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In the fourth week in the teaching practice, I noticed different transitions

from the teacher and it was very effective with the students in the
classrooms, also I used these transitions when I thought them. For
example, when they are talking while there are working, if it's time to
clean up or time to go to the next activity…
I try to manage the timing for transitions and sometimes it got smoothly.
For example, I used "One, Two, Three - Eyes on me", students say "One,
Two - Eyes on you" and they must stop whatever they do and focus on
me. This transition promotes teamwork and the participation of others.
And reduces unwanted behavior in the classroom.
Sometimes I forget the time because I am working with the students,
answer their questions, help them, or observing them while they are
working. Also, sometimes the students being noisy and didn't care about
my transition because they are feeling tired or boring, especially in the
last classes.

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