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Name:_________________________________ Date:______________ 

Lord of the Flies c​ hapter 2 
Chapter 1 cont’d (summary): 
The boys decide to elect a leader. The choirboys vote for Jack, but all the other boys vote for Ralph. 
Ralph wins the vote, although Jack clearly wants the position. To satisfy Jack, Ralph asks the choir to 
serve as the hunters for the band of boys and asks Jack to lead them. 
  Jack then decides that it is important to explore their surroundings so they can decide if they 
are on an island or not. He elects Simon (one of Jack’s choirboys) to come explore with him. After 
making their way through the jungle they eventually come to the side a mountain. From the peak they 
can see that, not only are they on an island, but there are no signs of civilization anywhere. 
  On their journey back the three boys encounter a wild pig caught in a mass of vines. Jack, 
being the leader of the hunters, draws his knife to kill it, but he hesitates and it gets away. Ralph 
questions why Jack couldn’t do it and in a fit of anger Jack promises to never hesitate again and slams 
his knife into a tree. The chapter ends with the three boys making their way back for another meeting 
with the group. 
Today you will read chapter 2 and answer the comprehension questions below. ​Answers must be in 
complete sentences.  
Chapter 2 Title: Fire On the Mountain  
What is the first rule Ralph makes as leader on the island? 
This quote shows that the first rule is ¨we can't have everyone talking at once, well have to have 
´hands up´ like at school¨….. I'll give the conch to the next person whos speaking but he won't be 
interrupted except by me ¨ this is showing us how ralph made a rule that is responsible and is a better 
way for communicating with the boys , also it´s showing the boys how he is a good leader. 
2. This shows that Ralph is trying to create: 
a) Chaos 
b) Conflict 
c) Order 
d) A dictatorship 
3. On pages 35-36, describe what the small boy sees in the “woods.” 
The small boy sees a snake in the woods, on pg 36 it says ¨did you hear that? Says ralph, he saw the 
thing in the dark, He still says he saw the beastie. It came and went away again an came back and 
wanted to eat him alive¨ this is how the boy describes what he saw in the woods and how the boys 
laughed and said he was dreaming.

4. What is the difference between Ralph and Jack’s response to the “beastie” and how does this 
further characterize them? 
The difference between Ralph is that he doesn't take his people seriously, this will characterize him as 
an irresponsible leader who won't listen to his people. On page 36 the author says ¨he must have had a 
nightmare. Stumbling about all those creepers….. But there isn't a beastie¨ This is showing how he 
does not wanna be convinced that ¨beastie¨ is real and the older boys are starting to notice what kind 
of person he actually is. Jacks response is a more mature response. On page 36 the author says ¨but if 
there was a snake we´d hunt it and kill it¨ jack is more open minded than ralph he is aware of what is 
going on and trying to figure out a solution. 
5. What is the group’s next mission? How would we describe Ralph’s management skills? 
They were planning on ralph's dad to come and save them and they thought if a ship came by it 
wouldn't see them so they decided to make a fire. On page 38 ¨ we can help them find us so we must 
make smoke on top of the mountain¨ this is showing how ralphs management skills are pretty strong 
and he is smart about the way he thinks. 
6. How were the boys able to successfully start the fire?  
The boys were successfully able to start a fire by getting piggy's glasses and reflecting it and it created 
fire. On page 41 the author says ¨ralph moved the lenses back and forth...till the glossy image of the 
declining sun lay on a piece of rotten wood , jack knelt too and blew gently , flame appeared¨ The 
boys were smart about the tools they used and the structure they made. 
7. What did Piggy think they should have done before building a fire? Why would this be important? 
Piggy thinks that they should have made a shelter first. This would be important because what if they 
did not successfully build the fire then they would stay in the cold night, piggy was thinking smarty. 
On page 45 the author says ¨I got the conch! Just you listen!the first thing we ought to have made was 
shelters down there by the beach¨. Piggy was being smart about where they would stay all night. 
8. What happens with the fire? What shocking news to we learn at the end of the chapter?  
The fire got larger not only flames. On page 46 the author says ¨piggy stood up and pointed to the 
smoke and flames. A murmur rose among the boys and died away.¨ This is showing how piggy 
notices the fire. The news is that piggy fell in the rocks. 

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