.

I invented so many SECRET TECHNIQUES in Tarot Readings. For example a very ACCURATE TIME CALCULATION
TECHNIQUE which has proven correct, all the times and about other reading techniques you can know more from my website

1999 July, it was that time when I interact with some very high level spiritual subjects. I saw a news paper advertisement: it was
about some Yoga and Meditation techniques, I was searching for this only so it was a "WOW" factor for me. I completed my
research and Doctorate in YOGA AND MEDITATION IN 2002, I learnt high level meditation techniques and HYPNOSIS, PAST
LIFE REGRESION THERAPIES there. I read MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS of Dr. Brian L Weiss.... Then I read
"AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI".... It was my first interaction with YOGANAND JI; it changed my life completely now I am
calmer and relaxed with every challenge of my life. I am using NLP methods for resolving problems of relationships and other
emotional issues. I am teaching HYPNOTHEREPY, NLP, PAST LIFE REGRESSION from 2004. This teaching gives me every
day a new experience; I can see the every colour shade of human faces here. Now it is a very better understanding with the
NATURE. I am happy because I am working for and with every human being. When we understand secret codes of symbols or
when we understand the language of Nature our life become easier for us. For an example: when we go out from home, what
ever comes in our front or whatever attracts us, which clicked to our mind then it is a strong signal from NATURE ............. Do
not avoid this ... never ever... see the sky or trees or road, peoples, animals and everything, suddenly something will appear in
front of you as a message of divine GOD. Your day will be accordingly. When someone comes to me for his DREAM
ANALYSIS, I don't follow the books; I don't follow the other's opinion about it, I advice everyone that kindly listen to your heart.
Your mind is telling you truth don't follow other's preaches. Some myths like water means this and that, stars means bla bla
bla... please here your inner voice is your actual guide listen it carefully. When I teach COFFEE CUP READING or CRYSTAL
BALL GAZING, I advice all my students that we have some certain rules for this but when you are doing it for your friend or
anyone then first follow your intuition, listen your inner voice then the rules of COFFEE CUP READING or CRYSTAL BALL

I respect my profession because it has given me an identity; it gives me a very deep relaxation without any meditation. I love to
share other's pain and I feel proud when I give them a right solution. When people trust me and I help them I feel that I am
pleasing my divine God. I believe that when we do something good for the human grounds our divine God remove all the
hurdles and obstacles form our life. My motive of this life is spread love and peace in this world. I am working with an NGO also
where we help the slum area children. We provide them all the facility for necessary education. We have built a school building,
where all the students are learning without fees. We provide new school uniform to everyone- every year. Our NGO is providing
them free meal everyday, stationery and other important things. I am sharing with you because I want to motivate you to help
others with any which ways you can do.

Say with me that: I love my self and I love everyone and everything because this world is created by my divine God and I love
my divine source of energy I love my "MAA BHAVANI"......

Mobile : +91 9829021309, E-mail : , Web :


International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences
Bringing harmony in life………………….
3/18, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17, Raj., INDIA, Mobile: +91 9414044559, 9829021309
E-mail :, Web. :,,


Level one Covers complete prediction part. We have 78 cards in a deck, every card has many secrets.
On the picture of tarot we see many designs, many shapes and many more secret things which are
need to be reveal. We will teach you to play with Tarot cards.

Tarot cards come from where? is this Indian or any other secrets of it? Here you will learn about
history of Tarot cards.

Question framing is very important for every reader; you will learn how to frame a question.

When someone want to know about his or her query then this is very necessary to understand his
past, present and future for a correct answer. Here you will learn about framing an answer.

You will learn two type of spread one is three card spread which tells about past, present and future.
Second one is Celtic cross spread which is one of the most famous spread. It covers a very small of
area of time calculation and many other secrets.

Duration: 5 days

Fee: 10,000/- INR

In this level you will learn two GOLDEN RULES of Tarot Card Reading, Which will be very helpful for
you and your friends who trust you. Here you will learn that how we can try to change the upcoming

In this level you will learn about: “WHEN”

This level is specifically focus on TIME CALCULATION. When we frame an answer we need a very
sharp time zone. Without learning TIME CALCULATION our answer cannot be a complete answer.

You will learn how to calculate Dates and Months. The question “When this work will be done?” here
you will learn about calculating Dates and Months.

In this level you will learn about: “WHY”


International School of Astrology and Divine Sciences
Bringing harmony in life………………….
3/18, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur-17, Raj., INDIA, Mobile: +91 9414044559, 9829021309
E-mail :, Web. :,,

Our nature, our body and every live thing on this earth, we all have 5 elements Air, Water, Fire, earth
and space element. In the absence of any element we cannot live. All the five energies are very
important for a human life. You will learn about the elements and their importance in our life. Why
this is necessary in our readings? How we can change bad results with the study of elements? How
elements give us materialistic results and how we can improve the goodness and prosperity with the
element study.

Duration: 5 days

Fee: 15,000/- INR

This level is for those who want to do TAROT CARD READING professionally because this is a very
higher study of Tarot cards. In the level 3 you will learn about TAROTSCOPE. Kalsarp Yog, Pitra dosh,
Mangalik Dosh, Retrograde Planets and their results on our life.

When someone asks about solutions, in this level you will learn about the remedies. How we can
change the negativity or how we can come out from a bad state of life.

If you want to be a professional reader then this level is very important. When we use TAROTSCOPE
spread we are able to tell about each and every part of anyone’s life whether he or she is available
for reading or not. We don’t required correct time of birth or place of birth or date of birth. Here our
limitations ends and we can give results like an open sky. For an example: with a single TAROTSCOPE
we are able to tell about mother and mother in law, father and father in law, brother and brother in
law, sister and sister in law, uncle- aunty and their 1st 2nd 3rd 4th and many other children and their life
partners. Thousands of relations we can discuss from a single spread. Love marriage, arrange
marriage, broken marriage, second or third marriage, boy or girl friend’s life, extra marital affairs,
career, job or business, type of job or business, government job, relations with boss or colleagues,
court cases, property, prosperity and many more other questions.

Duration: 5 days
Fee: 21,000/- INR


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