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NARRATOR: It was a hot day in the woods, and Alice, a happy little girl, began to get tired of sitting

near her sister who was reading a book under a tree.

 ALICE: How can my sister read a book without pictures? Oh, if it was not so hot I would be
making a string of daisies.

NARRATOR: Then, suddenly, a White Rabbit with pink eyes ran close to her. The rabbit said to

 WHITE RABBIT: Oh dear! Oh darling!. Time is up, I'll be late!

NARRATOR: Alice was surprised, then saw how the Rabbit took a watch from the pocket of his
vest, looked at it and then escaped. Alice stood up quickly.

 ALICE: A Rabbit with a vest and a watch! I have to catch him!

NARRATOR: Alice ran across the field behind the rabbit, and when she was about to catch it, the
little animal entered a large rabbit hole under the hedge, and said.

 WHITE RABBIT: I can not be late!

NARRATOR: Alice followed the Rabbit and entered. The rabbit hole went straight like a tunnel
somehow, and then it plunged down suddenly.

 ALICE: I'm falling through a very deep well ... but I'm falling very slowly! It's strange, the
sides of the well are full of cupboards and shelves, and there are pictures and maps! Over
there, there's a jar of strawberry jam, mmmmm, I'll eat it! Oh, it's empty!

NARRATOR: Suddenly, the girl fell into a pile of dry leaves without hurting herself. Alice stood up,
and there was another long passage, and there was the White Rabbit still running.

 WHITE RABBIT: Oh, my ears and whiskers, now I'm too late!

NARRATOR: Once again, the girl was about to catch him, when the Rabbit turned to a corner and
disappeared. Alice was in a large, low room, very well lit and surrounded by doors of different
sizes. She tried to open them.

 ALICE: All the doors are closed! How will I get out of here? ... There, in the center of the
room there is a glass table. But where did it come from? I was not there a few minutes
ago. I'm sure of that! . On the table there is a small golden key, mmmm, it is very small, it
does not open any door!

NARRATOR: However, on the second time, Alice saw behind a curtain, a very small door, tried the
small golden key in the lock and, to her great joy, the door opened. The door led to a small narrow
passage. He knelt and looked along the passage, the prettiest garden he had ever seen.

 ALICE: Oh, I want to go to that garden! But how could it? I will never go through the small
door. Oh, if I could shrink like a telescope, then I could surely go to that garden. I'll see if I
can find another key on the table. Oh, well, there is no other key! But what is this little
bottle? I was not here before! It says on the label, drink. I'll see that it does not say poison.
No, nothing indicates that it's poison, I'll try, mmmm, I like it, I'm going to drink the whole
bottle. I feel strange. I'm getting smaller, like a telescope.

NARRATOR: Now he was only ten inches tall. Then he went to the small door, hoping to go out
into the garden. But, poor Alice, the door was locked, and she forgot the key to the table. He tried
to grab it by lifting one of the legs of the table, but since it was made of glass, it was very slippery.
Then he sat on the ground and cried.

 ALICE: I'm acting like a fool. It's no use crying! But there is a little box under the table!

NARRATOR: Alice opened the box, and said.

 ALICE: She has a cupcake that says EAT ME! Well, I'll eat it. Something wonderful has to
happen. I have learned that in this place, everything is wonderful.

NARRATOR: He ate a little, but he noticed that there was no difference, so he continued to eat
until all the cake was finished. So…

 ALICE: I am getting bigger!. Good-bye dear feet! . You are almost out of sight, so far off!.
What´s worse, is that I keep growing!. Oh! I hurt my head with the roof!. I am more that
nine feet high! I am a big girl!. But now I can take the key.

NARRATOR: Poor big girl. But the only thing she could do was to lie down on the floor, and look
through the door into the garden with one eye. Then she began to cry again.

 ALICE: I should be ashamed of myself!. It´s not right that a great girl like me, cries like a

NARRATOR: But she kept crying and crying, until there was a large pool of tears all around her.
Then she heard some footsteps, and at last she stopped crying. There it was, the White Rabbit,
very splendidly dressed, with a pair of white gloves in one hand, and a fan in the other.

 WHITE RABBIT: Oh, by this time the Duchess must be savage!. I can´t keep her waiting
 ALICE: Mr. Rabbit!. Mr. Rabbit!. Wait Please!. Just a moment!. Listen to me!.

NARRATOR: When the Rabbit heard Alice, it got scared and dropped the white gloves and the
fan, and ran away as fast as it could. Alice picked up the gloves and the fan, and since it was hot,
she fanned herself, and said.

 ALICE: What a day!. Yesterday everything was so normal. Oh, I am getting smaller again!.
I wonder why!. Maybe it´s the fan!.

NARRATOR: She dropped the fan just when she was about to disappeared.

 ALICE: Now I can go to the garden!.

NARRATOR: She started walking when she heard something.

 ALICE: Oh, it's a mouse! But since I am small now, I see it huge! I'll talk with the mouse,
maybe you can answer me! Tell me, mouse, do you know how to enter the garden?
NARRATOR: The mouse looked at her, but did not respond. Alice thought that perhaps the mouse
did not understand English, so she said the only thing she could remember in French.

 ALICE: Où est mon chat?

NARRATOR: Suddenly, the Mouse ran away.

 ALICE: Oh, please, forgive me! I forgot that mice do not like cats.
 MOUSE: Look girl! I have my own reasons why I do not like cats, some day I will tell you
my story and then you will understand how I feel.
 ALICE: Dear Mouse, you promised to tell me your story, I'll be glad to hear it.
 MOUSE: I must tell you that my story is very sad and long like my tail.
 ALICE: Your tail is long.

NARRATOR: The girl was looking at the mouse's tail, but she did not know why she was sad. Alice
did not pay attention to the history of the mouse, so when the mouse finished speaking, she said.

 MOUSE: Girl, you're not paying attention. What are you thinking about?. I have a lump in
the throat !.
 ALICE: A knot! Oh, let me help you undo it. I always undo the ribbon that my cat has on
the neck.
 MOUSE: Young lady, you insult me and you offend me!
 ALICE: You always get offended!
 MOUSE: You need more education! I'm going!.
 ALICE: He's gone! In this strange country nobody likes cats. Someone comes, maybe it's
the mouse that changed his mind, but no ... It's the White Rabbit!
 WHITE RABBIT: The Duchess! The Duchess!. Oh my skin and mustaches! She will execute
me, surely two plus two equals eight! Where did I leave the gloves?

NARRATOR: The Rabbit was looking for the gloves and the fan. Alice, wanting to help, started
looking for them. Like magic, the room had completely vanished. At last, the Rabbit noticed Alice,
and told him.

 WHITE RABBIT: Mary Ann, what are you doing here? Run home right now, and bring me
another pair of gloves and a fan. Quick now !.

NARRATOR: Alice was so scared that she ran off in the direction she pointed, without trying to
explain the mistake she had made.

 ALICE: He took me for his maid, but I'd better bring her her fan and her gloves, that is, if I
can find them.
 ALICE: Now I have to eat or drink something to grow to my right size again. I wonder what
it will be.

NARRATOR: Near her there was a big mushroom. She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped
over the edge of the mushroom, and she saw a large blue caterpillar, that was sitting on the top
smoking a long hookah. The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each. At last the Caterpillar took the
hookah out of its mouth, and talked to her in a languid voice.
 CATERPILLAR : Who are you?.
 ALICE: I suppose I don´t know. At least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I
think I must have been changed several times since then.
 CATERPILLAR: What do you mean by that?. Explain yourself!.
 ALICE: I´m afraid I can’t explain myself. But when you have to turn into a chrysalis, and
then after that into a butterfly, you will feel like I do.
 CATERPILLAR: Chrysalis… butterfly… I don´t like the idea. Now tell me, who are you?.
 ALICE: IT´s better if I go, Mr. Caterpillar, or we will start the conversation all over again.
Put the hookah into your mouth and start smoking again. See you!
 CATERPILLAR: Come back!. I’ve something important to say!.

NARRATOR: Alice turned and came back again.

 ALICE: What is it?.

 CATERPILLAR: Keep your temper.
 ALICE: Is that all?.
 CATERPILLAR: Of course not. So you think you have changed?.
 ALICE: I don´t think so. I don’t keep the same size for fifteen minutes together!.
 CATERPILLAR: Are you content now?.
 ALICE: Impossible. I would like to be a little larger. I must measure three inches height.
It´s ridiculous!.
 CATERPILLAR: It is a very good height!. That´s what I measure.
 ALICE: Forgive me, Mr. Caterpillar, don´t feel offended, but I am not used to being so
 CATERPILLAR: You’ll get used to it.

NARRATOR: The Caterpillar put the hookah into its mouth and began smoking again. Then it
took the hookah out of its mouth and yawned several times. Then it got down off the mushroom,
and crawled away in the grass, and said.

 CATERPILLAR: One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow
 ALICE: One side of what?. The other side of what?.
 CATERPILLAR: Of the mushroom, everybody knows that.

NARRATOR: As soon as the Caterpillar left, Alice stretched her arms, and cut a piece of the
mushroom. One piece with her right arm, and another piece with her left arm. Then she ate a
little from both hands until she was of normal size. Then she put some bread in her pocket, and
kept walking through the forest. Suddenly she saw a large black cat who was grinning from ear to
ear, it was Cheshire Cat.

 ALICE: Oh, would you tell me, please, which way I have to go from here?.
 CHESHIRE CAT: Ha, ha, ha, ha, that depends on where you want to get to.
 ALICE: I don’t care that much.
 CHESHIRE CAT: THEN it doesn’t matter which way you go.
 ALICE: As long as I get somewhere. What kind of people live here?.
 CHESHIRE CAT: To the north, lives a Hatter. And to the south lives a March Hare. Visit
either you like, they’re both mad.
 ALICE: But I don’t like mad people.
 CHESHIRE CAT: We’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad.
 ALICE: Why do you say that?. How do you know I’m mad?.
 CHESHIRE CAT: Because you are here. Tell me, are you going to play croquet with the
Queen today?.
 ALICE: I like croquet, but I haven’t been invited yet.
 CHESHIRE CAT: Anyway, you’ll see me there.

NARRATOR: And the Cat vanished. But it vanished quite slowly. First, its tail. Then, its legs.
Next, its body, and finally its grim.

 CHESHIRE CAT: Ha, ha, ha, ha.

 ALICE: This is funny!. I’ve often seen a cat without a grin, but a grin without a cat! I´ll go
visit the Hare.

NARRATOR: She hadn´t gone much farther, when she saw the house of the March Hare. The
chimneys were shaped like ears and the roof was made of fur. She walked toward the house, and
ate a small piece of the magical mushroom. There was a table set out under a tree in front of the
house, and the March hare and the hatter were having tea. One dormouse was sitting between
them, asleep, and the other two used it as a cushion. The table was large, but the three of them
were all piled up in a corner. When Alice approached them, they said.

 HATCH, CAT AND MOUSE: There is no place for you! There is no room!
 ALICE: Of course there is! I will sit in that chair.
 MOUSE: Then drink some wine!
 ALICE: How can I drink wine, if there is only tea!
 MOUSE: I knew there was no wine.
 ALICE: Then why do you tell me to drink it? You are not being educated!
 MOUSE: Well, it's not polite to sit without being invited.
 ALICE: I did not know what your table was, it's programmed for more than four.
 NARRATOR: Meanwhile, the Hatter was looking at Alice in silence. Finally he said.
 HATTER: You should cut your hair, it's too long.
 ALICE: I can see they did not tell you not to make personal comments.
 HATTER: Tell me, why is a crow like a desk?
 ALICE: I like riddles. I think I can guess that.
 MOUSE: You mean you know the answer?
 ALICE: Yes, I do.
 MOUSE: tell me what you think Say what you want to say.
 ALICE: Yes, at least I want to say what I say, it's the same.
 HATTER: It's not the same. Is it the same to say that I see what I eat, when I eat what I see?
... or I like what I have, since I have what I like? Or do I breathe when I sleep, how do I
sleep when I breathe?
NARRATOR: There was silence for a minute, while Alice thought about everything she could
remember about crows and desks. Then the Hatter said as he looked at his watch.

 HATTER: What day is today?

 ALICE: It's the fourth one.
 HATTER: This clock is wrong for two days. I told you mouse, that the butter would not
 MOUSE: It was the best butter. Let me see your watch. I'll dip it in the tea and I hope it
 ALICE: What a funny watch. It tells you the day of the month, but not the time.
 HATTER: Does your watch tell you what year it is?
 ALICE: Of course not.
 HATTER: Then I do not see anything strange with mine. The bedroom is asleep again, I'll
pour some hot tea on the nose. Now that I remember, do you have the answer to the
 ALICE: No, I give up, what is the answer?
 HATTER: We have no idea. Is not it okay, mouse?
 Mouse: That's right. We are getting bored. Tell us a story, miss.
 ALICE: At this moment, I can not remember any.

NARRATOR: Alice was angry at his rudeness, got up and walked away. None of the others tried to
stop her, although she looked back once or twice, almost hoping to be called: the last time she
saw them, they were trying to put the Dormouse in the teapot.

 ALICE: I do not want to see you again! Oh, in that tree! There is a small door! I will enter
But what a beautiful garden! It's the one I saw through the small door in that room. There
are colorful flowers and cool fountains!

NARRATOR: A large rose-tree stood near the entrance of the garden. The roses growing on it were
white, but there were three poker cards, who were gardeners. busily painting them red. Alice
heard their conversation.

 TWO: Look out, Five!. You´re splashing paint all over me!.
 FIVE: It wasn´t me. It was Seven, he pushed me with his elbow.
 TWO: You are always blaming me.
 FIVE: Two, be quiet. Yesterday, the Queen said you deserved to be beheaded!.
 TWO: Why?.
 FIVE: That’s none of your business, Two!. Look, a little girl!.
 ALICE: Would you be so kind to tell me why you are painting those roses?.
 TWO: You see, Miss, we made a mistake. We planted a white rose tree, instead of a red
one, just as the Queen told us. So we are doing our best, before she comes.
 FIVE: Quiet!. The Queen!.

NARRATOR: The three gardeners instantly threw themselves to the floor, flat on their faces.
There was a sound of many footsteps, and Alice looked around, eager to see the Queen. Next the
Queen of Hearts. When the procession came opposite to Alice, they all stopped and looked at her,
and the Queen said.

 QUEEN: Who is she?. Nobody knows!. What’s your name, girl?.

 ALICE: My name is Alice, your Majesty.
 QUEEN: And who are these on the floor?. All my courtiers are the same on the opposite
side!. Answer me, Alice!.
 ALICE: How should I know?. It’s none of my business.
 QUEEN: Off with her head!.
 WHITE RABBIT : One moment, don´t you see my dear Queen, that she is only a child?.
Maybe she knows how to play croquet.
 QUEEN: If she knows how to play, I will forgive her. Alice, follow me, stand beside the
 ALICE: Hello, Mr. Rabbit, we finally meet again. Where´s the Duchess?.
 WHITE RABBIT: Quiet!. She will be executed.
 ALICE: Why?.
 WHITE RABBIT: She was late, the Queen was angry, and the Duchess slapped her.
 ALICE: Ha, ha, it´s funny.
 WHITE RABBIT: The Queen will hear you!. We have arrived to the croquet-ground.

NARRATOR: The ground was strange. It was all ridges and furrows. The balls were live
hedgehogs, the mallets live flamingoes, and the soldiers had to double themselves up and to stand
on their hands and feet, to make the arches. When the Queen shouted, people began running in
all directions, tumbling up against each other. But when someone was about to beat the Queen,
she shouted.

 QUEEN: Off with his head!.

 NARRATOR: Alice played as best as she could, but when she beat the Queen, she said.
 QUEEN: Off with her head!.
 ALICE: You can´t leave me without my head. I have the right to be judged!.
 ALICE: If I grow up to my full size, I'll be safe. It is my only opportunity. Yes, I'm growing,
I'm getting bigger and bigger!
 QUEEN: First I will say the prayer, then the verdict. Get out with your head!
 ALICE: I do not think you can do it, queen of hearts! You are nothing more than a letter!
And I'm big!
 QUEEN: I order you to remain silent!
 ALICE: I'm not going to be quiet! You are all just a packet of letters! I'm not afraid of you!

NARRATOR: He tried to stop, but then discovered that he had his head in his sister's lap and that
everything had been a wonderful dream.

 ALICE: Dear sister, I had such a curious dream! Someday I'll tell you.

NARRATOR: Suddenly, Alice saw a Rabbit.

 ALICE: Look! Look sister! A white rabbit with a vest and a watch! I will follow !. Come!.
Come with me to the country of wonders! THE END

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