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Name: Chambi Rosales Eddu Junior

Level: Pre-Int-3
Topic: The Environment

The environment is beautiful and wonderful in the planet, thanks to

it, the world is amazing, with a lot of animals and plants of different

species, the environment is very important for people because we

need it to survive, but a lot of people pollute with their trash, the

company sends rubbish to the beach, at the rivers and other places,

the birds are dead for cause of the contamination in the world, a lot

of animals die in the world. The environment helps the humans to

live with good health, the contamination is a warning problem, and

every years there are a lot of sick people in the world, for solution

this problem is necessary all people work together. The first we

make is recycle every day, cleaning the street, there are a lot of

ways to help, the people should learn to recycle, and in the future

the planet will be a place better.

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